LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask Class Reference

Simple structure used to hold a mask and the correspoinding io-points of the circle. More...

#include <ltiLocalColorFeature.h>

Collaboration diagram for lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 sliceMask ()
 sliceMask (const int radius, const double angle, const int slices)
 sliceMask (const sliceMask &other)
void generate (const int radius, const double angle, const int slices)
sliceMaskcopy (const sliceMask &other)
sliceMaskoperator= (const sliceMask &other)
bool getMeans (const image &img, const location &loc, vector< trgbPixel< float > > &means) const
const kernel2D< ubyte > & getMask () const

Protected Attributes

bilinearInterpolator< rgbPixelbilin
kernel2D< ubytemask
array< int > ioPts
int slices
int radius

Detailed Description

Simple structure used to hold a mask and the correspoinding io-points of the circle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::sliceMask (  ) 

Default constructor.

lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::sliceMask ( const int  radius,
const double  angle,
const int  slices 

Constructor to generate directly the mask.

radius radius of the mask
angle anglewhich will be usually zero or 2*Pi/slices/2, to shift the mask one half slice from the "normal" one.
slices number of slices
lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::sliceMask ( const sliceMask other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

sliceMask& lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::copy ( const sliceMask other  ) 

Copy member.

void lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::generate ( const int  radius,
const double  angle,
const int  slices 

Generate this mask for the given parameters.

const kernel2D<ubyte>& lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::getMask (  )  const

Get mask.

bool lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::getMeans ( const image img,
const location loc,
vector< trgbPixel< float > > &  means 
) const

Get the mean values from the image at the given location considering this mask.

The vector contains first the means for all red components of the slices, followed by the green components and then by the blue ones,

sliceMask& lti::localColorFeature::sliceMask::operator= ( const sliceMask other  ) 

Alias for copy member.

Member Data Documentation

Bilinear interpolation functor.

Input/output points.

The size of this "matrix" will always be the 2 x number of rows of the mask, but indexed also with negative values

Mask contains the index of the slice for a pixel.

Radius of the mask.

Number of slices used.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Apr 10 15:27:31 2010 for LTI-Lib by Doxygen 1.6.1