LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010


00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
00003  * Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
00004  * 
00005  * This file is part of the LTI-Computer Vision Library (LTI-Lib)
00006  *
00007  * The LTI-Lib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
00009  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00010  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * The LTI-Lib is distributed in the hope that it will be
00013  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
00015  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
00018  * License along with the LTI-Lib; see the file LICENSE.  If
00019  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
00020  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
00021  */ 
00023 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
00024  * project ....: LTI Digital Image/Signal Processing Library
00025  * file .......: ltikNNClassifier.h
00026  * authors ....: Frederik Lange
00027  * organization: LTI, RWTH Aachen
00028  * creation ...: 15.06.2003
00029  * revisions ..: $Id: ltiKNNClassifier.h,v 1.15 2006/02/07 18:18:59 ltilib Exp $
00030  */
00032 #ifndef _LTI_KNN_CLASSIFIER_H_
00033 #define _LTI_KNN_CLASSIFIER_H_
00035 #include "ltiSupervisedInstanceClassifier.h"
00036 #include "ltiKdTree.h"
00038 #include <map>
00039 #include <vector>
00041 namespace lti {
00042   /**
00043    * Implements a k nearest neighbors search based classifier.
00044    *
00045    * The simplest case of a k-nearest neighbor classifier is for k=1, also
00046    * known as a nearest neighbor classifier, which assings as winner class for
00047    * a test point \a x the one belonging to the nearest sample point.
00048    *
00049    * For k>1, a k nearest neighbor classifier assigns to a point \a x the class
00050    * most represented in the k nearest neighbors.  In the simplest case, each
00051    * of the k nearest sample points vote with the same weight for their
00052    * respective classes.  In more sophisticated cases, each point will vote
00053    * with a weight depending on the total number of sample points of its class
00054    * and/or the ratio between the distance of the test point to the winner
00055    * sample and the distance of the test point to the first sample point
00056    * belonging to another class.
00057    *
00058    * At this point, only the use of Euclidean distance is allowed.
00059    *
00060    * This classifier uses a kd-Tree to perform the search in an efficient
00061    * manner, but shows therefore also the drawbacks of a normal kd-Tree: it is
00062    * not suitable for higher dimensional spaces.  If you use high-dimensional
00063    * spaces, maybe you should try increasing the bucket size, or activating
00064    * the best-bin-first mode, which is a suggestion of David Lowe to get
00065    * an aproximative solution (accurate enough) in much less time.
00066    *
00067    * This classificator differs a little bit from the other LTI-Lib
00068    * classificators.  Since the whole training set is stored as sample points,
00069    * it is useful in many applications to obtain, besides the winner class,
00070    * the exact winner samples.  Therefore, this class administrates two sets
00071    * of ID numbers.  One set for the classe IDs, which is used the same way
00072    * than all other LTI-Lib classifiers, and a second set that administrates
00073    * IDs for each sample point.  This second set can be explicitelly given, or
00074    * generated automatically.  You can then for example use some tables
00075    * containing additional information for each winner point, that are accessed
00076    * using the point ID.
00077    * 
00078    * Example:
00079    *
00080    * \code
00081    *
00082    * #include <iostream>
00083    * #include <fstream>
00084    *
00085    * #include "ltiKNNClassifier.h"
00086    * #include "ltiLispStreamHandler.h"
00087    *
00088    * // ...
