LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010


00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
00003  * Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
00004  *
00005  * This file is part of the LTI-Computer Vision Library (LTI-Lib)
00006  *
00007  * The LTI-Lib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
00009  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00010  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * The LTI-Lib is distributed in the hope that it will be
00013  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
00015  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00018  * License along with the LTI-Lib; see the file LICENSE.  If
00019  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
00020  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00021  */
00024 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
00025  * project ....: LTI-Lib: Image Processing and Computer Vision Library
00026  * file .......: ltiBlobEM.h
00027  * authors ....: Suat Akyol
00028  * organization: LTI, RWTH Aachen
00029  * creation ...: 27.5.2002
00030  * revisions ..: $Id: ltiBlobEM.h,v 1.7 2006/02/07 18:31:33 ltilib Exp $
00031  */
00033 #ifndef _LTI_BLOB_EM_H_
00034 #define _LTI_BLOB_EM_H_
00036 // include only those files which are needed in this header!!
00037 #include <vector>
00039 #include "ltiImage.h"
00040 #include "ltiVector.h"
00041 #include "ltiMatrix.h"
00043 // include to parent class:
00044 #include "ltiFunctor.h"
00046 namespace lti {
00048   /**
00049    * Estimates the position of M overlapping blobs by applying the
00050    * EM-algorithm and estimating the parameters of a gaussian mixture
00051    * model that fits the blobs. As input a distance transformed
00052    * image of the blobs or similar is expected and a vector of ellipses
00053    * for representing a gaussian distribution component.
00054    *
00055    * For a description of the EM-algorithm see Jeff Bilmes "A Gentle
00056    * Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter
00057    * Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models",
00058    * Technical Report TR-97-021 by the International Computer
00059    * Science Institute, Berkeley, Ca.
00060    *
00061    * \htmlonly<a name="HINTS"></a>\endhtmlonly
00062    *
00063    * For usage of this functor please see the following examples and
00064    * hints:
00065    *
00066    * \li <a href="#ELLIPSES">Preparing the input ellipses</a>
00067    * \li <a href="#APPLYING">Applying this functor</a>
00068    * \li <a href="#ERRORS">Possible errors on usage</a>
00069    *
00070    * \par Example for preparing ellipses
00071    * \htmlonly
00072    * <a name="ELLIPSES"></a>
00073    * <a href="#HINTS">back</a>
00074    * \endhtmlonly
00075    *
00076    * \code
00077    *
00078    *   // Typedef for better readability
00079    *   typedef lti::blobEM::gaussEllipse TEllipse;
00080    *
00081    *   // Vector of ellipses
00082    *   std::vector<TEllipse>& allEllipses;
00083    *
00084    *   // Create one ellipse with center(10,10), eigenvalues 100 and 20
00085    *   // and 45 degrees orientation
00086    *   TEllipse oneEllipse(lti::tpoint<double>(10,10),100,20,lti::Pi/4);
00087    *
00088    *   // Constrain ellipse properties
00089    *   oneEllipse.constrainShape = true;
00090    *
00091    *   oneEllipse.constrainArea = true;
00092    *   oneEllipse.areaTolerance = 0.2;
00093    *
00094    *   oneEllipse.constrainAngle = true;
00095    *   oneEllipse.angleTolerance = lti::Pi/8;
00096    *
00097    *   // Create another ellipse with the same properties as the first
00098    *   // but center(50,50). This ellipse will be unconstrained (default)
00099    *   TEllipse anotherEllipse;
00100    *
00101    *   anotherEllipse.fromEllipse(oneEllipse); // is not copy operator!
00102    *                                           // copies only properties
00103    *                                           // angle, center, lambda1,2
00104    * = lti::tpoint<double>(50,50);
00105    *
00106    *   allEllipses.push_back(oneEllipse);
00107    *   allEllipses.push_back(anotherEllipse);
00108    *
00109    * \endcode
00110    *
00111    *
00112    * \par Example for using this functor
00113    * \htmlonly
00114    * <a name="APPLYING"></a>
00115    * <a href="#HINTS">back</a>
00116    * \endhtmlonly
00117    *
00118    * \code
00119    *
00120    * // prepare functor
00121    * lti::blobEM em;
00122    * lti::blobEM::parameters emParam;
00123    * emParam.maxIterations = 10;        // number of maximum allowed iterations
00124    * emParam.convergenceThreshold = -1; // force maximum iterations
00125    * em.setParameters(emParam);
00126    *
00127    * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00128    * // Apply with allEllipses but make sure that initialization is good,
00129    * // since result stongly depends on initialization.
