LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010


00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006
00003  * Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
00004  *
00005  * This file is part of the LTI-Computer Vision Library (LTI-Lib)
00006  *
00007  * The LTI-Lib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
00009  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00010  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * The LTI-Lib is distributed in the hope that it will be
00013  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
00015  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00018  * License along with the LTI-Lib; see the file LICENSE.  If
00019  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
00020  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00021  */
00024 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
00025  * project ....: LTI-Lib: Image Processing and Computer Vision Library
00026  * file .......: ltiFireWireDCAM.h
00027  * authors ....: Arnd Hannemann
00028  * organization: LTI, RWTH Aachen
00029  * creation ...: 21.10.2004
00030  * revisions ..: $Id: ltiFireWireDCAM.h,v 1.7 2008/08/17 22:20:12 alvarado Exp $
00031  */
00033 #ifndef _LTI_FIRE_WIRE_D_C_A_M_H_
00034 #define _LTI_FIRE_WIRE_D_C_A_M_H_
00036 #include "ltiHardwareConfig.h"
00038 #ifdef _USE_FIRE_WIRE_DCAM
00040 #include <libraw1394/raw1394.h>
00041 #include <libdc1394/dc1394_control.h>
00043 #include <string>
00044 #include <vector>
00045 #include <set>
00046 #include <map>
00047 #include "ltiFrameGrabber.h"
00048 #include "ltiMergeYCbCrToImage.h"
00049 #include "ltiBayerDemosaicing.h"
00050 #include "ltiMutex.h"
00053 namespace lti {
00054   /**
00055    * Grab imags from FireWire Cameras.
00056    *
00057    * This functor permits to interact with standard FireWire DCAM cameras (aka
00058    * IIDC v1.3x).  It is a wrapper of the libdc1394 library in (linux).  You
00059    * may find the information of the IIDC standard useful, which can be found
00060    * on the net (for instance, in 
00061    * ).
00062    *
00063    *  System requirements:
00064    *    - linux kernel modules ieee1394, ohci1394, raw1394 and video1394
00065    *    - libdc1394 (>= 1.0.0, < 2.x)
00066    *    - libraw1394 (>= 0.9.0)
00067    *  Since the version 2.x of libdc1394 still is beta, no migration has been
00068    *  done for it yet.  Several changes are required, but the version control
00069    *  of that library isn't supported yet.
00070    *
00071    *  Installation:
00072    *    -# compile or install above kernel modules for your kernel (usually
00073    *       they are in most distributions ready)
00074    *    -# create video devicefiles for video1394
00075    *       (e.g. /dev/video1394).  This is also usually automatically done.
00076    *    -# compile or install libdc1394 and libraw1394.  Most distributions
00077    *       provide packages for them.  Do not forget to install the "dev" or
00078    *       "devel" packages of the library as well.
00079    *    -# edit in the linux directory of your ltilib to permit
00080    *       the use of this functor.
00081    *       (example can be found in
00082    *    -# compile ltilib
00083    *    -# all kernel modules must be loaded before running any code that uses
00084    *       this class.
00085    *
00086    * Example:
00087    *  \code
00088    *    // viewer to display taken shot
00089    *    viewer view("FireWireDCAM");
00090    * 
00091    *    fireWireDCAM::parameters camPar;
00092    *    fireWireDCAM cam;
00094    *    // will be preserved by init()
00095    *    camPar.deviceFile = "/dev/video1394/0";
00096    *    camPar.oneShot = true;
00097    *    camPar.brightness = 22;
00098    *
00099    *    // as the camera is initialized now, the new parameters will be written
00100    *    // into the camera
00101    *    cam.setParameters(camPar);
00102    *    // take picture
00103    *    image img;
00104    *    cam.apply(img);
00105    *
00106    *    // show image
00107    *;
00108    *
00109    *  \endcode
00110    *
00111    *  Not yet implemented:
00112    *  - format7 (scalable image)
00113    *  - color modes: Mono16, RGB, YUV444
00114    *  - camera features: (see fireWireDCAM::parameters)
00115    *
00116    *  Other things to do:
00117    *  - get feature constraints
00118    *  - it would be much better to use a wrapper class instead of including
00119    *    raw1394.h and dc1394_control.h directly (namespace)
00120    *  - better error handling (e.g. remember setup_capture failures etc..)