00089    *
00090    * double inData[] = {-1,-1,
00091    *                    -1, 0,
00092    *                    -1,+1,
00093    *                    +0,+1,
00094    *                    +1,+1,
00095    *                    +1,+0,
00096    *                    +1,-1,
00097    *                    +0,-1,
00098    *                    +0,+0};
00099    *
00100    * lti::dmatrix inputs(9,2,inData);     // training vectors
00101    *
00102    * int idsData[] = {1,0,2,1,0,2,1,0,1}; // and the respective ids
00103    * lti::ivector ids(9,idsData);
00104    *
00105    * lti::kNNClassifier knn;  // our nearest neighbor classifier
00106    *
00107    * lti::kNNClassifier::parameters param;
00108    * param.useReliabilityMeasure = false;
00109    * knn.setParameters(param);
00110    *
00111    * // we want to see some info while training
00112    * streamProgressInfo prog(std::cout);
00113    * knn.setProgressObject(prog);
00114    *
00115    * // train the network
00116    * knn.train(inputs,ids);
00117    *
00118    * // let us save our network for future use
00119    * // in the file called mlp.dat
00120    * std::ofstream out("knn.dat");
00121    * lti::lispStreamHandler lsh(out);
00122    *
00123    * // save the network
00124    * knn.write(lsh);
00125    * // close the file
00126    * out.close();
00127    *
00128    * // show some results with the same training set:
00129    *
00130    * lti::kNNClassifier::outputVector outv; // here we will get some
00131    *                                        // classification results
00132    * std::cout << std::endl << "Results: " << std::endl;
00133    *
00134    * int id;
00135    * dvector sample(2,0.0);
00136    * // generate some points and check which would be the winner class
00137    * for ( = -1; <= 1; {
00138    *   for ( = -1; <= 1; {
00139    * 
00140    *     knn.classify(sample,outv);
00141    *     std::cout << "Input " << sample << " \tOutput: ";
00142    *     outv.getId(outv.getWinnerUnit(),id);
00143    *     std::cout << id;
00144    *     std::cout << std::endl;
00145    *   }
00146    * }
00147    *
00148    * \endcode
00149    */
00150   class kNNClassifier : public supervisedInstanceClassifier {
00151   public:
00153     /**
00154      * the parameters for the class kNNClassifier
00155      */
00156     class parameters : public supervisedInstanceClassifier::parameters {
00157     public:
00159       /**
00160        * default constructor
00161        */
00162       parameters();
00164       /**
00165        * copy constructor
00166        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00167        */
00168       parameters(const parameters& other);
00170       /**
00171        * destructor
00172        */
00173       virtual ~parameters();
00175       /**
00176        * returns name of this type.
00177        */
00178       const char* getTypeName() const;
00180       /**
00181        * copy the contents of a parameters object
00182        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00183        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00184        */
00185       parameters& copy(const parameters& other);
00187       /**
00188        * copy the contents of a parameters object
00189        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00190        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00191        */
00192       parameters& operator=(const parameters& other);
00195       /**
00196        * returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters
00197        */
00198       virtual classifier::parameters* clone() const;
00200       /**
00201        * write the parameters in the given ioHandler
00202        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00203        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00204        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00205        * @return true if write was successful
00206        */
00207       virtual bool write(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00209       /**
00210        * read the parameters from the given ioHandler
00211        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00212        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00213        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00214        * @return true if write was successful
00215        */
00216       virtual bool read(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00218 #     ifdef _LTI_MSC_6
00219       /**
00220        * this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00221        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00222        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00223        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00224        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use read() instead
00225        */
00226       bool readMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00228       /**
00229        * this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00230        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00231        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00232        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00233        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use write() instead
00234        */
00235       bool writeMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00236 #     endif
00238       // ------------------------------------------------
00239       // the parameters
00240       // ------------------------------------------------
00242       /**
00243        * How many nearest neighbors should be determined per classification.
00244        *
00245        * Default value: 1 (i.e. nearest neighbor classifier)
00246        */
00247       int kNN;
00249       /**
00250        * Normalize data to equal number of data samples.
00251        * 
00252        * The traditional k-NN classificator assumes that the a-priori
00253        * probability of a class is given as the number of patterns belonging
00254        * to the class divided by the total number of patterns.  In many
00255        * recognition classifications, however, the classes are all
00256        * equiprobable.  If normalizeData is set to true this second
00257        * alternative will be chosen.  In other words, if set to true, the
00258        * samples will be weighted relative to the number of samples per class.
00259        * If set to false, each sample has the weight 1.
00260        *
00261        * Default value is true
00262        */
00263       bool normalizeData;
00265       /**
00266        * Normalize the output vector.
00267        *
00268        * The k-nearest neighbor algorithm counts how many elements per class
00269        * are present in the nearest k points to the test point.  This voting
00270        * can be altered by the \a normalizeData parameter to count not one
00271        * per class, but 1/nc, where nc is the number of elements of the
00272        * corresponding class in the training set.
00273        *
00274        * The output can be returned "as is" setting this parameter to false,
00275        * or can be normalized to become a probability value setting this
00276        * parameter to true.
