LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > Class Template Reference

Adjacency Graph. More...

#include <ltiAdjacencyGraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  const_edge_iterator
 The graph const_iterator iterates on all nodes in a read-only fashion. More...
class  const_iterator
 The graph const_iterator iterates on all nodes in a read-only fashion. More...
class  edge_iterator
 The edge iterator iterates on all outgoing edges of a node. More...
class  entry_type
 Entry type used in the sparse matrix representing the affinity matrix. More...
class  iterator
 The graph iterator iterates on all nodes. More...

Public Types

Type definitions

typedef W weight_type
typedef int id_type
typedef std::pair< id_type,
typedef N node_type
typedef N value_type
typedef D edge_data_type
typedef E edge_traits
typedef F weight_functor

Public Member Functions

 adjacencyGraph ()
 adjacencyGraph (const int number, const node_type &nodeData=node_type())
 adjacencyGraph (const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &other)
bool clear ()
bool empty () const
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
virtual bool write (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true) const
virtual bool read (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true)
bool checkConsistency () const

const_iterator begin () const
iterator begin ()
const_iterator end () const
iterator end ()
edge_iterator begin (const id_type startNode)
edge_iterator end (const id_type startNode)
const_edge_iterator begin (const id_type startNode) const
const_edge_iterator end (const id_type startNode) const
Node operations

bool isNodeIdValid (const id_type id) const
const node_typegetNodeData (const id_type id) const
node_typegetNodeData (const id_type id)
node_typesetNodeData (const id_type id, const node_type &data)
id_type insertNode (const node_type &nodeData=node_type())
bool insertNodes (const int number, const node_type &nodeData=node_type())
bool removeNode (const id_type id)
id_type mergeNodes (const id_type first, const id_type second)
id_type mergeNodes (const node_pair &edge)
id_type topologicalMerge (const id_type first, const id_type second)
id_type topologicalMerge (const node_pair &edge)
int numberEdges (const id_type node) const
bool resize (const int number, const node_type &nodeData=node_type())
int size () const
int totalAdjacentNodes () const
int totalEdges () const
id_type lastValidId () const
Edge related methods

const weight_typegetEdgeWeight (const id_type a, const id_type b) const
const weight_typegetEdgeWeight (const node_pair &edge) const
const weight_typegetEdgeWeight (const edge_iterator &it) const
const weight_typegetEdgeWeight (const const_edge_iterator &it) const
bool updateEdgeWeight (const id_type a, const id_type b, const weight_type &weight)
bool updateEdgeWeight (const node_pair &edges, const weight_type &weight)
bool updateEdgeWeight (const edge_iterator &it, const weight_type &weight)
bool updateEdgeWeight (const id_type a, const id_type b)
bool updateEdgeWeight (const node_pair &edges)
bool updateEdgeWeight (const edge_iterator &it)
bool setEdgeData (const id_type a, const id_type b, const edge_data_type &data)
bool setEdgeData (const node_pair &edges, const edge_data_type &data)
bool setEdgeData (const edge_iterator &it, const edge_data_type &data)
const edge_data_typegetEdgeData (const id_type a, const id_type b) const
const edge_data_typegetEdgeData (const node_pair &edges) const
edge_data_typegetEdgeData (const id_type a, const id_type b)
edge_data_typegetEdgeData (const node_pair &edges)
bool getLowestWeightEdge (id_type &a, id_type &b, weight_type &weight) const
bool getLowestWeightEdge (node_pair &edge, weight_type &weight) const
id_type getOtherNode (const edge_iterator &it) const
id_type getOtherNode (const const_edge_iterator &it) const
node_pair getEdge (const edge_iterator &it) const
node_pair getEdge (const const_edge_iterator &it) const
bool insertEdge (const id_type first, const id_type second, const edge_data_type &init=edge_data_type())
bool insertEdge (const node_pair &nodes, const edge_data_type &init=edge_data_type())
bool insertEdge (const id_type first, const id_type second, const edge_data_type &init12, const edge_data_type &init21)
bool insertEdge (const node_pair &nodes, const edge_data_type &init12, const edge_data_type &init21)
bool insertWeightedEdge (const id_type first, const id_type second, const edge_data_type &init12, const weight_type &weight12, const edge_data_type &init21, const weight_type &weight21)
bool insertWeightedEdge (const node_pair &nodes, const edge_data_type &init12, const weight_type &weight12, const edge_data_type &init21, const weight_type &weight21)
edge_data_typeforceTopologicalEdge (const node_pair &nodes)
edge_data_typeforceTopologicalEdge (const id_type first, const id_type second)
bool removeEdge (const id_type first, const id_type second)
bool removeEdge (const node_pair &nodes)
bool removeEdge (const edge_iterator &edge)
weight_type computeEdgeWeight (const id_type a, const id_type b) const
weight_type computeEdgeWeight (const node_pair &edge) const
weight_type computeEdgeWeight (const edge_iterator &it) const
weight_type computeEdgeWeight (const const_edge_iterator &it) const
bool recomputeAllWeights ()
Weight computation functor