00121    *
00122    * \warning Even if some code has been developed for support of
00123    * one-push and format7 features, we haven't got a camera that
00124    * supports them and therefore that code may not work.  Please
00125    * report any problems, or even better, submit a patch with fixes if
00126    * they are necessary.
00127    */
00128   class fireWireDCAM : public frameGrabber {
00129   public:
00130     // ------------------------------------------------
00131     // enumerations
00132     // ------------------------------------------------
00134     /**
00135      * Auto correction modes for parameters
00136      *
00137      * While setting the parameters for a camera, you can decide how to behave
00138      * on invalid parameters.
00139      */
00140     enum eFixMode {
00141       NoFix,   /**< Use the parameters as they are given, and if something is
00142                     invalid, return an error */
00143       AutoFix, /**< Try to use the parameters as they are given, but is
00144                     something is invalid or not supported by the active camera,
00145                     change it to a valid configuration */
00146       Upload   /**< Ignore the parameters given, and simply upload the values
00147                     in use in the camera indicated by the parameters set, which
00148                     is set as active. */
00149     };
00151     /**
00152      * Feature state
00153      *
00154      * Most features, following the IIDC standard, can be used in one of the
00155      * following states.
00156      *
00157      * Several notes on the values:
00158      * - The FeatureOff can under circumstances be used to check if a
00159      *   feature can be turned off.  The use of any other state implies that
00160      *   the feature is on.
00161      * - The FeatureOnePush activates the "one-push" adjustment when the
00162      *   functor parameters are updated (setParameters() do that too, of 
00163      *   course), or when one specific methods for direct camera control
00164      *   (like setBrightness()) is used.
00165      * - The FeatureAbsolute is identical to manual, except that, if a camera
00166      *   supports it, the values are given in certain units specified by the
00167      *   standard, like \b degrees for hue, pan and tilt, \b percentage for 
00168      *   brightness and saturation, \b meters for focus, and so on.
00169      * - FeatureNA is used to indicate that a feature is not available or
00170      *   that the user wants this functor not to touch the configuration of
00171      *   a given feature.
00172      */
00173     enum eFeatureState {
00174       FeatureNA=0,     /**< Feature not available */
00175       FeatureOff=1,    /**< Feature is deactivated */
00176       FeatureAuto=2,   /**< Feature adjustments are taken automatically */
00177       FeatureManual=4, /**< Feature adjustments are done by the user */
00178       FeatureOnePush=8,/**< Feature is automatically adjusted but only once */
00179       FeatureAbsolute=16 /**< Feature is manually controled but using absolute
00180                               values */
00181     };
00183     /**
00184      * Enumeration of encoding methods allowed by the IIDC standard of the IEEE
00185      * 1394.  Many of these constants are available for Format7 modes only,
00186      * i.e., if the camera supports scalable image sizes.
00187      *
00188      * Some of the following encoding methods are not supported by the LTI-Lib
00189      * yet, specially those with 16 bits.  Hence, the equivalent formats with
00190      * lower precision would be used instead.