00277        *
00278        * Default value: true
00279        */
00280       bool normalizeOutput;
00282       /**
00283        * @name Reliability
00284        */
00285       //@{
00286       /**
00287        * Use the reliability measure suggested by Lowe. 
00288        *
00289        * Lowe suggested in his paper: "Distinctive Image Features from
00290        * Scale Invariant Keypoints", June, 2003 the use of a
00291        * reliability measure for classification.  It is defined as
00292        * the ratio between the distance from the analyzed point \a p
00293        * to the closest sample point \a w, and the distance from the
00294        * same point \a p to the closest point that belongs to a class
00295        * different to the one of the point \a w.
00296        *
00297        * You usually use this mode with kNN=1.  The normalization of the
00298        * output should be deactivated.
00299        * 
00300        * Default value: false
00301        */
00302       bool useReliabilityMeasure;
00304       /**
00305        * If useReliabilityMeasure is true, then the weight of a point
00306        * can be determined using the ratio of two distances, but there
00307        * are many possiblities to consider this ratio.  Several simple
00308        * modes are provided here.  Let \e d1 be the distance to the
00309        * winner sample point and \e d2 the distance to the closest point
00310        * belonging to a different class than the winner.
00311        */
00312       enum eReliabilityMode {
00313         Linear,      /**< The weight is determined as 
00314                           min(1.0,((d2/d1)-1)/(threshold-1))).  The threshold
00315                           must be strict greater than 1.0 */
00316         Exponential, /**< The weight is determined as
00317                           1.0 - exp(-(d2/d1 - 1)/threshold) */
00318       };
00320       /**
00321        * Reliability mode used.
00322        *
00323        * For possible values see eReliabilityMode.
00324        *
00325        * Default value: Linear
00326        */
00327       eReliabilityMode reliabilityMode;
00329       /**
00330        * Threshold value used for the reliability function
00331        *
00332        * Default value: 10, i.e. distances ratios greater than d2/d1 should be
00333        *                    consider with the same weight.
00334        */
00335       double reliabilityThreshold;
00337       /**
00338        * Maximal number of neighbors considered while detecting the
00339        * second point belonging to another class than the winner.  If
00340        * no point was found within this number of points, a "perfectly"
00341        * reliable point will be assumed.
00342        *
00343        * Default value: 20
00344        */
00345       int maxUnreliableNeighborhood;
00347       //@}
00349       /**
00350        * @name Nearest neighbor search options
00351        *
00352        * The search is optimized using a kd-Tree.  The parameters in
00353        * this group control how the tree is organized or how to search
00354        * for the data therein.
00355        */
00356       //@{
00357       /**
00358        * Best Bin First.
00359        *
00360        * If this parameter is set to true, the Best Bin First (BBF) algorithm
00361        * of Lowe et. al will be applied.  It is an approximative algorithm
00362        * appropriate for spaces of relative high dimensionality (100 or so)
00363        * in which some improbable bins are discarded in the search.
00364        *
00365        * Note that if you activate this, the result is possible optimal, but
00366        * not optimal.
00367        *
00368        * Default value: false
00369        */
00370       bool bestBinFirst;
00372       /**
00373        * Maximum visit number per leaf node allowed.
00374        *
00375        * This is only required if you specify a best-bin-first (BBF)
00376        * search.  It is the maximal number of visits allowed for leaf
00377        * nodes. (in the original paper is called Emax).  
00378        *
00379        * Usually this value depends on many factors.  You can set it
00380        * as a percentage of the expected number of leaf nodes
00381        * (approximately number of points/bucketSize).
00382        *
00383        * Default value: 100, but you should set it in order for BBF to work
00384        *                     appropriatelly.
00385        */
00386       int eMax;
00388       /**
00389        * Bucket size.
00390        *
00391        * Each node of the kd-Tree can contain several points.  The search
00392        * within a node is made with linear search, i.e. the brute force method
00393        * computing the distances to each single point.  This parameter 
00394        * indicates the number of points that will be stored in the node.
00395        * The name "bucket" comes from the original kd-Tree paper.