const weight_functorgetWeightFunctor () const
void setWeightFunctor (const weight_functor &ftor)
Copy methods

adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > & copy (const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &other)
adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > & operator= (const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &other)
virtual mathObjectclone () const

Protected Types

Protected type definitions

typedef priorityQueue
< weight_type, node_pair
typedef std::map< id_type,
typedef std::vector< row_typeadjacency_type
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< int, node_type > > 

Protected Member Functions

bool fixEntryIterators ()
bool insertWeightedEdgeProt (const id_type first, const id_type second, const edge_data_type &init12, const weight_type &weight12, const edge_data_type &init21, const weight_type &weight21)
id_type getNodeId (const typename entry_type::entry_iterator &it) const

Protected Attributes

adjacency_type adjacency
nodes_type nodes
queue_type distances
id_type firstValidNodeIndex
id_type lastValidNodeIndex
int freeElements
weight_functor theWeightFunctor

Detailed Description

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
class lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >

Adjacency Graph.

An adjacency graph is a set of nodes and edges linking nodes. Each node can contain some data (of type N). Each edge contains also some data (of type D) and a weight (of type W).

The adjacency property between two nodes is symmetrical, i.e. if A is adjacent to B, then B is adjacent to A. However, the weights and data of the edges from A-to-B or B-to-A not necessarily have to be the same. This means that an adjacency graph ensures always two edges between two nodes. Furthermore, a node can never be adjacent to itself.

Several methods are provided to merge nodes, insert other ones, insert edges to connect nodes, and update the data of existing nodes or edges.

This class can be used for example to represent an adjacency graph of all regions in an image partition. The main data structure is an affinity matrix: an usually sparse matrix encoding the weight of the edges between the nodes of a graph.

A second property of this class is that it is possible to access in O(1) the edge of the graph with the smallest weight, even if you change the weights of the edges during the use of the graph.

Merging two nodes implies updating the weights of the edges in the neighborhood of the new merged node, and the data object of the node. For this reason this class needs a function object to compute weight_type weight_function(const N&,const N&,const D&) const which computes the weight of an edge as a function of the two linked nodes and the information chunk stored in the edge itself. Of course, if you want, you can avoid the mergeNodes() method and set the weight of your graph by yourself. For this last case there is also a topologicalMerge() method, that won't recompute anything, not even the new node's data.

Template parameters

The required template types are the following:

Please note that for all standard types (int, float, double, etc.) and most all types in the lti namespace, the lti::read and lti::write functions are already implemented.

Since each node is identified by an unique id of type id_type, the edges can be uniquely specified by a pair of id_type elements.

Symmetric edges

The use of a symmetric edge type (edge_traits::Symmetric == true) have several implications:


You can use the iterators and edge_iterators to iterate on the graph nodes or the node's outgoing edges respectively.

The iterators visit only valid nodes, and allow you to access the data of the node in the usual way (operator*), but you can also get the id of the visited node with the method id().

The edge_iterators allow to access the data of an edge. Using several methods of the graph class, you can also efficiently access other information like the nodes linked by the pointed edge, or the weight assigned to the edge.


