LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::rbf::initFunctor1 Class Reference

initialization functor for rbf More...

#include <ltiRbf.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::rbf::initFunctor1:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::rbf::initFunctor1:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 initFunctor1 (const dmatrix &theFeatures, const ivector &theTrainIDs, const ivector &theNbViewsObj, const int &theNbObj, const int &theNbNeurObj, const parameters::eLvqInit &theLvqInit, const eNormType &norm)
 ~initFunctor1 ()
bool operator() (dmatrix &weights, ivector &outID)
void setTrainParams (const parameters::eLvqTrainType &theTrainType, const double &theLearnRate, const double &theLrFac=0., const double &theWinSize=0.)

Protected Attributes

const dmatrixfeatures
const ivectortrainIDs
const ivectornbViewsObj
int nbObj
int nbNeurObj
double learnRate
double lrFac
double winSize
bool modified

Detailed Description

initialization functor for rbf

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::rbf::initFunctor1::initFunctor1 ( const dmatrix theFeatures,
const ivector theTrainIDs,
const ivector theNbViewsObj,
const int &  theNbObj,
const int &  theNbNeurObj,
const parameters::eLvqInit theLvqInit,
const eNormType norm 

default constructor

theFeatures the matrix with the training patterns (each row a pattern)
theTrainIDs the numerical ids for each pattern in theFeatures
theNbViewsObj the number of patterns per class
theNbObj the number of classes (or objects)
theNbNeurObj the number of neurons per class
theLvqInit initialization method vor the LVQ training
norm the used distance (L1distance or L2distance)
lti::rbf::initFunctor1::~initFunctor1 (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

bool lti::rbf::initFunctor1::operator() ( dmatrix weights,
ivector outID 
) [virtual]

apply operator

Implements lti::stdLayer::initFunctor.

void lti::rbf::initFunctor1::setTrainParams ( const parameters::eLvqTrainType theTrainType,
const double &  theLearnRate,
const double &  theLrFac = 0.,
const double &  theWinSize = 0. 

set the train parameters

theTrainType specify training for the LVQ initialization
theLrFac the learn factor
theWinSize the window size

Member Data Documentation

a reference to the training patterns

learn rate

double lti::rbf::initFunctor1::lrFac [protected]

learn factor

flag that indicates whether the weights were changed at all during the last epoche.

If not no further 'training' is performed.

number of neurons per object

number of objects

a reference to the number of views per object

a reference to the numerical ids of the training patterns

double lti::rbf::initFunctor1::winSize [protected]

window size

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