00396        *
00397        * Default value: 5
00398        */
00399       int bucketSize;
00400       //@}
00401     };
00403     /**
00404      * default constructor
00405      */
00406     kNNClassifier();
00408     /**
00409      * copy constructor
00410      * @param other the object to be copied
00411      */
00412     kNNClassifier(const kNNClassifier& other);
00414     /**
00415      * destructor
00416      */
00417     virtual ~kNNClassifier();
00419     /**
00420      * returns the name of this type ("kNNClassifier")
00421      */
00422     virtual const char* getTypeName() const;
00424     /**
00425      * copy data of "other" clustering.
00426      * @param other the clustering to be copied
00427      * @return a reference to this clustering object
00428      */
00429     kNNClassifier& copy(const kNNClassifier& other);
00431     /**
00432      * alias for copy member
00433      * @param other the clustering to be copied
00434      * @return a reference to this clustering object
00435      */
00436     kNNClassifier& operator=(const kNNClassifier& other);
00438     /**
00439      * returns a pointer to a clone of this clustering.
00440      */
00441     virtual classifier* clone() const;
00443     /**
00444      * returns used parameters
00445      */
00446     const kNNClassifier::parameters& getParameters() const;
00448     /**
00449      * Supervised training.  The vectors in the <code>input</code> matrix
00450      * are arranged row-wise, i.e. each row contains one data vector.
00451      * The <code>ids</code> vector contains the class label for each row.
00452      *
00453      * This is an alternative method to trainObject().  You cannot add further 
00454      * objects after you have called train(), nor can you call train()
00455      * after calling trainObject(), since all data provided with trainObject()
00456      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00457      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00458      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00459      *
00460      * As ids for each feature point the index of the corresponding matrix
00461      * row will be used.
00462      *
00463      * @param input the matrix with the input vectors (each row is a training
00464      *              vector)
00465      * @param ids vector of class ids for each input point
00466      *
00467      * @return true if successful, false otherwise. (if false you can check
00468      *              the error message with getStatusString())
00469      */
00470     virtual bool train(const dmatrix& input,
00471                        const ivector& ids);
00473     /**
00474      * Supervised training.  The vectors in the <code>input</code> matrix
00475      * are arranged row-wise, i.e. each row contains one data vector.
00476      * The <code>ids</code> vector contains the class label for each row.
00477      *
00478      * This is an alternative method to trainObject().  You cannot add further 
00479      * objects after you have called train(), nor can you call train()
00480      * after calling trainObject(), since all data provided with trainObject()
00481      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00482      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00483      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00484      *
00485      * As ids for each feature point the index of the corresponding values
00486      * will be used.
00487      *
00488      * @param input the matrix with the input vectors (each row is a training
00489      *              vector)
00490      * @param ids vector of class ids for each input point
00491      * @param pointIds vector containing the ids for each single feature point
00492      *                 of the training set.
00493      *
00494      * @return true if successful, false otherwise. (if false you can check
00495      *              the error message with getStatusString())
00496      */
00497     virtual bool train(const dmatrix& input,
00498                        const ivector& ids,
00499                        const ivector& pointIds);
00501     /**
00502      * Adds an object to this classifier. The id is given automatically
00503      * and returned in the parameter.
00504      *
00505      * After you have trained several objects, you must call the build() 
00506      * method to finish the training process.  If you don't do it, the 
00507      * classifier will ignore everything you have provided.
00508      *
00509      * This is an alternative method to train().  You cannot add further 
00510      * objects after you have called train, nor can you call train()
00511      * after calling this method, since all data provided with trainObject
00512      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00513      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00514      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00515      *
00516      * Note that the difference with the method trainObjectId() is that here
00517      * you receive as as returned argument the id assigned to the object,
00518      * while in the method trainObjectId() you decide which id should be
00519      * used for the given object.
00520      *
00521      * As id for each point in the given matrix will be used the row index 
00522      * plus the number of points trained until now, i.e. just the successive
00523      * numeration of each sample point will be continued.
00524      *
00525      * @param input each row of this matrix represents a point in the feature
00526      *              space belonging to one single class.
00527      * @param id    this id will be used for the class represented by the
00528      *              points in the \a input matrix.
00529      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
00530      */
00531     virtual bool trainObject(const dmatrix& input, int& id);
00533     /**
00534      * Adds an object to this classifier. The id is given automatically
00535      * and returned in the parameter.