The adjacency graphs are mathObjects, and therefore are serializable. If you want to edit the written files, you need to know the syntax therein. A file contains four data blocks:

  1. The size of the data structure, which is always greater or equal the number of nodes.
  2. The nodes list containing for each node two elements: the node's id and the data of the node.
  3. A boolean indicating if the saved data belongs to a symmetric graph or not.
  4. The edge list containing for each edge three elements: the edge as pair of node ids, the edge's weight, the edge's data

You can find another more general weighted graph representation in the class lti::weightedGraph.

See also:

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef std::vector< row_type > lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::adjacency_type [protected]

Type for (sparse) adjacency matrix of complex elements.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef D lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::edge_data_type

Type for additional edge information (besides the weight).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef E lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::edge_traits

Edge traits type containing the Symmetric and Invalid constants.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::id_type

Type for the identification key of the nodes.

All nodes in a graph have consecutive indices. When a node is removed, its index can be (and will be) reused, so that you should take care not to use "obsoleted" indices, because they could bring you to a new node you didn't want.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef std::pair<id_type,id_type> lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::node_pair

The edge type contains two adjacent nodes "first" and "second".

The edge direction is always from first to second.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef N lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::node_type

Type of the nodes.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef std::vector< std::pair<int,node_type> > lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::nodes_type [protected]

Type used to contain the nodes' data and a flag indicating how many outgoing edges can be found in the node.

This number will be negative if the node has been deleted.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef priorityQueue<weight_type, node_pair> lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::queue_type [protected]

Priority queue type used.

The priority queue keeps the edges sorted in increasing order by their weights.

The weight_type is used as key to sort the elements, the point type is used to indicate the source and destination nodes (y source, x destination),

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef std::map<id_type,entry_type> lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::row_type [protected]

The row of the affinity matrix contains for one specific node, all nodes to which an edge exists.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef N lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::value_type

Type of the nodes.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef F lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::weight_functor

Type of the functor implementing the weight computation functor.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
typedef W lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::weight_type

Type of the weight of the edges.

It provides with following interface

  • operator= to copy other weights
  • operator<
  • operator== to compare equality
  • operator!= to compare inequality

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::adjacencyGraph (  ) 

default constructor

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::adjacencyGraph ( const int  number,
const node_type nodeData = node_type() 

Construct a graph with the given number of nodes, each one initialized with the given data.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::adjacencyGraph ( const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &  other  ) 

copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const_edge_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::begin ( const id_type  startNode  )  const

Get edge iterator to the first outgoing edge of the given start node.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::begin ( const id_type  startNode  ) 

Get edge iterator to the first outgoing edge of the given start node.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::begin (  ) 

Return an iterator to the first valid node of the graph.

The use of the iterators is similar to the iterators of the Standard Template Library (STL). If you need to iterate on all nodes of a graph, you can use following code:

   int tmp,accu;                        // a temporal variable
   lti::adjacencyGraph myGraph(10);     // a graph with 10 elements
   lti::adjacencyGraph::iterator it,eit;

   for (it=myGraph.begin(),eit=myGraph.end(); it!=eit ; ++it) {
     // get the id of the nodes
     lti::adjacencyGraph::id_type theId =;
     // do something with the graph id
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::begin (  )  const

Return a const_iterator to the first valid node of the graph.

Note that you can not change the values of the graph's nodes when you use a const_iterator. See also begin()

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::checkConsistency (  )  const

Check Graph Consistency.

This method is for debug purposes only.

If everything is ok, this should by equivalent to true. But if some bug decided to live here, it can produce a false, which shouldn't ever happen!

Don't ever rely on this method to do anything, since it will be removed as soon as we are sure, everything works. In other words, this method is already deprecated!

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::clear (  ) 

Remove all nodes and edges from the graph.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
virtual mathObject* lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a copy of this object

Implements lti::mathObject.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
weight_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::computeEdgeWeight ( const const_edge_iterator it  )  const

Call the E::weight() method to compute the weight an edge from a to b should have, considering the node and edges current data.

