LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::blobEM Class Reference

Estimates the position of M overlapping blobs by applying the EM-algorithm and estimating the parameters of a gaussian mixture model that fits the blobs. More...

#include <ltiBlobEM.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::blobEM:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::blobEM:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  gaussEllipse
 An internal class of lti::blobEM for handling 2D gaussian ellipses. More...
class  parameters
 the parameters for the class blobEM More...

Public Member Functions

 blobEM ()
 blobEM (const blobEM &other)
virtual ~blobEM ()
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
bool apply (const channel8 &src, std::vector< gaussEllipse > &elem)
bool apply (const channel8 &src, const int &components)
blobEMcopy (const blobEM &other)
blobEMoperator= (const blobEM &other)
virtual functorclone () const
const parametersgetParameters () const
Manual control

These methods are required for the manual control of the EM

bool initialize (const channel8 &src, const std::vector< gaussEllipse > &elem)
bool initialize (const channel8 &src, const int &components)
double iterate ()
bool computeEllipses (std::vector< gaussEllipse > &ellipses)
void reset ()
State access

Use these to access the internal state of this functor.

const int & getIterations () const
const int & getM () const
const int & getN () const
const std::vector< double > & getAlphas () const
const std::vector< tpoint
< double > > & 
getCenters () const
const std::vector< matrix
< double > > & 
getCovariances () const
const double & getQ () const
const double & getQDiff () const

Detailed Description

Estimates the position of M overlapping blobs by applying the EM-algorithm and estimating the parameters of a gaussian mixture model that fits the blobs.

As input a distance transformed image of the blobs or similar is expected and a vector of ellipses for representing a gaussian distribution component.

For a description of the EM-algorithm see Jeff Bilmes A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models, Technical Report TR-97-021 by the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, Ca.

For usage of this functor please see the following examples and hints:

Example for preparing ellipses
   // Typedef for better readability
   typedef lti::blobEM::gaussEllipse TEllipse;

   // Vector of ellipses
   std::vector<TEllipse>& allEllipses;

   // Create one ellipse with center(10,10), eigenvalues 100 and 20
   // and 45 degrees orientation
   TEllipse oneEllipse(lti::tpoint<double>(10,10),100,20,lti::Pi/4);

   // Constrain ellipse properties
   oneEllipse.constrainShape = true;

   oneEllipse.constrainArea = true;
   oneEllipse.areaTolerance = 0.2;

   oneEllipse.constrainAngle = true;
   oneEllipse.angleTolerance = lti::Pi/8;

   // Create another ellipse with the same properties as the first
   // but center(50,50). This ellipse will be unconstrained (default)
   TEllipse anotherEllipse;

   anotherEllipse.fromEllipse(oneEllipse); // is not copy operator!
                                           // copies only properties
                                           // angle, center, lambda1,2 = lti::tpoint<double>(50,50);

Example for using this functor
 // prepare functor
 lti::blobEM em;
 lti::blobEM::parameters emParam;
 emParam.maxIterations = 10;        // number of maximum allowed iterations
 emParam.convergenceThreshold = -1; // force maximum iterations

 // Apply with allEllipses but make sure that initialization is good,
 // since result stongly depends on initialization.
 // Result will be delivered back in allEllipses. aChnl8 should be a
 // distance transform of a binary image (see lti::distanceTransform)

 // Alternatively you can apply without knowing how to initialize by
 // merely specifying the number of ellipses (here 2). These will be
 // set randomly then.
 // You must explicitly request the resulting ellipses afterwards
 // by calling computeEllipses(...)

 // Another possibility is to control the iterations manually
 // OR

 // perfom iterations
 while (em.getQDiff()>0) {
   // the Q value is maximized by EM. QDiff will be > 0
   // As long as Q increases. To get valid QDiff, we have
   // to perform two iterations before this loop.


 // If you are interested in the internal state of the functor use
 // the getXXX(...) methods, which deliver const references (i.e.
 // you don't have to copy them, if you only want to see them)

 std::vector< lti::matrix<double> >& covariances = em.getCovariances();
 std::vector< lti::vector<double> >& centers     = em.getCenters();
 std::vector< double >&              alphas      = em.getAlphas();

 // For a description of their meaning refer to the given bibliography
Beware of possible errors

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::blobEM::blobEM (  ) 

default constructor

lti::blobEM::blobEM ( const blobEM other  ) 

copy constructor

other the object to be copied
virtual lti::blobEM::~blobEM (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

bool lti::blobEM::apply ( const channel8 src,
const int &  components 

Calls initialize() once, then iterate() several times until maximum number of iterations or abortion criterion reached (percental increase of Q value below given threshold).

src channel8 with the source data. Should be distance transform of a binary image.
components number of mixture components. Will be initialized randomly. For deterministic initialization use other apply method.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.
bool lti::blobEM::apply ( const channel8 src,
std::vector< gaussEllipse > &  elem 

Calls initialize() once, then iterate() several times until maximum number of iterations or abortion criterion reached (percental increase of Q value below given threshold).

src channel8 with the source data. Should be distance transform of a binary image.
elem vector of blobEM::gaussEllipse with initial distribution parameters, represented by 2D-ellipses. Result of EM iteration is also left here.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.
virtual functor* lti::blobEM::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Implements lti::functor.

bool lti::blobEM::computeEllipses ( std::vector< gaussEllipse > &  ellipses  ) 

compute and return ellipses based on internal covariances and centers

blobEM& lti::blobEM::copy ( const blobEM other  ) 

copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

const std::vector<double>& lti::blobEM::getAlphas (  )  const

Access the vector of the M mixture component weights.

const std::vector<tpoint<double> >& lti::blobEM::getCenters (  )  const

Access the centers of the M center components.

const std::vector<matrix<double> >& lti::blobEM::getCovariances (  )  const

Access the covariance matrices of the M center components.

const int& lti::blobEM::getIterations (  )  const

Access the number of iterations so far.

const int& lti::blobEM::getM (  )  const

Access the number of components.

const int& lti::blobEM::getN (  )  const

Access the number of data elements considered.

const parameters& lti::blobEM::getParameters (  )  const

returns used parameters

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

const double& lti::blobEM::getQ (  )  const

Access the Q value, that is maximized by EM.

const double& lti::blobEM::getQDiff (  )  const

Access the difference of current and last Q value.

virtual const char* lti::blobEM::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns the name of this type ("blobEM")

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

bool lti::blobEM::initialize ( const channel8 src,
const int &  components 

Explicitly initialize this functor, for example if you intend to perform each iteration singly.

Initializes with M random ellipses, with M = components

bool lti::blobEM::initialize ( const channel8 src,
const std::vector< gaussEllipse > &  elem 

Explicitly initialize this functor, for example if you intend to perform each iteration singly.

Initializes with the given ellipses.

double lti::blobEM::iterate (  ) 

perform one single EM iteration.

returns the total Q value, that has to be maximized by EM. Note: Call initialize() first !!!

blobEM& lti::blobEM::operator= ( const blobEM other  ) 

alias for copy member

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

void lti::blobEM::reset (  ) 

reset this functors internal members and the working data

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