00536      *
00537      * After you have trained several objects, you must call the build() 
00538      * method to finish the training process.  If you don't do it, the 
00539      * classifier will ignore everything you have provided.
00540      *
00541      * This is an alternative method to train().  You cannot add further 
00542      * objects after you have called train, nor can you call train()
00543      * after calling this method, since all data provided with trainObject
00544      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00545      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00546      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00547      *
00548      * Note that the difference with the method trainObjectId() is that here
00549      * you will receive as a returned argument the id assigned to the object,
00550      * while in the method trainObjectId() you decide which id should be
00551      * used for the given object.
00552      *
00553      * @param input each row of this matrix represents a point in the feature
00554      *              space belonging to one single class.
00555      * @param id    this id will be used for the class represented by the
00556      *              points in the \a input matrix.
00557      * @param pointIds each point in the \a input matrix will have its own
00558      *        id    given by the entries of this vector, which must have
00559      *              a size equal to the number of rows of \a input.
00560      *
00561      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
00562      */
00563     virtual bool trainObject(const dmatrix& input, 
00564                              int& id,
00565                              const ivector& pointIds);
00567     /**
00568      * Adds an object to this classifier. The object ID is given by the user.
00569      *
00570      * After you have trained several objects, you must call the build() 
00571      * method to finish the training process.  If you don't do it, the 
00572      * classifier will ignore everything you have provided.
00573      *
00574      * This is an alternative method to train().  You cannot add further 
00575      * objects after you have called train, nor can you call train()
00576      * after calling this method, since all data provided with trainObject
00577      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00578      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00579      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00580      *
00581      * Note that the difference with the method trainObject() is that here you
00582      * directly provide the id to be used for the object, while the
00583      * trainObject() method returns one id that is computed automatically.
00584      *
00585      * As id for each point in the given matrix will be used the row index 
00586      * plus the number of points trained until now, i.e. just the successive
00587      * numeration of each sample point will be continued.
00588      *
00589      * @param input each row of this matrix represents a point in the feature
00590      *              space belonging to one single class.
00591      * @param id    this id will be used for the class represented by the
00592      *              points in the \a input matrix.
00593      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
00594      */
00595     virtual bool trainObjectId(const dmatrix& input,
00596                                const int id);
00598     /**
00599      * Adds an object to this classifier. The object ID is given by the user.
00600      *
00601      * After you have trained several objects, you must call the build() 
00602      * method to finish the training process.  If you don't do it, the 
00603      * classifier will ignore everything you have provided.
00604      *
00605      * This is an alternative method to train().  You cannot add further 
00606      * objects after you have called train, nor can you call train()
00607      * after calling this method, since all data provided with trainObject
00608      * would be removed.  In other words, you must decide if you want to
00609      * supply all objects separately or if you want to give them all
00610      * simultaneously, but you cannot combine both methods.
00611      *
00612      * Note that the difference with the method trainObject() is that here you
00613      * directly provide the id to be used for the object, while the
00614      * trainObject() method returns one id that is computed automatically.
00615      *
00616      * @param input each row of this matrix represents a point in the feature
00617      *              space belonging to one single class.
00618      * @param id    this id will be used for the class represented by the
00619      *              points in the \a input matrix.
00620      * @param pointIds each point in the \a input matrix will have its own
00621      *                 ID, given by the entries in this vector, which must have
00622      *                 the same size than the number of rows of \a input.
00623      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
00624      */
00625     virtual bool trainObjectId(const dmatrix& input,
00626                                const int id,
00627                                const ivector& pointIds);
00629     /**
00630      * Classification.
00631      *
00632      * Classifies the feature and returns the outputVector %object with
00633      * the classification result.
00634      *
00635      * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is NOT really const. Although the main
00636      * members of the kNNClassifier are not changed some state variables used
00637      * for efficiency are. Thus, it is not save to use the same instance of
00638      * the kNNClassifier in two different threads.
00639      *
00640      * @param feature pattern to be classified
00641      * @param result of the classifications as a classifier::outputVector
00642      * @return true if the classification has been successful
00643      */
00644     virtual bool classify(const dvector& feature, 
00645                                 outputVector& result) const;
00647     /**
00648      * Classification.
