LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::paretoFront Class Reference

Pareto Front computation with PESA. More...

#include <ltiParetoFront.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::paretoFront:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::paretoFront:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  individual
 Structure characterizing an individual. More...
class  parameters
 The parameters for the class paretoFront. More...

Public Types

typedef std::vector< bool > chromosome

Public Member Functions

 paretoFront ()
 paretoFront (const parameters &par)
 paretoFront (const paretoFront &other)
virtual ~paretoFront ()
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
virtual bool apply (matrix< double > &front)
virtual bool apply (matrix< double > &front, std::vector< functor::parameters * > &phenotypes)
virtual bool resume (matrix< double > &front, std::vector< functor::parameters * > &phenotypes)
paretoFrontcopy (const paretoFront &other)
paretoFrontoperator= (const paretoFront &other)
virtual functorclone () const =0
const parametersgetParameters () const
bool trash (std::vector< functor::parameters * > phenotypes) const
Additional Information

void getAnalyzedBox (matrix< double > &bbox) const
void getDominatedIndividuals (matrix< double > &dindiv) const
bool getDataFromLog (const std::string &logFile, matrix< double > &front, std::vector< functor::parameters * > &phenotypes)
Progress Info

Methods used to plug-in a progress visualization object.

void setProgressObject (const progressInfo &progBox)
void removeProgressObject ()
bool validProgressObject () const
bool validProgressObject (const int detailLevel) const
progressInfogetProgressObject ()
const progressInfogetProgressObject () const
Public methods to be reimplemented

Following methods need to be reimplemented to evaluate specific algorithms.

virtual bool chromosomeToPhenotype (const chromosome &genotype, functor::parameters &phenotype) const =0
virtual functor::parameterschromosomeToPhenotype (const chromosome &genotype) const =0
virtual bool phenotypeToChromosome (const functor::parameters &phenotype, chromosome &genotype) const =0
virtual int getChromosomeSize () const =0
virtual bool evaluateChromosome (const chromosome &individual, dvector &fitness)=0
Conversion Tools

Converting between phenotypes and binary chains representing chromosomes can become a tedious task.

These tools should facilitate the process.

int binToInt (const chromosome &chain, const int startBit, const int bitLength, int32 &result) const
int binToInt (const chromosome &chain, const int startBit, const int bitLength, const int lowLimit, const int highLimit, int32 &result) const
int binToUInt (const chromosome &chain, const int startBit, const int bitLength, uint32 &result) const
int binToDouble (const chromosome &chain, const int startBit, const int bitLength, const double &lowLimit, const double &highLimit, double &result) const
int intToBin (const int value, const int startBit, const int bitLength, chromosome &chain) const
int intToBin (const int value, const int startBit, const int bitLength, const int lowLimit, const int highLimit, chromosome &chain) const
int uintToBin (const uint32 value, const int startBit, const int bitLength, chromosome &chain) const
int doubleToBin (const double &value, const int startBit, const int bitLength, const double &lowLimit, const double &highLimit, chromosome &chain) const

Protected Member Functions

parametersgetRWParameters ()
virtual bool initInternalPopulation (std::vector< individual > &data)
double rand () const
Methods to be reimplemented

virtual bool randomIndividual (chromosome &genotype)
virtual bool mutate (const chromosome &parent, chromosome &mutant)
virtual bool crossover (const chromosome &parent1, const chromosome &parent2, chromosome &child)

Detailed Description

Pareto Front computation with PESA.

The Pareto Front functor provides an evaluation mechanism for algorithms, in which the qualitiy of the algorithm cannot be restricted to one single scalar measure. It is adecuate to compare different parameterizations for one or several algorithms, which are supposed to solve the same task.

This class generates a "front" in a multidimensional fitness space, which represents a trade-off between several fitness values, that each derived class explicitelly implements.

The algorithm used here to generate the front is called PESA (Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm), and it is described in:

David. W. Corne, Joshua D. Knowles and Martin J. Oates The Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VI). (2000) 839-848

A good introduction to the application of this problem for the evaluation of image processing algorithms, specifically to the evaluation of segmentation is given in:

Mark Everingham, Henk Muller and Barry Thomas, Evaluating Image Segmentation Algorithms using the Pareto Front. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2002), Part IV (LNCS 2353), pages 34-48. Springer, June 2002.

This is the parent class for all evaluation algorithms using PESA. Its kern administrates the evolutionary part of the algorithm and the derived classes provide the adaptions necessary for each application in particular, which include the conversion between functor parameters and a binary chain chromosome representation, the computation of the fitness measures, etc.

The current class also provides some simple tools that simplify the construction of evaluation functors.