00130    * // Result will be delivered back in allEllipses. aChnl8 should be a
00131    * // distance transform of a binary image (see lti::distanceTransform)
00132    * em.apply(aChnl8,allEllipses);
00133    *
00134    * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00135    * // Alternatively you can apply without knowing how to initialize by
00136    * // merely specifying the number of ellipses (here 2). These will be
00137    * // set randomly then.
00138    * // You must explicitly request the resulting ellipses afterwards
00139    * // by calling computeEllipses(...)
00140    * em.apply(aChnl8,2);
00141    * em.computeEllipses(allEllipses);
00142    *
00143    * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00144    * // Another possibility is to control the iterations manually
00145    * em.initialize(aChnl8,allEllipses);
00146    * // OR
00147    * em.initialize(aChnl8,2);
00148    *
00149    * // perfom iterations
00150    * em.iterate();
00151    * em.iterate();
00152    * while (em.getQDiff()>0) {
00153    *   // the Q value is maximized by EM. QDiff will be > 0
00154    *   // As long as Q increases. To get valid QDiff, we have
00155    *   // to perform two iterations before this loop.
00156    *   em.iterate();
00157    * }
00158    *
00159    * em.computeEllipses(allEllipses);
00160    *
00161    * // If you are interested in the internal state of the functor use
00162    * // the getXXX(...) methods, which deliver const references (i.e.
00163    * // you don't have to copy them, if you only want to see them)
00164    *
00165    * std::vector< lti::matrix<double> >& covariances = em.getCovariances();
00166    * std::vector< lti::vector<double> >& centers     = em.getCenters();
00167    * std::vector< double >&              alphas      = em.getAlphas();
00168    *
00169    * // For a description of their meaning refer to the given bibliography
00170    *
00171    * \endcode
00172    *
00173    *
00174    * \par Beware of possible errors
00175    * \htmlonly
00176    * <a name="ERRORS"></a>
00177    * <a href="#HINTS">back</a>
00178    * \endhtmlonly
00179    *
00180    * \li <b>Constraints are relative to given ellipse</b>. If you use the
00181    *      returned ellipses for initializing another run of the functor,
00182    *      then please consider that their properties could have been changed
00183    *      by the first run.
00184    *      Example: You have an ellipse that is supposed to stay upright
00185    *      with a tolerance of 5°. You call apply once and the ellipse is indeed
00186    *      rotated 5°. You use the output for the next call of apply. And again
00187    *      the ellipse is rotated 5°, resulting in a total of 10° which is
00188    *      correct but possibly not what you expected.
00189    *
00190    */
00191   class blobEM : public functor {
00193   public:
00194     /**
00195      * the parameters for the class blobEM
00196      */
00197     class parameters : public functor::parameters {
00198     public:
00199       /**
00200        * default constructor
00201        */
00202       parameters();
00204       /**
00205        * copy constructor
00206        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00207        */
00208       parameters(const parameters& other);
00210       /**
00211        * destructor
00212        */
00213       ~parameters();
00215       /**
00216        * returns name of this type
00217        */
00218       const char* getTypeName() const;
00220       /**
00221        * copy the contents of a parameters object
00222        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00223        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00224        */
00225       parameters& copy(const parameters& other);
00227       /**
00228        * copy the contents of a parameters object
00229        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00230        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00231        */
00232       parameters& operator=(const parameters& other);
00235       /**
00236        * returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters
00237        */
00238       virtual functor::parameters* clone() const;
00240       /**
00241        * write the parameters in the given ioHandler
00242        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00243        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00244        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00245        * @return true if write was successful
00246        */
00247       virtual bool write(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00249       /**
00250        * read the parameters from the given ioHandler
00251        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00252        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00253        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00254        * @return true if write was successful
00255        */
00256       virtual bool read(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00258 #     ifdef _LTI_MSC_6
00259       /**
00260        * this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00261        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00262        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00263        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00264        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use read() instead
00265        */
00266       bool readMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00268       /**
00269        * this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00270        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00271        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00272        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00273        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use write() instead
00274        */
00275       bool writeMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00276 #     endif
00278       // ------------------------------------------------
00279       // the parameters
00280       // ------------------------------------------------
00282       // If you add more parameters manually, do not forget to do following:
00283       // 1. indicate in the default constructor the default values
00284       // 2. make sure that the copy member also copy your new parameters
00285       // 3. make sure that the read and write members also read and
00286       //    write your parameters
00288       /** Maximum number of iterations. Default = 100
00289        */
00290       int maxIterations;
00292       /** If the difference of the Q value between two successive
00293        *  iterations (relative to the last Q value) falls below
00294        *  this threshold, then the iterations are aborted.