00191      */
00192     enum eColorMode {
00193       Mono8 = 0, /**< Monochromatic with 8 bits (unsigned) per pixel */
00194       Mono16,    /**< Monochromatic with 16 bits (unsigned) per pixel */
00195       Mono16s,   /**< Monochromatic with 16 bits (signed) per pixel */
00196       YUV411,    /**< Yuv color space with 4:1:1 ratio */
00197       YUV422,    /**< Yuv color space with 4:2:2 ratio */
00198       YUV444,    /**< Yuv color space with 4:4:4 ratio */
00199       RGB8,      /**< RGB encoding with 8 bits per color channel */
00200       RGB16,     /**< RGB encoding with 16 bits (unsigned) per color channel */
00201       RGB16s,    /**< RGB encoding with 16 bits (signed) per color channel */
00202       Raw8,      /**< Raw data in 8 bits */
00203       Raw16,     /**< Raw data in 16 bits */
00204       UnknownEncoding   /**< Dummy value for an unknown encoding */
00205     };
00207     /**
00208      * The parameters for the class fireWireDCAM
00209      */
00210     class parameters : public frameGrabber::parameters {
00211     public:
00213       /**
00214        * Default constructor
00215        */
00216       parameters();
00218       /**
00219        * Copy constructor
00220        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00221        */
00222       parameters(const parameters& other);
00224       /**
00225        * Destructor
00226        */
00227       ~parameters();
00229       /**
00230        * Returns name of this type
00231        */
00232       const char* getTypeName() const;
00234       /**
00235        * Copy the contents of a parameters object
00236        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00237        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00238        */
00239       parameters& copy(const parameters& other);
00241       /**
00242        * Copy the contents of a parameters object
00243        * @param other the parameters object to be copied
00244        * @return a reference to this parameters object
00245        */
00246       parameters& operator=(const parameters& other);
00249       /**
00250        * Returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters
00251        */
00252       virtual functor::parameters* clone() const;
00254       /**
00255        * Write the parameters in the given ioHandler
00256        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00257        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00258        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00259        * @return true if write was successful
00260        */
00261       virtual bool write(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00263       /**
00264        * Read the parameters from the given ioHandler
00265        * @param handler the ioHandler to be used
00266        * @param complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will
00267        *        be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
00268        * @return true if write was successful
00269        */
00270       virtual bool read(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00272 #     ifdef _LTI_MSC_6
00273       /**
00274        * This function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00275        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00276        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00277        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00278        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use read() instead
00279        */
00280       bool readMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true);
00282       /**
00283        * This function is required by MSVC only, as a workaround for a
00284        * very awful bug, which exists since MSVC V.4.0, and still by
00285        * V.6.0 with all bugfixes (so called "service packs") remains
00286        * there...  This method is also public due to another bug, so please
00287        * NEVER EVER call this method directly: use write() instead
00288        */
00289       bool writeMS(ioHandler& handler,const bool complete=true) const;
00290 #     endif
00292       // ------------------------------------------------
00293       // the parameters
00294       // ------------------------------------------------
00296       /**
00297        * Indicate how to behave if invalid parameters are given.
00298        *
00299        * You can choose if you want your parameters to be taken exactly as they
00300        * are given, and if there is an invalid configuration to report an error
00301        * (NoFix).  You can also indicate that those invalid parameters should
00302        * be automatically modified to valid ones (AutoFix).  A third
00303        * possibility is to upload the configuration within the physical camera
00304        * exactly as they are, overwriting everything is given here.
00305        *
00306        * Default value: Upload
00307        */
00308       eFixMode fixMode;
00310       /**
00311        * Size of the image to be acquired.
00312        *
00313        * The standard IIDC establishes a finite set of valid resolutions for
00314        * IEEE1394 cameras, and groups them in so called \e formats.  These
00315        * formats have the following names:
00316        * 
00317        * - Format 0: VGA non compressed, for resolutions less than or equal
00318        *   to 640x480
00319        * - Format 1: SVGA non compressed, for resolutions greater than Format 0
00320        *   and less than or equal to 1024x768
00321        * - Format 2: SVGA non compressed, for resolutions greater than Format 1
00322        *   and less than or equal to 1600x1200
00323        * - Format 6: Still image
00324        * - Format 7: Scalable image size
00325        *
00326        * The set of accepted image sizes is
00327        *
00328        * - 160x120   (format 0)
00329        * - 320x240   (format 0)
00330        * - 640x480   (format 0)
00331        * - 800x600   (format 1)
00332        * - 1024x768  (format 1)
00333        * - 1280x960  (format 2)
00334        * - 1600x1200 (format 2)
00335        *
00336        * For each format, only a subset of valid pixel encodings are valid.
00337        * (see the documentation of attribute \c parameters::encoding for a
00338        * detailed list).
00339        *
00340        * Default: 640x480
00341        */
00342       ipoint resolution;
00344       /**
00345        * Pixel color encoding.
00346        *
00347        * Each resolution in IIDC standard supports only a subset of the
00348        * possible encodings and each camera usually supports just a subset of
00349        * those.
