LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

Color Analysis
[Algorithms and Classes for Image Processing]

Classes and Data Structures used for color analysis or color representation. More...

Collaboration diagram for Color Analysis:


class  lti::rgbPixel
 Color pixel representation in RGB color space. More...
class  lti::trgbPixel< T >
 Template to use RGB pixel representations of types other than ubyte. More...
class  lti::colorNormalizationBase
 Parent class for color normalization methods usually used to eliminate the effects of illumination changes. More...
class  lti::grayWorldNormalization
 Performs a color normalization on an lti::image using a gray world approach, in order to eliminate effects of illumination colour. More...
class  lti::image
 The one and only RGB-image format. More...
class  lti::localColorFeature
 This functor calculates for each location in a given list color-features. More...
class  lti::mergeCIELuvToImage
 Merge CIE Luv channel into an color image. More...
class  lti::mergeHLSToImage
 Merge HLS channels (Hue, Luminance, Saturation). More...
class  lti::mergeHSIToImage
 Merge HSI (Hue Saturation Intensity) channels. More...
class  lti::mergeHSVToImage
 Merge HSV channels (Hue, Saturation, Value). More...
class  lti::mergeImage
 Base class for all merge image functor-classes. More...
class  lti::mergeOCPToImage
 Merge linear opponent color channels OCP. More...
class  lti::mergeRGBToImage
 Merge RGB channels. More...
class  lti::mergergIToImage
 Merge chromaticity channels rgI. More...
class  lti::mergexyYToImage
 Merge chromaticity xyY channels. More...
class  lti::mergeXYZToImage
 Merge XYZ channels. More...
class  lti::mergeYCbCrToImage
 Creates RGB values from given YCbCr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  lti::mergeYIQToImage
 Merge YIQ channels (Luminance, Inphase, Quadrature). More...
class  lti::mergeYPbPrToImage
 Creates RGB values from given YPbPr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  lti::mergeYUVToImage
 Compute RGB values from given YUV values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  lti::splitImage
 Parent for all classes that split image into differen color spaces components (color channels). More...
class  lti::splitImageToCIELuv
 Split image in its L$^*$u$^*$v$^*$ channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToGSC
 Split image in its c1, c2 and c3 components, as described in T. More...
class  lti::splitImageToGSL
 Split image in its l1, l2 and l3 components, as described in T. More...
class  lti::splitImageToHLS
 Split image in its Hue - Luminance - Saturation channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToHSI
 Split image in its Hue - Saturation - Intensity channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToHSV
 Split image in its Hue - Saturation - Value channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToOCP
 Split image in an oponent colour system. More...
class  lti::splitImageToRGB
 Split image in its Red - Green - Blue channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageTorgI
 Split image in its chromaticity channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToxyY
 Split image in its xyY norm chromaticity channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToXYZ
 Split image in its XYZ norm channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToYCbCr
 Computes the YCbCr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbPixel). More...
class  lti::splitImageToYIQ
 Split image in its Luminance Inphase Quadrature channels. More...
class  lti::splitImageToYPbPr
 Computes the YPbPr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbPixel). More...
class  lti::splitImageToYUV
 Computes the YUV values from a given RGB color representation (rgbPixel). More...


bool lti::read (ioHandler &handler, cmykColor &p, const bool complete=true)

Detailed Description

Classes and Data Structures used for color analysis or color representation.

See also:
Conceptual Class Hierarchy in the LTI-Lib

Function Documentation

bool lti::read ( ioHandler &  handler,
cmykColor &  p,
const bool  complete = true 
) [inline]

Generated on Sat Apr 10 15:26:31 2010 for LTI-Lib by Doxygen 1.6.1