00649      *
00650      * Classifies all features (the rows of the matrix) and returns
00651      * the outputVector %object with the classification result.
00652      *
00653      * The classification will be the accumulation of the voting for all
00654      * given points, assuming that they all belong to the same class.
00655      *
00656      * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is NOT really const. Although the main members
00657      * of the kNNClassifier are not changed some state variables used for
00658      * efficiency are. Thus, it is not save to use the same instance of the
00659      * kNNClassifier in two different threads.
00660      *
00661      * @param features patterns to be classified each row is one feature
00662      * @param result of the classifications as a classifier::outputVector
00663      * @return true if the classification has been successful
00664      */
00665     virtual bool classify(const dmatrix& features, 
00666                                 outputVector& result) const;
00668     /**
00669      * Classification.
00670      *
00671      * Classifies all features (the rows of the matrix) and returns
00672      * for each of them a vector of unnormalized probabilities, coded in the
00673      * rows of the \a result matrix.
00674      *
00675      * Since no classifier::outputVector is constructed, only the
00676      * classification "raw data" is produced.  
00677      *
00678      * This method is used in recognition tasks based on many local hints, for
00679      * which the individual classification of each feature vector would cost
00680      * too much time.
00681      *
00682      * Each column of the output matrix represent one object.  To get 
00683      * the id represented by a vector column you can use the outputTemplate
00684      * of the classifier:
00685      *
00686      * \code
00687      * kNNClassifier knn;
00688      *
00689      * knn.train(data);
00690      *
00691      * int columnId = knn.getOutputTemplate().getIds().at(columnNumber);
00692      * \endcode
00693      *
00694      * or the shortcut method of this class getColumnId()
00695      *
00696      * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is NOT really const. Although the main members
00697      * of the kNNClassifier are not changed some, state variables used for
00698      * efficiency are. Thus, it is not save to use the same instance of the
00699      * kNNClassifier in two different threads.
00700      *
00701      * @param features patterns to be classified each row is one feature
00702      * @param result of the classifications as a classifier::outputVector
00703      * @return true if the classification has been successful
00704      */
00705     virtual bool classify(const dmatrix& features, 
00706                                 dmatrix& result) const;
00708     /**
00709      * Shortcut method to comfortably access the object id for the column
00710      * of the result matrix of the classify(const dmatrix&,dmatrix&) method.
00711      *
00712      * It returns a negative value if the input column index is invalid.
00713      */
00714     inline int getColumnId(const int columnId) const {
00715       if (static_cast<uint32>(columnId)<static_cast<uint32>(nClasses)) {
00716         return getOutputTemplate().getIds().at(columnId);
00717       }
00718       return -1;
00719     }
00722     /**
00723      * Information about a feature point.
00724      *
00725      * If you classify a point in the feature space and you are interested
00726      * in all available information about this point, this structure type will
00727      * be used.  
00728      */
00729     struct pointInfo {
00730       /**
00731        * Default constructor.
00732        *
00733        * Initializes all members with invalid values (negative Ids and null
00734        * pointers)
00735        */
00736       pointInfo();
00738       /**
00739        * Constant reference to the feature point
00740        */
00741       const dvector* point;
00743       /**
00744        * Class ID for the point
00745        */
00746       int classId;
00748       /**
00749        * ID for the point itself
00750        */
00751       int pointId;
00753       /**
00754        * Distance to the test point
00755        */
00756       double distance;      
00757     };
00759     /**
00760      * Classification.
00761      *
00762      * Classifies the feature and returns the outputVector %object with
00763      * the classification result.
00764      *
00765      * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is NOT really const. Although the main
00766      * members of the kNNClassifier are not changed some state variables used
00767      * for efficiency are. Thus, it is not save to use the same instance of
00768      * the kNNClassifier in two different threads.
00769      *
00770      * @param feature pattern to be classified
00771      * @param result of the classifications as a classifier::outputVector
00772      * @param points vector sorted in increasing order of the distances to
00773      *               the feature point and containing two ID numbers.  The
00774      *               first one corresponds to the class id, the second one
00775      *               to the point id.  Also a const pointer to the feature
00776      *               point of the train set and the distance to that point
00777      *               are contained in the pointInfo structure
00778      * @return true if the classification has been successful
00779      */
00780     virtual bool classify(const dvector& feature, 
00781                           outputVector& result,
00782                           std::vector<pointInfo>& points) const;
00784     /**
00785      * Get only the nearest point to the given vector.