00350        * 
00351        * The following table summarizes the possible combinations of
00352        * resolutions and encodings (red means "not allowed", F# indicates 
00353        * the format #).
00354        *
00355        * <table align="center" frame="box" border=1>
00356        *   <tr>
00357        *     <td></td>
00358        *     <td>Mono8</td>
00359        *     <td>Mono16</td>
00360        *     <td>YUV411</td>
00361        *     <td>YUV422</td>
00362        *     <td>YUV444</td>
00363        *     <td>RGB8</td>
00364        *     <td>RGB16</td>
00365        *   </tr>
00366        *   <tr>
00367        *     <td>160x120</td>
00368        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00369        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00370        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00371        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00372        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00373        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00374        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00375        *   </tr>
00376        *   <tr>
00377        *     <td>320x240</td>
00378        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00379        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00380        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00381        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00382        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00383        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00384        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00385        *   </tr>
00386        *   <tr>
00387        *     <td>640x480</td>
00388        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00389        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00390        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00391        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00392        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00393        *     <td bgcolor="gray">F0</td>
00394        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00395        *   </tr>
00396        *   <tr>
00397        *     <td>800x600</td>
00398        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00399        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00400        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00401        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00402        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00403        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00404        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00405        *   </tr>
00406        *   <tr>
00407        *     <td>1024x768</td>
00408        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00409        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00410        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00411        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00412        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00413        *     <td bgcolor="darkGray">F1</td>
00414        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00415        *   </tr>
00416        *   <tr>
00417        *     <td>1280x960</td>
00418        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00419        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00420        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00421        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00422        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00423        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00424        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00425        *   </tr>
00426        *   <tr>
00427        *     <td>1600x1200</td>
00428        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00429        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00430        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00431        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00432        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00433        *     <td bgcolor="lightGray">F2</td>
00434        *     <td bgcolor="red"></td>
00435        *   </tr>
00436        * </table>
00437        *
00438        * Default value: YUV422
00439        */
00440       eColorMode encoding;
00442       /**
00443        * Desired framerate.
00444        *
00445        * Only a finite set of framerates are allowed:
00446        *
00447        * - 1.875
00448        * - 3.75
00449        * - 7.5
00450        * - 15
00451        * - 30
00452        * - 60
00453        * - 120
00454        * - 240
00455        *
00456        * If you give another value then the nearest one will be used.
00457        * If the nearest value of the above list is not supported by the
00458        * current camera, then the behaviour will depend on \c autofix.
00459        * 
00460        * Default: 15
00461        */
00462       float framerate;
00464       /**
00465        * @name Camera features
00466        *
00467        * The following attributes give access to most of the features supported
00468        * by the libdc1394.
00469        *
00470        * Each particular camera usually support just a subset of these
00471        * features.  You can use the method
00472        * lti::fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() to check if a particular
00473        * feature is supported by your camera or not.
00474        *
00475        * The attributes with the word "State" control the "state" in which the
00476        * feature is to be used (see the IIDC 1.3x specifications for details,
00477        * which can be found at 
00478        *
00479        *
00480        * Not all cameras support all possible states of a particular feature.
00481        * You can use the method lti::fireWireDCAM::checkFeatureStates() to test
00482        * the camera support for the on-off, auto, manual, one-push and absolute
00483        * states.
00484        *
00485        * If a camera supports the one-push state, then the corresponding values
00486        * for the feature will be automatically adjusted exaclty once, just when
00487        * you set the parameters or update them.  Then the camera automatically
00488        * returns into the manual state.  You can use the dumpParameters()
00489        * method to obtain the adjusted values.
00490        *
00491        * Please note that the LTI-Lib uses float values for the features to
00492        * cover directly the values that a "absolute-setting capable" camera
00493        * would admit.