Please note that if you just want to get the current weight of an edge, the getEdgeWeight methods are much much faster (they don't compute anything, but just return a previously set or computed weight value).

For this method, you should check if a and b are valid ids or your program may crash!

Note that after topological node merges or topogical edge insertions the weight values of edges can be edge_traits::Invalid. Therefore, this method is provided to compute them, without changing anything.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
weight_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::computeEdgeWeight ( const edge_iterator it  )  const

Call the E::weight() method to compute the weight an edge from a to b should have, considering the node and edges current data.

Please note that if you just want to get the current weight of an edge, the getEdgeWeight methods are much much faster (they don't compute anything, but just return a previously set or computed weight value).

For this method, you should check if a and b are valid ids or your program may crash!

Note that after topological node merges or topogical edge insertions the weight values of edges can be edge_traits::Invalid. Therefore, this method is provided to compute them, without changing anything.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
weight_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::computeEdgeWeight ( const node_pair edge  )  const

Call the E::weight() method to compute the weight an edge from a to b should have, considering the node and edges current data.

Please note that if you just want to get the current weight of an edge, the getEdgeWeight methods are much much faster (they don't compute anything, but just return a previously set or computed weight value).

For this method, you should check if a and b are valid ids or your program may crash!

Note that after topological node merges or topogical edge insertions the weight values of edges can be edge_traits::Invalid. Therefore, this method is provided to compute them, without changing anything.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
weight_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::computeEdgeWeight ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b 
) const

Call the E::weight() method to compute the weight an edge from a to b should have, considering the node and edges current data.

Please note that if you just want to get the current weight of an edge, the getEdgeWeight methods are much much faster (they don't compute anything, but just return a previously set or computed weight value).

For this method, you should check if a and b are valid ids or your program may crash!

Note that after topological node merges or topogical edge insertions the weight values of edges can be edge_traits::Invalid. Therefore, this method is provided to compute them, without changing anything.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
adjacencyGraph<N,W,D,F,E>& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::copy ( const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &  other  ) 

copy the other adjacency matrix

Reimplemented from lti::ioObject.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::empty (  )  const [inline]

Check if the graph is empty, i.e.

if it has no nodes.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const_edge_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::end ( const id_type  startNode  )  const

Get edge iterator to the end of the outgoing edge list for the given start node.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::end ( const id_type  startNode  ) 

Get edge iterator to the end of the outgoing edge list for the given start node.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::end (  ) 

returns last index as an iterator For an example see begin()

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const_iterator lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::end (  )  const

returns last index as a const iterator.

For an example see begin()

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::fixEntryIterators (  )  [protected]

After copying or loading a graph, the "complement" interators in the entries of the matrix are invalid.

This method ensures consistency

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::forceTopologicalEdge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second 

Return a reference to the given edge's data, or create the edge pair if it didn't exist and return the reference to the created data.

The created edge will not have an associated weight, to save the time of computing the weight and administrating it in the corresponding sorted data structure.

This method is useful for complex graph operations, which need to build first the graph structure and compute in a second stage all weights and set them at once with the method TODO. Avoiding an unnecessary preliminar weight computation and the unnecessary sorting of such weight permits to save lots of time.

Of course, this method can also be (ab)used to create simple non-weighted bidirectional adjacency graphs if you need to analyze only topological features of an adjacency problem.

You can later assign a weight to the edges with the updateEdgeWeight methods.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::forceTopologicalEdge ( const node_pair nodes  ) 

Return a reference to the given edge's data, or create the edge pair if it didn't exist and return the reference to the created data.

The created edge will not have an associated weight, to save the time of computing the weight and administrating it in the corresponding sorted data structure.

This method is useful for complex graph operations, which need to build first the graph structure and compute in a second stage all weights and set them at once with the method TODO. Avoiding an unnecessary preliminar weight computation and the unnecessary sorting of such weight permits to save lots of time.

Of course, this method can also be (ab)used to create simple non-weighted bidirectional adjacency graphs if you need to analyze only topological features of an adjacency problem.

