LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters Class Reference

the parameters for the class leutronFrameGrabber More...

#include <ltiLeutronFrameGrabber.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 parameters ()
 parameters (const parameters &other)
 ~parameters ()
const char * getTypeName () const
parameterscopy (const parameters &other)
parametersoperator= (const parameters &other)
virtual functor::parametersclone () const
virtual bool write (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true) const
virtual bool read (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true)
bool readMS (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true)
bool writeMS (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true) const

Public Attributes

int targetIndex
std::string camera
int cameraIndex
tpoint< float > scaleFactorHPS
bool autoDetectCamera
point scaleFactorBRS
eWaitSyncType waitSync
point offset
bool scale
bool target [4]
eColorType color

Detailed Description

the parameters for the class leutronFrameGrabber

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::parameters (  ) 

default constructor

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::parameters ( const parameters other  ) 

copy constructor

other the parameters object to be copied

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::~parameters (  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from lti::functor::parameters.

Member Function Documentation

virtual functor::parameters* lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

parameters& lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::copy ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

const char* lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns name of this type

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

parameters& lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::operator= ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object
virtual bool lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::read ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) [virtual]

read the parameters from the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

bool lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::readMS ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 

this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains there.

.. This method is also public due to another bug, so please NEVER EVER call this method directly: use read() instead

virtual bool lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::write ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) const [virtual]

write the parameters in the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::frameGrabber::parameters.

bool lti::leutronFrameGrabber::parameters::writeMS ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) const

this function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains there.

.. This method is also public due to another bug, so please NEVER EVER call this method directly: use write() instead

Member Data Documentation

If true the framegrabber will auto detect the cameras.

Otherwise the grabber will check whether the camera name given in camera is supported and take those settings. This overrides the camera string. Default: true.

A camera name known to daisy.

It must be specified in lvcamera.dat. For Robocup roboter use "PAL_S_CCIR" (full mode) or "PAL_S_CCIR_Halbbild_50" (half mode). For Victoria use "Leutron_LV2000CE" (full mode) or "PAL_S_CCIR_HalbbildLV2000_50" (half mode). All cameras must be of the same type. Default: PAL_S_CCIR

The camera currently selected.

The hardware supports connection of 4 cameras. Default: 0 (first camera).

Grab a RGB-alpha color image, YUV or 8-bit grey.

Default: RGBa.

Offset in grabbed image.

Default value is 0. Negative values are not allowed. The values refer to the original image size of the camera. Default: (0,0)

Scale (true) or Clip (false) the grabbed image to specified dimensions.

In half image mode, which has higher priority, only scaling is supported. The image mode is specified implicitly by the camera. Default: true.

The scale factor of the image acquired by the BRS path.

The maximum image size of the camera is detected by the framegrabber. Default: (1,1).

The scale factor of the image acquired by the HPS path.

The maximum image size of the camera is detected by the framegrabber. Default: (1,1).

Specifies which targets will grabbed by apply(vector<.

.> ..). For details on the targets see the description of targetIndex. Default: grap HPS-target only.

The target currently selected (HPS 0, BPS 1, .

..). Some framegrabbers like the picport color support two targets, others may have even more targets. If several framegrabbers are installed in the system, the number of targets is limited by the smallest number of targets supported by one of the grabbers. Actually a more sophisticated implementation would not need this implementation, unless multi plexing.

The framegrabbers supports two paths: high performance scaling (HPS) or binary ratio scaling (BRS). On the BRS path only YUV and grey formats are possible. If RGB color is choosen it will be set to YUV on the BRS path. Specifying a targetIndex turns on the according field in the parameter target. Default: 0.

The type synchronization with the camera: no synchronization, with start of field 0, with start of field 1, with start of frame or with vertical sync puls.

The default is no synchronization. Default: None.

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