00494        *
00495        * The supported features of the IIDC specification are:
00496        * 
00497        * - FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS
00498        * - FEATURE_EXPOSURE
00499        * - FEATURE_SHARPNESS
00500        * - FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE
00501        * - FEATURE_HUE
00502        * - FEATURE_SATURATION
00503        * - FEATURE_GAMMA
00504        * - FEATURE_SHUTTER
00505        * - FEATURE_GAIN
00506        * - FEATURE_IRIS
00507        * - FEATURE_FOCUS
00508        * - FEATURE_ZOOM
00509        * - FEATURE_PAN
00510        * - FEATURE_TILT
00511        *
00512        * The yet unsupported features are (patches to add support for these
00513        * missing features are always welcome).
00514        *
00515        * - FEATURE_TEMPERATURE
00516        * - FEATURE_TRIGGER
00517        * - FEATURE_TRIGGER_DELAY
00518        * - FEATURE_WHITE_SHADING
00519        * - FEATURE_FRAME_RATE
00521        * - FEATURE_CAPTURE_SIZE
00523        */
00524       //@{
00526       /**
00527        * Brightness feature state.
00528        *
00529        * The brightness usually refers to an offset value that is added to the
00530        * CCD signal before the A/D conversion, and is used to remove residual
00531        * offsets in the signal chain.  Therefore, is is also known as "black
00532        * level".  You may check, however, which use is being assigned to this
00533        * feature in your camera.
00534        *
00535        * - FeatureOff: Brightness level will have a fixed value.
00536        * - FeatureAuto: Camera will control the brightness level automatically.
00537        * - FeatureManual: User sets the brightness level manually with the
00538        *                  attribute \c parameters::brightness
00539        * - FeatureOnePush: Brightness value is automatically set and then
00540        *                   returns to manual state.
00541        *
00542        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00543        */
00544       eFeatureState brightnessState;
00546       /**
00547        * Overall brightness.
00548        *
00549        * Default value: 0
00550        */
00551       float brightness;
00553       /**
00554        * Auto Exposure state
00555        *
00556        * - FeatureOff: Exposure will be manually controlled by gain, iris and 
00557        *               shutter features.
00558        * - FeatureAuto: reference level is automatically adjusted continuously.
00559        * - FeatureManual: exposure level automatically set, but the user 
00560        *                  selects the reference level in parameters::exposure
00561        * - FeatureOnePush: reference level is set once automatically and then
00562        *                   the state returns to manual.
00563        *
00564        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00565        */
00566       eFeatureState exposureState;
00568       /**
00569        * Auto exposure control.
00570        *
00571        * Reference level used for the auto exposure control
00572        *
00573        * Default value: 0
00574        */
00575       float exposure;
00577       /**
00578        * Sharpness control state.
00579        *
00580        * - FeatureOff: sharpness level will have a fixed value
00581        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls sharpness level automatically.
00582        * - FeatureManual: Sharpness level is set to the value in 
00583        *                  parameters::sharpness
00584        * - FeatureOnePush: sharpness level is set once automatically and then
00585        *                   the state returns to manual.
00586        *
00587        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00588        */
00589       eFeatureState sharpnessState;
00591       /**
00592        * Sharpness control value
00593        *
00594        * Default value: 0
00595        */
00596       float sharpness;
00598       /**
00599        * Automatic white balance.
00600        *
00601        * - FeatureOff: white balance will have fixed values.
00602        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls white balance automatically.
00603        * - FeatureManual: white balance will be manually controlled through
00604        *                  the values parameters::redGain and 
00605        *                  parameters::blueGain.
00606        * - FeatureOnePush: white balance is set once automatically and then
00607        *                   the state returns to manual.
00608        *
00609        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00610        */
00611       eFeatureState whiteBalanceState;
00613       /**
00614        * Gain applied to red (or V) components if the
00615        * parameters::whiteBalanceState requires it.
00616        *
00617        * Default value: 0
00618        */
00619       float redGain;
00621       /**
00622        * Gain applied to blue (or U) components if the
00623        * parameters::whiteBalanceState requires it.
00624        *
00625        * Default value: 0
00626        */
00627       float blueGain;
00629       /**
00630        * Hue control state
00631        *
00632        * - FeatureOff: hue control will have fixed values.
00633        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls hue automatically.
00634        * - FeatureManual: hue will be manually controlled through
00635        *                  the value parameters::hue.