You can later assign a weight to the edges with the updateEdgeWeight methods.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
node_pair lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdge ( const const_edge_iterator it  )  const

Get edge as node_pair pointed by the given iterator.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
node_pair lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdge ( const edge_iterator it  )  const

Get edge as node_pair pointed by the given iterator.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeData ( const node_pair edges  ) 

Get a writable reference to the data object of the edge.

If you have an edge_iterator, remember that you can get the edge data dereferencing it, i.e. if iter is your iterator, then (*iter) is the edge's data.

edges pair of nodes (a=edges.first,b=edges.second)
read-only reference to the data. If the edge didn't exist expect unpredictable behaviour!
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeData ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b 

Get a writable reference to the data object of the edge.

If you have an edge_iterator, remember that you can get the edge data dereferencing it, i.e. if iter is your iterator, then (*iter) is the edge's data.

a first node
b second node
read-only reference to the data. If the edge didn't exist expect unpredictable behaviour!
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeData ( const node_pair edges  )  const

Get a read-only reference to the data object of the edge.

If you have a const_edge_iterator, remember that you can get the edge data dereferencing it, i.e. if iter is your iterator, then (*iter) is the edge's data.

edges pair of nodes (a=edges.first,b=edges.second)
read-only reference to the data. If the edge didn't exist expect unpredictable behaviour!
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const edge_data_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeData ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b 
) const

Get a read-only reference to the data object of the edge.

If you have a const_edge_iterator, remember that you can get the edge data dereferencing it, i.e. if iter is your iterator, then (*iter) is the edge's data.

a first node
b second node
read-only reference to the data. If the edge didn't exist expect unpredictable behaviour!
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const weight_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeWeight ( const const_edge_iterator it  )  const

Get edge weight.

Please remember that getEdgeWeight(a,b) is not necessarily the same than getEdgeWeight(b,a). This depends on the definition of the function E::weight()

it iterator to the edge
the weith of the edge or edge_traits::Invalid if edge does not exist
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const weight_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeWeight ( const edge_iterator it  )  const

Get edge weight.

Please remember that getEdgeWeight(a,b) is not necessarily the same than getEdgeWeight(b,a). This depends on the definition of the function E::weight()

it iterator to the edge
the weight of the edge or edge_traits::Invalid if it is a topological edge, without associated weight
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const weight_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeWeight ( const node_pair edge  )  const

Get edge weight.

Please remember that getEdgeWeight(a,b) is not necessarily the same than getEdgeWeight(b,a). This depends on the definition of the function E::weight()

edge the pair of nodes describing an edge.
the weight of the edge or edge_traits::Invalid if edge does not exist or is a topological edge, without associated weight.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const weight_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getEdgeWeight ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b 
) const

Get edge weight.

Please remember that getEdgeWeight(a,b) is not necessarily the same than getEdgeWeight(b,a). This depends on the definition of the function object of type weight_functor

a first node
b second node
the weight of the edge or edge_traits::Invalid if edge does not exist
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getLowestWeightEdge ( node_pair edge,
weight_type weight 
) const

Get pair of nodes with the lowest valid edge weight.

edge the edge contains both nodes
weight weight of the edge
true if graph not empty, false otherwise (in which case the three parameters will be left untouched).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getLowestWeightEdge ( id_type a,
id_type b,
weight_type weight 
) const

Get edge with the lowest weight in the graph.

a first node
b second node
weight weight of the edge
true if graph not empty, false otherwise (in which case the three parameters will be left untouched.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
node_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getNodeData ( const id_type  id  ) 

Return the data contained in the node with the given id.

You must ensure that the given id is valid. If it is not, an assertion will be thrown in debug modus, or some problems will occur in release modus (segmentation fault or similar).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const node_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getNodeData ( const id_type  id  )  const

Return the data contained in the node with the given id.