There is a deviation from the original paper which is more suitable for the evaluation of algorithms used here. The original algorithms separates the fitness space into regular hyperboxes and computes the density of individuals in each hyperbox to decide which elements will be used for crossover or mutation (those boxes with the smallest density) and which elements need to be removed (those with the highest density). The computation of the density is in the present functor much more computationally expensive, but its computation is nevertheless negligible in comparison to the computation of the fitness measures for an algorithm:

The current algorithm keeps track of the bounding box of the fitness space for which individuals have been created. This bounding box is used to determine the size of a Gaussian kernel, which will be used on each individual to compute the influence of all other individuals in the front. This way, the selection is not strongly bounded to the selection of a partitioning of the fitness space.

For an example of an evaluation class see lti::locationSearchEvaluation.


To monitor the progress of the evolutionary process this functor makes use of classes derived from lti::progressInfo, where the detail level of the substeps can be used to show the information required.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<bool> lti::paretoFront::chromosome

Type used to represent chromosomes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::paretoFront::paretoFront (  ) 

Default constructor.

lti::paretoFront::paretoFront ( const parameters par  ) 

Construct a functor using the given parameters.

lti::paretoFront::paretoFront ( const paretoFront other  ) 

Copy constructor.

other the object to be copied
virtual lti::paretoFront::~paretoFront (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::apply ( matrix< double > &  front,
std::vector< functor::parameters * > &  phenotypes 
) [virtual]

Compute the Pareto Front and the corresponding parameter objects for each non-dominated point.

Since the evaluation function can get as input any kind of information, it is left to the derived classes to provide alternative ways of doing this: other apply methods or use() methods to indicate the data set to be used in the algorithm evaluation.

The Pareto Front will be represented by a matrix of size m x n with m parameters::externalPopulationSize and n fitnessSpaceDimensionality.

For each row in this matrix (an individual), the corresponding parameter setting (a phenotype) is returned. Since different algorithms usually use different parameters, this can only be done with dynamically allocated objects. You need to take care of them, but this class provides an utility trash() method, which deletes them for you if you want to.

front matrix containing for each row the multidimensional fitness value.
phenotypes the parameters for each fitness value.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.
virtual bool lti::paretoFront::apply ( matrix< double > &  front  )  [virtual]

Compute the Pareto Front.

Since the evaluation function can get as input any kind of information, it is left to the derived classes to provide alternative way of doing this: other apply methods or use() methods to indicate the set of data to be used.

The Pareto Front will be represent by a matrix of size m x n with m parameters::externalPopulationSize and n fitnessSpaceDimensionality.

front matrix containing for each row the multidimensional fitness value.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.
int lti::paretoFront::binToDouble ( const chromosome chain,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
const double &  lowLimit,
const double &  highLimit,
double &  result 
) const

Convert binary chain into an double floating point representation.

The binarization of floating point values for "genetic" manipulation can easily result in non-sense values. Therefore here a specified value range is quantized in the desired number of bits between 0 and 31.

chain the binary chain representing a chromosome
startBit index of the bit, at which the integer begins.
bitLength number of bits used for this double number (never greater or equal than 32).
lowLimit lowest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
highLimit highest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
result double value read from the chain
the next valid index in the chain, chain.size() if it was completelly read, or -1 if the request goes beyond the size of the chain.
int lti::paretoFront::binToInt ( const chromosome chain,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
const int  lowLimit,
const int  highLimit,
int32 result 
) const

Convert binary chain into an integer representation.

The lower indices in the chain represent the MSB of the number.

If the given value range is higher than the range representable with the given number of bits, only the lowLimit will be considered. If the read number has a higher range than the high-low one, then the modulo operation will be applied to keep the values in range.

chain the binary chain representing a chromosome
startBit index of the bit, at which the integer begins
bitLength number of bits used for this integer (never greater than 32).
lowLimit lowest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
highLimit highest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
result integer value read from the chain
the next valid index in the chain, chain.size() if it was completelly read, or -1 if the request goes beyond the size of the chain.
int lti::paretoFront::binToInt ( const chromosome chain,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
int32 result 
) const

Convert binary chain into an integer representation.

The lower indices in the chain represent the MSB of the number.

chain the binary chain representing a chromosome
startBit index of the bit, at which the integer begins
bitLength number of bits used for this integer (never greater than 32).
result integer value read from the chain
the next valid index in the chain, chain.size() if it was completely read, or -1 if the request goes beyond the size of the chain.
int lti::paretoFront::binToUInt ( const chromosome chain,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
uint32 result 
) const

Convert binary chain into an unsigned integer representation.

The lower indices in the chain represent the MSB of the number.

chain the binary chain representing a chromosome
startBit index of the bit, at which the integer begins
bitLength number of bits used for this integer (never greater than 32).
result integer value read from the chain
the next valid index in the chain, chain.size() if it was completelly read, or -1 if the request goes beyond the size of the chain.
virtual functor::parameters* lti::paretoFront::chromosomeToPhenotype ( const chromosome genotype  )  const [pure virtual]

Return a fresh allocated parameters for the evaluated functor, which is equivalent to the given genotype.

