LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U > Class Template Reference
[Basic Statistics]

Quick partial sort with colateral effects. More...

#include <ltiQuickPartialSort.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 quickPartialSort2 ()
 quickPartialSort2 (const quickPartialSort2< T, U > &other)
virtual ~quickPartialSort2 ()
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
bool apply (vector< T > &keys, vector< U > &data) const
bool apply (std::vector< T > &keys, vector< U > &data) const
bool apply (const int pivotIndex, vector< T > &keys, vector< U > &data) const
bool apply (const int pivotIndex, std::vector< T > &keys, vector< U > &data) const
virtual functorclone () const

Protected Member Functions

findMedian (vector< T > &vct, vector< U > &data, const int &begin, const int &end, const int &medianPos) const
int partition (vector< T > &vct, vector< U > &data, const int &begin, const int &end) const
findMedian (std::vector< T > &vct, vector< U > &data, const int &begin, const int &end, const int &medianPos) const
int partition (std::vector< T > &vct, vector< U > &data, const int &begin, const int &end) const

Detailed Description

template<class T, class U>
class lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >

Quick partial sort with colateral effects.

This class is used to extract the n smallest elements of a vector, without requiring to complete the sort, while a second vector is sorted exactly the same way.

It is usually employed when you just required, for example, the three smallest elements of a vector.

If the so-called pivot-index is equal to vct.size()/2 (where vct is the vector you want to partially sort), then this functor is equivalent to the quickMedian.

The type of the vector elements T must accept the operator< and operator=.

Note that this functor always sorts in increasing order. If you need the n greatest elements, then just give as pivot-index vct.size()-n, and the last elements are the ones you are looking for.

See also:
lti::quickMedian2, lti::sort2, lti::quickPartialSort

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T, class U>
lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::quickPartialSort2 (  ) 

default constructor

template<class T, class U>
lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::quickPartialSort2 ( const quickPartialSort2< T, U > &  other  ) 

copy constructor

other the object to be copied
template<class T, class U>
virtual lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::~quickPartialSort2 (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class U>
bool lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::apply ( const int  pivotIndex,
std::vector< T > &  keys,
vector< U > &  data 
) const

Partially sort the vector keys and reorder the elements of data accordingly.

Both vectors must have the same size.

pivotIndex pivot position on the given vector. The result has the first "pivotIndex" elements smaller or equal the rest of the vector elements.
keys vector<T> with the key data. This vector will be partially sorted.
data vector<U> with data to be sorted the same way as the keys. You can for example use a ivector initialized with the index values (i.e. data(i)=i), so that after the apply method you can check which elements are below the median and which above.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class T, class U>
bool lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::apply ( const int  pivotIndex,
vector< T > &  keys,
vector< U > &  data 
) const

Partially sort the vector keys and reorder the elements of data accordingly.

Both vectors must have the same size.

pivotIndex pivot position on the given vector. The result has the first "pivotIndex" elements smaller or equal the rest of the vector elements.
keys vector<T> with the key data. This vector will be partially sorted.
data vector<U> with data to be sorted the same way as the keys. You can for example use a ivector initialized with the index values (i.e. data(i)=i), so that after the apply method you can check which elements are below the median and which above.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class T, class U>
bool lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::apply ( std::vector< T > &  keys,
vector< U > &  data 
) const

Partially sort the vector keys and reorder the elements of data accordingly.

Both vectors must have the same size.

keys vector<T> with the key data. This vector will be partially sorted.
data vector<U> with data to be sorted the same way as the keys. You can for example use a ivector initialized with the index values (i.e. data(i)=i), so that after the apply method you can check which elements are below the median and which above.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class T, class U>
bool lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::apply ( vector< T > &  keys,
vector< U > &  data 
) const

Partially sort the vector keys and reorder the elements of data accordingly.

Both vectors must have the same size.

keys vector<T> with the key data. This vector will be partially sorted.
data vector<U> with data to be sorted the same way as the keys. You can for example use a ivector initialized with the index values (i.e. data(i)=i), so that after the apply method you can check which elements are below the median and which above.
true if successful, false otherwise.
template<class T, class U>
virtual functor* lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Reimplemented from lti::quickPartialSort< T >.

template<class T, class U>
T lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::findMedian ( std::vector< T > &  vct,
vector< U > &  data,
const int &  begin,
const int &  end,
const int &  medianPos 
) const [protected]

this method calculates the median in a recursively form

template<class T, class U>
T lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::findMedian ( vector< T > &  vct,
vector< U > &  data,
const int &  begin,
const int &  end,
const int &  medianPos 
) const [protected]

this method calculates the median in a recursively form

template<class T, class U>
virtual const char* lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns the name of this type ("quickPartialSort2")

Reimplemented from lti::quickPartialSort< T >.

template<class T, class U>
int lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::partition ( std::vector< T > &  vct,
vector< U > &  data,
const int &  begin,
const int &  end 
) const [protected]

this method chooses a pivot-value and ensures that lower values lie at the left and higher values at the right of its final position, which will be returned.

template<class T, class U>
int lti::quickPartialSort2< T, U >::partition ( vector< T > &  vct,
vector< U > &  data,
const int &  begin,
const int &  end 
) const [protected]

this method chooses a pivot-value and ensures that lower values lie at the left and higher values at the right of its final position, which will be returned.

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