You must ensure that the given id is valid. If it is not, an assertion will be thrown in debug modus, or some problems will occur in release modus (segmentation fault or similar).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getNodeId ( const typename entry_type::entry_iterator it  )  const [protected]

Get the id of the node corresponding to the given iterator.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getOtherNode ( const const_edge_iterator it  )  const

Get the id of the node at the other side of the edge pointed by the given iterator.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getOtherNode ( const edge_iterator it  )  const

Get the id of the node at the other side of the edge pointed by the given iterator.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
virtual const char* lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns the name of this class

Reimplemented from lti::mathObject.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
const weight_functor& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::getWeightFunctor (  )  const

Get a read-only reference to the internal weight computation functor of type weight_functor (template parameter F).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertEdge ( const node_pair nodes,
const edge_data_type init12,
const edge_data_type init21 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

The data of each

The weight of both edges (first->second, second->first) will be computed from the data of both nodes and the given edge data, using the function E::weight().

nodes the first and second nodes, which identify the edge
init12 initial data for the first to second edge.
init21 initial data for the second to first edge.
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertEdge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second,
const edge_data_type init12,
const edge_data_type init21 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

The weight of both edges (first->second, second->first) will be computed from the data of both nodes and the given edge data, using the function E::weight().

first id of the first node (source one).
second id of the second node (destination one).
init12 initial data for the first to second edge.
init21 initial data for the second to first edge.
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertEdge ( const node_pair nodes,
const edge_data_type init = edge_data_type() 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

The edge is assumed symmetrical, so that an edge with the same data type will be inserted between the second and the first nodes.

The weight of both edges (first->second, second->first) will be computed from the data of both nodes and the given edge data, using the function E::weight().

nodes the first and second nodes, which identify the edge
init initial data set for the edge.
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertEdge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second,
const edge_data_type init = edge_data_type() 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

The edge is assumed symmetrical, so that an edge with the same data type will be inserted between the second and the first nodes.

The weight of both edges (first->second, second->first) will be computed from the data of both nodes and the given edge data, using the function E::weight().

first id of the first node (source one).
second id of the second node (destination one).
init initial data set for the edge.
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertNode ( const node_type nodeData = node_type()  ) 

Insert a node in the graph with the given data.

nodeData data to be included in the new node. If not given, a default object will be created.
an identification key for the new inserted node.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertNodes ( const int  number,
const node_type nodeData = node_type() 

Insert the given number of nodes in the graphs, all having copies of the same data object.

number number of nodes to be inserted.
nodeData data to be included in the new nodes. If omitted, a default object will be created.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertWeightedEdge ( const node_pair nodes,
const edge_data_type init12,
const weight_type weight12,
const edge_data_type init21,
const weight_type weight21 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

The data of each

nodes the first and second nodes, which identify the edge
init12 initial data for the first to second edge.
weight12 weight of the edge between nodes.first and nodes.second
init21 initial data for the second to first edge.
weight21 weight of the edge between nodes.second and nodes.first
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertWeightedEdge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second,
const edge_data_type init12,
const weight_type weight12,
const edge_data_type init21,
const weight_type weight21 

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

first id of the first node (source one).
second id of the second node (destination one).
init12 initial data for the first to second edge.
weight12 weight of the edge between first and second
init21 initial data for the second to first edge.
weight21 weight of the edge between second and first
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::insertWeightedEdgeProt ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second,
const edge_data_type init12,
const weight_type weight12,
const edge_data_type init21,
const weight_type weight21 
) [protected]

Insert an edge between the first and second nodes, identified by their ids.

This method assumes the validity of the first and second ids, and therefore is protected!

first id of the first node (source one).
second id of the second node (destination one).
init12 initial data for the first to second edge.
weight12 weight of the edge between first and second
init21 initial data for the second to first edge.
weight21 weight of the edge between second and first
true if edge could be set successfully inserted, false otherwise (for example, if one or both ids are invalid, or if the edge already existed).
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::isNodeIdValid ( const id_type  id  )  const

Check if the given id is a valid one.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::lastValidId (  )  const

Return the largest valid node id (or negative if the graph is empty).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::mergeNodes ( const node_pair edge  ) 

Merge two nodes.