There are some tools to convert binary chains into standard types:

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, lti::paretoFrontTester, and lti::segmentationEvaluation.

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::chromosomeToPhenotype ( const chromosome genotype,
functor::parameters phenotype 
) const [pure virtual]

Convert a binary-chain representation of a chromosome to a valid parameter object.

There are some tools to convert standard types into some binary chains, which can be used by all derived classes:

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, lti::paretoFrontTester, and lti::segmentationEvaluation.

virtual functor* lti::paretoFront::clone (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Implements lti::functor.

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, and lti::paretoFrontTester.

paretoFront& lti::paretoFront::copy ( const paretoFront other  ) 

Copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::crossover ( const chromosome parent1,
const chromosome parent2,
chromosome child 
) [protected, virtual]

Crossover between two chromosomes.

This should be reimplemented to ensure that the crossover produces a valid phenotype.

The default implementation does a so called uniform crossover, in which each pair of corresponding bits are exchanged with a probability of 0.5, followed by the mutation indicated in the original PESA paper.

Reimplemented in lti::paretoFrontTester.

int lti::paretoFront::doubleToBin ( const double &  value,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
const double &  lowLimit,
const double &  highLimit,
chromosome chain 
) const

Convert double value in a binary change.

value value to be quantized.
startBit starting index in the chain, where the representation has to be stored.
bitLength number of bits used to represent the number. If it is not possible, then -1 will be returned.
lowLimit lowest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
highLimit highest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
chain binary change with the resulting representation.
virtual bool lti::paretoFront::evaluateChromosome ( const chromosome individual,
dvector fitness 
) [pure virtual]

Evaluate Chromosome.

This method is one of the most important ones for the pareto evaluation. Its task is to produce a multidimensional fitness measure for a given chromosome.

It returns true if the evaluation was successful, of false if the phenotype represents some invalid parameterization. It is highly recomended that the mutation and crossover methods are reimplemented to avoid invalid parameterizations.

There are mainly two types of fitness measures that can be analyzed with a functor of this kind: empirical goodness and empirical discrepancy (Zhang). The empirical goodness computes some measure using exclusively the test data, without requiring any ground truth. The empirical discrepancy assumes the existency of ground truth and provides as measure some distance between the result of an algorithm and the ground truth. Each class derived from paretoFront should specify clearly which kind of fitness measures it provides.

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, lti::paretoFrontTester, and lti::segmentationEvaluation.

void lti::paretoFront::getAnalyzedBox ( matrix< double > &  bbox  )  const

Fitness space bounding box.

After determining the Pareto Front, you usually want to know the bounding box of the fitness space that was analyzed. This for visualization purposes among others.

After the apply() methods you can get the bounding box calling this one.

This will always be a matrix 2 x parameters::fitnessSpaceDimensionality, where the first row contains the minima for each dimension and the second row the maxima.

virtual int lti::paretoFront::getChromosomeSize (  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the length in bits for a chromosome.

This method needs to be reimplemented, in order to get some default implementations to work.

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, and lti::paretoFrontTester.

bool lti::paretoFront::getDataFromLog ( const std::string &  logFile,
matrix< double > &  front,
std::vector< functor::parameters * > &  phenotypes 

Get data from log.

If a log file is generated, usually you cannot read the used parameterization. With this method you will get from the log file the list of parameters and their corresponding fitness values, as if you had used the corresponding apply method.

The parameters of the current functor will change without invalidating the reference. Therefore this method is not constant.

void lti::paretoFront::getDominatedIndividuals ( matrix< double > &  dindiv  )  const

Dominated individuals.

This method returns all points in the fitness space that were analyzed while constructing the feature space. For this method to return something meaningful, you need to set in the parameters the attribute logAllEvaluations to true.

The resulting matrix will have the size n x parameters::fitnessSpaceDimensionality, where n is the number of dominated individuals analyzed in the process.

const parameters& lti::paretoFront::getParameters (  )  const

Returns used parameters.

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

Reimplemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, and lti::segmentationEvaluation.

const progressInfo& lti::paretoFront::getProgressObject (  )  const

get progress object

progressInfo& lti::paretoFront::getProgressObject (  ) 

get progress object

parameters& lti::paretoFront::getRWParameters (  )  [protected]

Returns used parameters.

virtual const char* lti::paretoFront::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the name of this type ("paretoFront").

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

Reimplemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, lti::paretoFrontTester, and lti::segmentationEvaluation.

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::initInternalPopulation ( std::vector< individual > &  data  )  [protected, virtual]

Initialize the internal population.

