LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

Linear Algebra

Collaboration diagram for Linear Algebra:


class  lti::l1Distance< T >
 This member accumulates in the given accumulator, the given element. More...
class  lti::l2Distance< T >
 This member accumulates in the given accumulator, the given element. More...
class  lti::linearAlgebraFunctor
 Base class for all lti linear algebra functors. More...
class  lti::scalarProduct< T, U >
 Dot Product of two vectors. More...
class  lti::linearRegression< T >
 The linear regression algorithm estimates a linear relation between two vector spaces. More...
class  lti::matrix< T >
 Mathematical matrix container class. More...
class  lti::luDecomposition< T >
 LU decomposition functor. More...
class  lti::matrixInversion< T >
 Matrix inversion functor. More...
class  lti::minimizeBasis< T >
 minimizeBasis functor. More...
class  lti::principalComponents< T >
 Functor for computing a principal component analysis. More...
class  lti::pseudoInverseMP< T >
 This functor calculates the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse of a matrix. More...
class  lti::serialPCA< T >
 Functor for sequentially computing a principal component analysis. More...
class  lti::sparseMatrix< T >
 SparseMatrix container class. More...
class  lti::strassenMultiplication< T >
 Implementation for the addtion forms:. More...
class  lti::symmetricMatrixInversion< T >
 Functor for inversion of symmetric, positive definite matrices. More...
class  lti::vector< T >
 Vector container class. More...

Detailed Description

See also:
Conceptual Class Hierarchy in the LTI-Lib

Generated on Sat Apr 10 15:26:31 2010 for LTI-Lib by Doxygen 1.6.1