00295        *  A value < zero enforces the maximum number of iterations.
00296        *  Default 1e-6
00297        */
00298       double convergenceThreshold;
00300     };
00303     /**
00304      * An internal class of lti::blobEM for handling 2D gaussian ellipses.
00305      * The properties can be set manually.
00306      *
00307      * Another possibility is to obtain the properties from
00308      * a 2x2 covariance matrix (except center) or another
00309      * ellipse, either considering constraints or not.
00310      */
00311     class gaussEllipse {
00312       public:
00314         gaussEllipse();
00316         gaussEllipse(lti::tpoint<double> cen,
00317                      double l1,
00318                      double l2,
00319                      double ang);
00321         ~gaussEllipse();
00324         /** @name Ellipse properties
00325          */
00326         //@{
00328           /** Center of ellipse
00329            */
00330           lti::tpoint<double> center;
00332           /** Variance along main axis (eigenvalue 1).
00333            *  Ensure lambda1 to be > lambda2 for plausibility.
00334            *
00335            *  \b Note: This is not the standard deviation!
00336            *           For visualization of an ellipse use std dev.
00337            */
00338           double lambda1;
00340           /** Variance along second axis (eigenvalue 2)
00341            *
00342            *  \b Note: This is not the standard deviation!
00343            *           For visualization of an ellipse use std dev.
00344            */
00345           double lambda2;
00347           /** Angle of main axis (-Pi/2 to +Pi/2). Second axis is
00348            *  perpendicular to main axis.
00349            */
00350           double angle;
00352         //@}
00355         /** @name Ellipse constraints
00356          *    Use these to indicate constraints for the properties of an ellipse.
00357          *    \b NOTE: constraining properties can make it impossible
00358          *             for the EM-Algorithm to converge. Use with
00359          *             caution, preferably only for one component
00360          *             amongst several!
00361          */
00362         //@{
00364           /** keep center within centerTolerance (default = false)
00365            */
00366           bool constrainCenter;
00368           /** keep shape (lambda1/lambda2) within shapeTolerance
00369            *  (default = false)
00370            */
00371           bool constrainShape;
00373           /** keep area size (lambda1*lambda2) within areaTolerance (default = false)
00374            */
00375           bool constrainArea;
00377           /** keep orientation angle within angleTolerance (default = false)
00378            */
00379           bool constrainAngle;
00381         //@}
00384         /** @name Constraint tolerances
00385          *    Setting these to values > 0 (default) relaxes the
00386          *    constraint conditions.
00387          */
00388         //@{
00390           /** The center tolerance as maximum Euclidean distance in pixel.
00391            *  (default = 0)
00392            *
00393            *  \f$ dist(newCenter - center) < centerTolerance \f$
00394            */
00395           double centerTolerance;
00397           /** The relative shape tolerance (default = 0).
00398            *
00399            *  <b> NOT CONSIDERED YET!!! Development in Progress! </b>
00400            */
00401           double shapeTolerance;
00403           /** The relative size tolerance (default = 0), which means
00404            *  Ellipse area may change in range
00405            *
00406            *  \f$ area/a <= newArea <= area*a \f$ with \f$ a = (1+areaTolerance)\f$
00407            */
00408           double areaTolerance;
00410           /** The (+/-) angle tolerance (default = 0). Reasonable range
00411            *  is from 0 to Pi/2, since this is Pi/2 cyclic.
00412            *
00413            *  \f$ angle - angleTolerance <= newAngle <= angle + angleTolerance \f$
00414            */
00415           double angleTolerance;
00417         //@}
00420         /** Get Ellipse properties lambda and angle
00421          *  from a 2x2 covariance matrix considering
00422          *  shape, size, and/or angle constraints, if
00423          *  desired.
00424          *
00425          *  \b Note: center can NOT be obtained from
00426          *  covariance.
00427          *
00428          *  Returns false, if not possible
00429          */
00430         bool from2x2Covariance(const lti::matrix<double>& cov,
00431                                const bool& constraints = true);
00433         /** Get all ellipse properties (center, lambda, angle)
00434          *  from another ellipse considering center, shape, size,
00435          *  and/or angle constraints, if desired.