See also:
mergeNodes(const id_type,const id_type)
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::mergeNodes ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second 

Merge the two given nodes.

Topological merge of the two given nodes.

The difference of this method with topologicalMerge is that besides ensuring a topological merge, the data of the merged edges and nodes is updated. Consider for instance the following graph with nodes A,B,w,x,y,z and edges Ax,Az,Aw,AB,Bw,By:

     |\  |
     | \ |
     z   w

The merge of A and B results in

     | \ 
     z   w

Here, the new weight of Aw is computed using the operator+= of the weight_type type, which in this case does an update of:

  • the node information of A (which is the combination of the previous node data A and B). For this task, the N type must provide the operator+=.
  • the edge weights between A and its old neighbors x, z and w, the additional information update of the edge Aw, which now encompasses the old Aw and Bw, and the weights to the new neighbor y. The update of edge information assumes that the data_type provides the operator+=.
first one of the two nodes to be merged.
second the node to be merged with the first one.
the id of the new merged node. This will usually be the id of the first node. If one of the ids does not exist, a negative id will be returned.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::numberEdges ( const id_type  node  )  const

Return the number of outgoing edges for the given node.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
adjacencyGraph<N,W,D,F,E>& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::operator= ( const adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E > &  other  ) 

copy the other adjacency matrix

Reimplemented from lti::ioObject.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
virtual bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::read ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) [virtual]

read the parameters from the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::mathObject.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::recomputeAllWeights (  ) 

This method uses the data in the nodes and the edges to recompute all graph weights.

It is more efficient than recomputing the weights one by one, since the sorting of the weights can occur at once, and not iteratively.

If the graph is symmetric, only the bottom diagonal affinity matrix will be used, i.e. only the edges (a,b) with a>b will be considered to the computations and the results will also be assigned to (b,a).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::removeEdge ( const edge_iterator edge  ) 

Remove the edge between the given two nodes.

In order to ensure the adjacency graph consistency not only the first-to-second edge will be removed, but also the second-to-first one.

edge edge_iterator pointing to the edge to be removed.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::removeEdge ( const node_pair nodes  ) 

Remove the edge between the given two nodes.

In order to ensure the adjacency graph consistency not only the first-to-second edge will be removed, but also the second-to-first one.

nodes first and second node ids, which identify the edge
true if edge could be deleted. false if some problem occurred, for example if the ids are not valid, or the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::removeEdge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second 

Remove the edge between the given two nodes.

In order to ensure the adjacency graph consistency not only the first-to-second edge will be removed, but also the second-to-first one.

first id of the first node (source one).
second id of the second node (destination one).
true if edge could be deleted. false if some problem occurred, for example if the ids are not valid, or the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::removeNode ( const id_type  id  ) 

Remove the node and all edges from/to it.

id identification key for the node to be removed.
true if node could be deleted. false if some problem occurred, for example if the id is not valid.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::resize ( const int  number,
const node_type nodeData = node_type() 

Remove all nodes and edges from the graph and insert the given number of nodes, without any edges.

This method ensures that the ids for the nodes lie between zero and number-1.

number number of nodes the graph must have.
nodeData data to be included in all nodes. If omitted, a default data object will be created.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::setEdgeData ( const edge_iterator it,
const edge_data_type data 

Change the data of the given edge.

This method updates the data of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the data of the edge (b,a) is updated.

it iterator to the edge
data new data for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::setEdgeData ( const node_pair edges,
const edge_data_type data 

Change the data of the given edge.

This method updates the data of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the data of the edge (b,a) is updated.

edges pair of nodes (a=edges.first,b=edges.second)
data new data for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::setEdgeData ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b,
const edge_data_type data 

Change the data of the given edge.

This method updates the data of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the data of the edge (b,a) is updated.

a first node
b second node
data new data for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
node_type& lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::setNodeData ( const id_type  id,
const node_type data 

Change the data in a given node.

You must ensure that the given id is valid. If it is not, an assertion will be thrown in debug modus, or some problems will occur in release modus (segmentation fault or similar).

