LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::scene3D< T > Class Template Reference

Tool for creating three dimensional scenes. More...

#include <ltiScene3D.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::scene3D< T >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::scene3D< T >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 scene3D ()
 scene3D (const scene3D &other)
virtual ~scene3D ()
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
scene3Dcopy (const scene3D &other)
scene3Doperator= (const scene3D &other)
void setColor (const T &px)
void setStyle (const char *style)
void set3D (const dpoint3D &p)
void set2D (const int &x, const int &y, const double &z)
void marker3D (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, char *marker)
void marker3D (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
void set3D (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
template<class U >
void set3D (const hPoint3D< U > &p)
void line3DTo (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
void line3DTo (const dpoint3D &p)
void line3D (const dpoint3D &a, const dpoint3D &b)
void line3D (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const double &x2, const double &y2, const double &z2)
void box (const dpoint3D &a, const dpoint3D &b, const bool filled=true)
void box (const dpoint3D &a, const dpoint3D &b, const T lineColor)
void ellipsoid (const vector< double > &mean, const matrix< double > &sigma, const double &cst)
void set3D (const channel &chnl, const float &height, const point &gridSize=point(5, 5), const point &sampleRate=point(1, 1), const bool onlyPoints=false, const bool useBoxes=false, const bool heightColor=false, const bool drawLines=false, const T &lineColor=T(), const bool drawContour=false, const T &contourColor=T())
void axis (const double size)
void axis (const double size, const T &colorX, const T &colorY, const T &colorZ)
void grid (const double size, const int nbSteps)
bool flush (matrix< T > &image)
bool flush (const typename draw3D< T >::parameters &camera)
bool flush (const typename draw3D< T >::parameters &camera, matrix< T > &image)
bool flush ()
void reset ()
void setRange (const dmatrix &ranges)
dmatrix getRange () const

Protected Types

enum  Instructions

Protected Attributes

std::list< InstructionsinstructionList
std::list< double > doubles
std::list< int > ints
std::list< T > colors
std::list< bool > bools
std::list< dvectordvectors
std::list< dmatrixdmatrices
std::list< channelchannels
std::list< std::string > styles

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class lti::scene3D< T >

Tool for creating three dimensional scenes.

A scene can be created in the same way as a scene in drawn with draw3D. To view a scene, you have first to set up the camera parameters with the setCamera and setZoom methods. Then the scene can be drawn into an image with the flush() methods.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class T>
enum lti::scene3D::Instructions [protected]

these are the code that are used for the instructions that are saved, to generate an image of the scene.

The letters after the function name symbolize the argument type: i=int, d=double, dp=dpoint3D, T=T, dv=dvector, dm=dmatrix, ch=channel This is necessary, because some functions exist more than once with different arguments but the names in the enumeration had to be unique.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
lti::scene3D< T >::scene3D (  ) 

default constructor

template<class T>
lti::scene3D< T >::scene3D ( const scene3D< T > &  other  ) 

copy constructor

other the object to be copied
template<class T>
virtual lti::scene3D< T >::~scene3D (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::axis ( const double  size,
const T &  colorX,
const T &  colorY,
const T &  colorZ 

draw axis with dimension "size" and using the given color for each axis

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::axis ( const double  size  ) 

draw axis with dimension "size"

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::box ( const dpoint3D a,
const dpoint3D b,
const T  lineColor 

draw a filled box of the actual color with the opposite corners a and b, and with the line color given

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::box ( const dpoint3D a,
const dpoint3D b,
const bool  filled = true 

draw a box with the opposite corners a and b

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
scene3D& lti::scene3D< T >::copy ( const scene3D< T > &  other  ) 

copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::drawBase< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::ellipsoid ( const vector< double > &  mean,
const matrix< double > &  sigma,
const double &  cst 

Draw an ellipsoid surface defined through a constant mahalanobis distance between the mean vector and the points of the surface, i.e.

the surface contains all points that satisfy the equation (x-mean)^T sigma^(-1) (x-mean) = cst

The color of the ellipsoid is given with the setColor() method, and the lighting conditions with the parameter "lighting".

mean point at the center of the ellipsoid.
sigma covariance matrix
cst mahalanobis distace from the points at the surface and the mean value

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
bool lti::scene3D< T >::flush (  ) 

draw all saved commands into the image specified by the use method with the actual camera position and direction

template<class T>
bool lti::scene3D< T >::flush ( const typename draw3D< T >::parameters camera,
matrix< T > &  image 

set new camera parameters and draw all saved commands into the given image.