00436          *  THIS IS NOT A COPY METHOD!!!
00437          *
00438          *  Returns false, if not possible.
00439          */
00440         bool fromEllipse(const gaussEllipse& other,
00441                          const bool& constraints = true);
00443         /** Generate 2x2 covariance matrix with ellipse params
00444          *  lambda and angle. Returns false, if not possible
00445          */
00446         bool to2x2Covariance(lti::matrix<double>& cov) const;
00448       private:
00450         /** Perform pca on 2x2 covariance matrix.
00451          *  Lambdas are the eigenvalues and e are the
00452          *  eigenvectors (ordered by magnitude).
00453          *  Returns false, if not possible.
00454          */
00455         static bool pca2x2(const lti::matrix<double>& cov,
00456                            double& lambda1,
00457                            double& lambda2,
00458                            lti::vector<double>& e1,
00459                            lti::vector<double>& e2);
00460     };
00462     /**
00463      * default constructor
00464      */
00465     blobEM();
00467     /**
00468      * copy constructor
00469      * @param other the object to be copied
00470      */
00471     blobEM(const blobEM& other);
00473     /**
00474      * destructor
00475      */
00476     virtual ~blobEM();
00478     /**
00479      * returns the name of this type ("blobEM")
00480      */
00481     virtual const char* getTypeName() const;
00483     /**
00484      * Calls initialize() once, then iterate() several times until
00485      * maximum number of iterations or abortion criterion reached
00486      * (percental increase of Q value below given threshold)
00487      * @param src channel8 with the source data. Should be distance
00488      *            transform of a binary image.
00489      * @param elem vector of blobEM::gaussEllipse with initial distribution
00490      *             parameters, represented by 2D-ellipses. Result of EM
00491      *             iteration is also left here.
00492      * @return true if apply successful or false otherwise.
00493      */
00494     bool apply(const channel8& src, std::vector<gaussEllipse>& elem);
00496     /**
00497      * Calls initialize() once, then iterate() several times until
00498      * maximum number of iterations or abortion criterion reached
00499      * (percental increase of Q value below given threshold)
00500      * @param src channel8 with the source data. Should be distance
00501      *            transform of a binary image.
00502      * @param components number of mixture components. Will be initialized
00503      *            randomly. For deterministic initialization use other
00504      *            apply method.
00505      * @return true if apply successful or false otherwise.
00506      */
00507     bool apply(const channel8& src, const int& components);
00509     /**
00510      * copy data of "other" functor.
00511      * @param other the functor to be copied
00512      * @return a reference to this functor object
00513      */
00514     blobEM& copy(const blobEM& other);
00516     /**
00517      * alias for copy member
00518      * @param other the functor to be copied
00519      * @return a reference to this functor object
00520      */
00521     blobEM& operator=(const blobEM& other);
00523     /**
00524      * returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.
00525      */
00526     virtual functor* clone() const;
00528     /**
00529      * returns used parameters
00530      */
00531     const parameters& getParameters() const;
00533     // If you add more attributes manually, do not forget to do following:
00534     // 1. indicate in the default constructor the default values
00535     // 2. make sure that the copy member also copy your new attributes, or
00536     //    to ensure there, that these attributes are properly initialized.
00538     /** @name Manual control
00539      *  These methods are required for the manual control of the EM
00540      */
00541     //@{
00543       /** Explicitly initialize this functor, for example if you intend to
00544        *  perform each iteration singly. Initializes with the given ellipses.
00545        */
00546       bool initialize(const channel8& src, const std::vector<gaussEllipse>& elem);
00548       /** Explicitly initialize this functor, for example if you intend to
00549        *  perform each iteration singly. Initializes with M random ellipses,
00550        *  with M = components
00551        */
00552       bool initialize(const channel8& src, const int& components);
00554       /** perform one single EM iteration. returns the total Q value, that has
00555        *  to be maximized by EM. \b Note: Call initialize() first !!!
00556        */
00557       double iterate();
00559       /** compute and return ellipses based on internal covariances and centers
00560        */
00561       bool computeEllipses(std::vector<gaussEllipse>& ellipses);
00563       /** reset this functors internal members and the working data
00564        */
00565       void reset();
00567     //@}
00569     /** @name State access
00570      *  Use these to access the internal state of this functor.