00786      *
00787      * Sometimes it is not necessary to have the probability distribution for
00788      * the objects computed with the classify() methods.  Only the nearest
00789      * point can be of interest.  This method provides an efficient way to
00790      * just search for the nearest point and obtain its data.
00791      *
00792      * @param feature reference multidimensional point
00793      * @param nearestPoint nearest point in the training set to the presented
00794      *                     point.
00795      * @return true if search was successful, false otherwise.
00796      */
00797     virtual bool nearest(const dvector& feature,
00798                          pointInfo& nearestPoint) const;
00801     /**
00802      * write the classifier in the given ioHandler
00803      * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00804      * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00805      *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00806      * @return true if write was successful
00807      */
00808     virtual bool write(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00810     /**
00811      * read the classifier from the given ioHandler
00812      * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00813      * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00814      *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00815      * @return true if write was successful
00816      */
00817     virtual bool read(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00819     /**
00820      * Finish a training process.
00821      *
00822      * If you used the methods trainObject() or trainObjectId() you must
00823      * call this method in order to complete the training process.
00824      *
00825      * If you used one of the train() methods, you must avoid calling this
00826      * method.
00827      *
00828      * Remember that the "incremental" training mode with trainObject() or
00829      * trainObjectId() cannot be combined with a "at-once" training step
00830      * using the method train().
00831      *
00832      * @see trainObject(),trainObjectId,reset()
00833      */
00834     void build();
00836     /**
00837      * Resets all values and deletes the content.
00838      *
00839      * If you want to forget the sample points and start giving new points
00840      * with trainObject, you need to call this method first
00841      */
00842     void clear();
00844   protected:
00846     /**
00847      * @name Reliability weighting functions
00848      */
00849     //@{
00850     static double linear(const double& ratio,const double& threshold);
00851     static double exponential(const double& ratio,const double& threshold);
00852     //@}
00854     /**
00855      *  mapping of the ids
00856      */    
00857     void buildIdMaps(const ivector& ids);
00859     /**
00860      * Define the output template
00861      */
00862     void defineOutputTemplate();
00864     /**
00865      * Type for maps mapping ids from internal to external and viceversa
00866      */
00867     typedef std::map<int,int> idMap_type;
00869     /**
00870      * Map from external id to internal id, used for training
00871      */
00872     idMap_type idMap;
00874     /**
00875      * Map from internal to external id, used for training
00876      */
00877     idMap_type rIdMap;
00879     /**
00880      * Number of classes currently in the classifier
00881      */
00882     int nClasses;
00884     /**
00885      * Exact kd-Tree type used for the database
00886      *
00887      * The data in the tree is composed by two id numbers:
00888      * - The first component contains the object or class id
00889      * - The second component contains the point id, since using kNN it
00890      *   can be necessary to know exactly which points in the training set
00891      *   were the winners.
00892      */
00893     typedef kdTree< dvector, std::pair<int,int> > treeType;
00896     /**
00897      * The database with accelerated nearest neighbor search.
00898      *
00899      * The kdTree uses as n-dimensional points dvectors and as data requires
00900      * a std::pair containing the class id and the point id.
00901      */
00902     treeType databaseTree;
00904     /**
00905      * Optionally, a scalar weight for each can be applied, as a-priori value.
00906      *
00907      * The std::vector is used due to the push_back interface.
00908      *
00909      * It is accessed with the internal id.
00910      */
00911     std::vector<double> classWeight;
00913     /**
00914      * Minimum number of points per class.
00915      *
00916      * This attribute is valid only after the complete training process
00917      */
00918     int minPointsPerClass;
00920     /**
00921      * Maximum number of points per class
00922      *
00923      * This attribute is valid only after the complete training process
00924      */
00925     int maxPointsPerClass;
00927     /**
00928      * Helper for classification
00929      */
00930     bool classify(const dvector& feature, 
00931                         outputVector& output,
00932                      std::multimap<double,treeType::element*>& resList) const;
00934   };
00936 }
00938 #endif

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