template<class T>
bool lti::scene3D< T >::flush ( const typename draw3D< T >::parameters camera  ) 

set new camera parameters and draw all saved commands into the actual image specified by the use() method

template<class T>
bool lti::scene3D< T >::flush ( matrix< T > &  image  ) 

set new image and draw scene to this image with the actual camera parameters.

template<class T>
dmatrix lti::scene3D< T >::getRange (  )  const

Returns the ranges of the axes shown in the configuration dialog.

template<class T>
virtual const char* lti::scene3D< T >::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns the name of this type ("scene3D")

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::grid ( const double  size,
const int  nbSteps 

draw a grid in all three dimensions from -size/2 to size/2, with nbSteps lines between

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::line3D ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z,
const double &  x2,
const double &  y2,
const double &  z2 

draw a line between (x,y,z) and (x2,y2,z2)

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::line3D ( const dpoint3D a,
const dpoint3D b 

draw a line between a and b

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::line3DTo ( const dpoint3D p  ) 

draw a line between the last used point and (x,y,z)

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::line3DTo ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z 

draw a line between the last used point and (x,y,z)

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::marker3D ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z 

sets point with selected color and marker type

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::marker3D ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z,
char *  marker 

sets marker with selected color and the given marker type

template<class T>
scene3D& lti::scene3D< T >::operator= ( const scene3D< T > &  other  ) 

alias for copy member

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object
template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::reset (  ) 

Clears the scene.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::set2D ( const int &  x,
const int &  y,
const double &  z 

sets 2D point with the selected color if it is in front of all other points with the same projection coordinates, considering the z-buffering (if enabled) and the given z coordinate.

If the z-buffering is disabled, the pixel at (x,y) will be set.

x position x
y position y
z deep information

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::set3D ( const channel chnl,
const float &  height,
const point gridSize = point(5, 5),
const point sampleRate = point(1, 1),
const bool  onlyPoints = false,
const bool  useBoxes = false,
const bool  heightColor = false,
const bool  drawLines = false,
const T &  lineColor = T(),
const bool  drawContour = false,
const T &  contourColor = T() 

Draw the given channel as a 3D structure, where the height of the pixel is given by its intensity.

The actual color will be shaded to produce the 3D effect. The y-axis will be inverted, to convert the image left coordinate system to the 3D right system.

chnl the channel with the 3D information
height the height of the value 1.0 in the channel
gridSize the number of pixels used for a "cell" in the grid. Use for example point(5,5)
sampleRate determines which pixels in the image are going to be used in the grid points. point(1,1) uses all pixels, point(2,2) each second point and so on.
onlyPoints if true, only the points will be drawn, if false, boxes or grids will be drawn.
useBoxes if true, boxes will be used to display each pixel, otherwise a triangular mesh will be used.
heightColor if true, the channel intensity will define the grey tone for the pixel, otherwise the actual color will be used.
drawLines if true, the vertical lines at each grid point will be drawn.
lineColor color for the vertical lines
drawContour if true, the contour of each triangle in the mesh will be redrawn using the countour color given.
contourColor color used to draw the contour of the triangles. Only used if drawContour is true

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
template<class U >
void lti::scene3D< T >::set3D ( const hPoint3D< U > &  p  )  [inline]

sets point with selected color

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::set3D ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z 

sets point with selected color

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::set3D ( const dpoint3D p  ) 

sets point with selected color

Reimplemented from lti::draw3D< T >.

Referenced by lti::scene3D< rgbPixel >::set3D().

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::setColor ( const T &  px  )  [virtual]

Specifies color to be used.

If the template type is rgbPixel this means an actual color. For other template types, this sets a grey-level.

Reimplemented from lti::draw< T >.

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::setRange ( const dmatrix ranges  ) 

sets the ranges of the axes shown in the configuration dialog

template<class T>
void lti::scene3D< T >::setStyle ( const char *  style  )  [virtual]

Specifies color to be used.

If the template type is rgbPixel this means an actual color. For other template types, this sets a grey-level.

Reimplemented from lti::drawBase< T >.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
std::list<bool> lti::scene3D< T >::bools [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<channel> lti::scene3D< T >::channels [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<T> lti::scene3D< T >::colors [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<dmatrix> lti::scene3D< T >::dmatrices [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<double> lti::scene3D< T >::doubles [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<dvector> lti::scene3D< T >::dvectors [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<Instructions> lti::scene3D< T >::instructionList [protected]

List with the codes of the saved instructions.

All instructions are coded with an integer value and there parameters are stored in the lists. When a picture is drawn the instructions are extracted from the list in the same order as they were saved. So the parameters can also be extracted from the lists in the same order.

template<class T>
std::list<int> lti::scene3D< T >::ints [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

template<class T>
std::list<std::string> lti::scene3D< T >::styles [protected]

parameters for the Instructions

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