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
void lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::setWeightFunctor ( const weight_functor ftor  ) 

Set a the functor to be used to compute the weights.

This method assumes that the weight_functor implements the operator=(), even the default implementation or a specialized one.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::size (  )  const

Return the number of nodes of this graph.

This value needs to be computed, and therefore takes a little bit time.

This value counts all nodes, independently if they are connected to other nodes or not. In an adjacency graph, isolated nodes can exist, but they do not make much sence, since they are not adjacent to anything. Hence, Many algorithms require instead the number returned by totalAdjacentNodes().

See also:
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::topologicalMerge ( const node_pair edge  ) 
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::topologicalMerge ( const id_type  first,
const id_type  second 

Topological merge of the two given nodes.

The difference of this method with mergeNodes is that it only ensures that the topology of the merge node is kept. Consider the following graph with nodes A,B,w,x,y,z and edges Ax,Az,Aw,AB,Bw and By:

     |\  |
     | \ |
     z   w

The merge of A and B results in

     | \ 
     z   w

Here, the weight of Aw is kept and the weight of A remain unchainged.

first one of the two nodes to be merged.
second the node to be merged with the first one.
the id of the new merged node. This will usually be the id of the first node. If one of the ids does not exist, a negative id will be returned.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::totalAdjacentNodes (  )  const

Return the number of nodes of this graph, that are connected to at least another node.

Note that this value is always less or equal the size().

This value needs to be computed, and therefore, takes a little bit time.

In an adjacency graph, isolated nodes can exist, but they do not make much sence, since they are not adjacent to anyone. Many algorithm require instead the number of nodes that are adjacent to something, which is exactly what this method computes.

See also:
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::totalEdges (  )  const

Return the total number of edges of this graph.

This value needs to be computed, and therefore takes a little bit time.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const edge_iterator it  ) 

Change the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b) to the one computed by the E::weight() method.

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

it iterator to the edge
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const node_pair edges  ) 

Change the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b) to the one computed by the E::weight() method.

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

edges pair of nodes (a=edges.first,b=edges.second)
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b 

Recompute the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b) to the one computed by the E::weight() method.

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

a first node
b second node
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const edge_iterator it,
const weight_type weight 

Change the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

it iterator to the edge
weight new weight for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const node_pair edges,
const weight_type weight 

Change the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

edges pair of nodes (a=edges.first,b=edges.second)
weight new weight for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::updateEdgeWeight ( const id_type  a,
const id_type  b,
const weight_type weight 

Change the weight of the given edge.

This method updates the weigth of the edge (a,b).

If the constant E::Symmetric is true, then also the weight of the edge (b,a) is updated.

a first node
b second node
weight new weight for the edge.
true if update successful, or false if the edge didn't exist.
template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
virtual bool lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::write ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) const [virtual]

write the parameters in the given ioHandler

The adjacency graphs are mathObjects, and therefore are serializable. If you want to edit the written files, you need to know the syntax therein. A file contains four data blocks:

  1. The size of the data structure, which is always greater or equal to the number of nodes.
  2. The nodes list containing for each node two elements: the node's id and the data of the node.
  3. A boolean indicating if the saved data belongs to a symmetric graph or not.
  4. The edge list containing for each one three elements: the edge as pair of node ids, the edge's weight, the edge's data
handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::mathObject.

Member Data Documentation

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
adjacency_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::adjacency [protected]

adjacency matrix

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
queue_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::distances [protected]

priority queue ordered by the distances.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::firstValidNodeIndex [protected]

first valid vector index

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
int lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::freeElements [protected]

Number of elements in the nodes vector that has been freed.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
id_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::lastValidNodeIndex [protected]

first valid vector index

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
nodes_type lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::nodes [protected]

The nodes.

template<class N, class W = float, class D = int, class F = adjacencyGraphVoidWeightFunction<N,W,D>, class E = symmetricEdgeTraits<W>>
weight_functor lti::adjacencyGraph< N, W, D, F, E >::theWeightFunctor [protected]

The one and only instance of E, used to compute the weights between two nodes.

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