You usually don't want to reimplement this method, but randomIndividual(). However, you can reimplemented it if you need more that the standard generation of parameters::internalPopulationSize random individuals.

true if successful, false otherwise.
int lti::paretoFront::intToBin ( const int  value,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
const int  lowLimit,
const int  highLimit,
chromosome chain 
) const

Convert integer value in a binary change.

value the value to be stored.
startBit starting index in the chain, where the representation has to be stored.
bitLength number of bits used to represent the number. If it is not possible, then -1 will be returned.
chain binary change with the resulting representation.
lowLimit lowest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
highLimit highest value (inclusive) that the stored variable can take.
the next valid index in the chain, where further data can be inserted. If there is not enough space, -2 will be returned
int lti::paretoFront::intToBin ( const int  value,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
chromosome chain 
) const

Convert integer value in a binary change.

value the value to be stored.
startBit starting index in the chain, where the representation has to be stored.
bitLength number of bits used to represent the number. If it is not possible, then -1 will be returned.
chain binary change with the resulting representation.
the next valid index in the chain, where further data can be inserted. If there is not enough space, -2 will be returned
virtual bool lti::paretoFront::mutate ( const chromosome parent,
chromosome mutant 
) [protected, virtual]

Mutate the given chromosome.

This should be reimplemented to ensure that the mutation is a valid phenotype.

The default implementation flips the bits with the probability given in the parameters.

Reimplemented in lti::paretoFrontTester.

paretoFront& lti::paretoFront::operator= ( const paretoFront other  ) 

Alias for copy member.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::functor.

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::phenotypeToChromosome ( const functor::parameters phenotype,
chromosome genotype 
) const [pure virtual]

Convert a valid parameters object (phenotype) into binary-chain representation of a chromosome.

Implemented in lti::locationSearchEvaluation, and lti::paretoFrontTester.

double lti::paretoFront::rand (  )  const [inline, protected]

Get a random value between 0 and 1.

References lti::continuousRandomDistribution::draw().

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::randomIndividual ( chromosome genotype  )  [protected, virtual]

Generate a random individual.

You usually will need to reimplement this method to ensure that the generated random individuals have a valid phenotype, i.e. that the chromosome binary representation in "genotype" has an equivalent parameter object for the class you are using.

Return true if successful, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in lti::paretoFrontTester.

void lti::paretoFront::removeProgressObject (  ) 

remove the active progress object

virtual bool lti::paretoFront::resume ( matrix< double > &  front,
std::vector< functor::parameters * > &  phenotypes 
) [virtual]

Compute the Pareto Front and the corresponding parameter objects for each non-dominated point.

This is a special method which reassumes a broken analysis, gaining the lost information from a previously generated file. That file can be generated activating in the parameters the option logFront and indicating there the name for the file.

This method will work only if the parameters logFront and logFilename are properly set (logFront in true and logFilename with the proper filename). It is not named "apply" for the simple reason that the parameters will be changed to those stored in the log-file itself.

Since the evaluation function can get as input any kind of information, it is left to the derived classes to provide alternative ways of doing this: other apply()-methods or use()-methods to indicate the data set to be used in the algorithm evaluation.

The Pareto Front will be represented by a matrix of size m x n with m parameters::externalPopulationSize and n fitnessSpaceDimensionality.

For each row in this matrix (an individual), the corresponding parameter setting (a phenotype) is returned. Since different algorithms usually use different parameters, this can only be done with dynamically allocated objects. You need to take care of them, but this class provides an handy trash() method, which deletes them for you if you want to. If you don't remove them properly you will have a huge memory-leak! Therefore, we recomend the use of trash().

front matrix containing for each row the multidimensional fitness value.
phenotypes the parameters for each fitness value.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.
void lti::paretoFront::setProgressObject ( const progressInfo progBox  ) 

set a progress object

A clone of the given object will be generated.

bool lti::paretoFront::trash ( std::vector< functor::parameters * >  phenotypes  )  const

Delete all parameter objects in the given vector.

int lti::paretoFront::uintToBin ( const uint32  value,
const int  startBit,
const int  bitLength,
chromosome chain 
) const

Convert integer value in a binary change.

value the value to be stored.
startBit starting index in the chain, where the representation has to be stored.
bitLength number of bits used to represent the number. If it is not possible, then -1 will be returned.
chain binary change with the resulting representation.
the next valid index in the chain, where further data can be inserted. If there is not enough space, -2 will be returned
bool lti::paretoFront::validProgressObject ( const int  detailLevel  )  const

Return true if a valid progressInfo object has already been set and its detail level is greater or equal the given value.

bool lti::paretoFront::validProgressObject (  )  const

return true if a valid progressInfo object has already been set

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