00571      */
00572     //@{
00574       /** Access the number of iterations so far
00575        */
00576       const int& getIterations() const;
00578       /** Access the number of components
00579        */
00580       const int& getM() const;
00582       /** Access the number of data elements considered
00583        */
00584       const int& getN() const;
00586       /** Access the vector of the M mixture component weights
00587        */
00588       const std::vector<double>& getAlphas() const;
00590       /** Access the centers of the M center components
00591        */
00592       const std::vector<tpoint<double> >& getCenters() const;
00594       /** Access the covariance matrices of the M center components
00595        */
00596       const std::vector<matrix<double> >& getCovariances() const;
00598       /** Access the Q value, that is maximized by EM
00599        */
00600       const double& getQ() const;
00602       /** Access the difference of current and last Q value
00603        */
00604       const double& getQDiff() const;
00606     //@}
00608   private:
00609     /** @name Internal state
00610      *  These are the internal state members.
00611      */
00612     //@{
00614       /** The weights (a-priori probs) of the M mixture components
00615        */
00616       std::vector<double> m_alphas;
00618       /** The centers of the M mixture components
00619        */
00620       std::vector< tpoint<double> > m_centers;
00622       /** The covariance matrices of the M center components
00623        */
00624       std::vector< matrix<double> > m_covariances;
00626     //@}
00628     /** @name Working data
00629      */
00630     //@{
00632       /** The number of components
00633        */
00634       int m_iterations;
00636       /** The number of components
00637        */
00638       int m_M;
00640       /** The number of data elements (sum of Ni)
00641        */
00642       int m_N;
00644       /** The x coordinates
00645        */
00646       std::vector<int> m_xi;
00648       /** The y coordinates
00649        */
00650       std::vector<int> m_yi;
00652       /** The frequency of the i-th x,y pair
00653        */
00654       std::vector<int> m_Ni;
00656       /** The ellipses used for initializing
00657        */
00658       std::vector<gaussEllipse> m_ellipses;
00660       /** The Q value, that is maximized by EM
00661        */
00662       double m_Q;
00664       /** The difference of current and last Q value
00665        */
00666       double m_QDiff;
00668     //@}
00671     /** Performs a single EM step to estimate the new parameters,
00672      *  and returns the likelihood
00673      */
00674     double singleEMStep();
00676     /**
00677      * An internal helper class for 2D gaussian PDF p(x,y).
00678      * Use only with 2x2 covariance matrices (symmetric)!
00679      */
00680     class gauss2DPDF {
00681       public:
00683         gauss2DPDF() {
00684           reset();
00685         }
00687         ~gauss2DPDF() {}
00689         /** evaluates the pdf with the given x,y pair and center and
00690          *  the internally stored covariance matrix.
00691          */
00692         double evaluate(int x, int y, const tpoint<double>& cen) const;
00694         /** sets the covariance matrix, computes its determinant,
00695          *  and its inverse. returns false and unsets covariance
00696          *  and inverse, on error.
00697          */
00698         bool set2x2CovarianceMatrix(const lti::matrix<double>& covar);
00700         /** resets the internal state
00701          */
00702         void reset();
00704       private:
00705         lti::matrix<double> m_covar;
00706         lti::matrix<double> m_covarInverse;
00707         double m_det;
00709         static const lti::point m_validSize;
00710     };
00712     // covariance regularization constant (see Ueda, Nakano et al.
00713     // "SMEM Algorithm for Mixture Models", resp. Ormoneit & Tresp
00714     // "Improved Gaussian Mixture Density Estimates Using Bayesian
00715     // Penalty Terms and Network Averaging".
00716     static const double LAMBDA;
00718     // regularization constant for alphas
00719     static const double ALPHAEPSILON;
00720   };
00722   /**
00723    * write a blobEM::gaussEllipse into the given stream handler
00724    * @param handler ioHandler where the ellipse should be written.
00725    * @param el ellipse
00726    * @param complete if true (default), begin and end tokens will be written
00727    *                 around the object.
00728    * @return true if successful, false otherwise
00729    */
00730   bool write(ioHandler& handler,
00731              const blobEM::gaussEllipse& el,
00732              const bool complete=true);
00734   /**
00735    * read a blobEM::gaussEllipse from the given stream handler
00736    * @param handler ioHandler where the ellipse should be read from.
00737    * @param el ellipse will be left here
00738    * @param complete if true (default), begin and end tokens will be read too.
00739    * @return true if successful, false otherwise
00740    */
00741   bool read(ioHandler& handler,
00742             blobEM::gaussEllipse& el,
00743             const bool complete=true);
00744 }
00746 #endif

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