00636        * - FeatureOnePush: hue is set once automatically and then
00637        *                   the state returns to manual.
00638        *
00639        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00640        */
00641       eFeatureState hueState;
00643       /**
00644        * Hue control value
00645        *
00646        * Controls color phase of the picture
00647        *
00648        * Default value: 0
00649        */
00650       float hue;
00652       /**
00653        * Saturation control state
00654        *
00655        * - FeatureOff: saturation control will have fixed values.
00656        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls saturation automatically.
00657        * - FeatureManual: saturation will be manually controlled through
00658        *                  the value parameters::saturation.
00659        * - FeatureOnePush: saturation is set once automatically and then
00660        *                   the state returns to manual.
00661        *
00662        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00663        */
00664       eFeatureState saturationState;
00666       /**
00667        * Saturation control value
00668        *
00669        * Controls color saturation of the picture
00670        *
00671        * Default value: 0
00672        */
00673       float saturation;
00675       /**
00676        * Gamma control state
00677        *
00678        * - FeatureOff: gamma control will have fixed values.
00679        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls gamma automatically.
00680        * - FeatureManual: gamma will be manually controlled through
00681        *                  the value parameters::gamma.
00682        * - FeatureOnePush: gamma is set once automatically and then
00683        *                   the state returns to manual.
00684        *
00685        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00686        */
00687       eFeatureState gammaState;
00689       /**
00690        * Gamma control value
00691        *
00692        * Controls gamma value used in the adjustment between incomming light
00693        * level and output picture level.
00694        *
00695        * Default value: 0
00696        */
00697       float gamma;
00699       /**
00700        * State for the shutter control.
00701        *
00702        * "Shutter" means the integration time of the incomming light.
00703        * 
00704        * - FeatureOff: integration time will have fixed values.
00705        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls shutter automatically.
00706        * - FeatureManual: shutter will be manually controlled through
00707        *                  the value parameters::shutter.
00708        * - FeatureOnePush: shutter is set once automatically and then
00709        *                   the state returns to manual.
00710        *
00711        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00712        */
00713       eFeatureState shutterState;
00715       /**
00716        * Integration time of the incomming light.
00717        *
00718        * Influences shutter speed of the camera, higher values
00719        * usually mean lower shutter speed.
00720        *
00721        * Default value: 0
00722        */
00723       float shutter;
00725       /**
00726        * State used for gain control.
00727        *
00728        * Gain is usually a factor used to multiply the CCD signal, modifying
00729        * the entire dynamic range.
00730        *
00731        * - FeatureOff: gain control will have fixed values.
00732        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls gain automatically.
00733        * - FeatureManual: gain will be manually controlled through
00734        *                  the value parameters::gain.
00735        * - FeatureOnePush: gain is set once automatically and then
00736        *                   the state returns to manual.
00737        *
00738        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00739        */
00740        eFeatureState gainState;
00742       /**
00743        * Gain of the camera, usually applied on all colors.
00744        *
00745        * Default: 0
00746        */
00747       float gain;
00749       /**
00750        * State used for mechanical iris control.
00751        *
00752        * - FeatureOff: iris control will have fixed values.
00753        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls iris automatically.
00754        * - FeatureManual: iris will be manually controlled through
00755        *                  the value parameters::iris.
00756        * - FeatureOnePush: iris is set once automatically and then
00757        *                   the state returns to manual.
00758        *
00759        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00760        */
00761       eFeatureState irisState;
00763       /**
00764        * Manually set value for the mechanical iris control.
00765        *
00766        * Default: 0
00767        */
00768       float iris;
00770       /**
00771        * State used for lens focus control.
00772        *
00773        * - FeatureOff: focus control will have fixed values.
00774        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls focus automatically.
00775        * - FeatureManual: focus will be manually controlled through
00776        *                  the value parameters::focus.
00777        * - FeatureOnePush: focus is set once automatically and then
00778        *                   the state returns to manual.
00779        *
00780        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00781        */
00782       eFeatureState focusState;
00784       /**
00785        * Value used for manual lens focus control.
00786        *
00787        * Default: 0
00788        */
00789       float focus;
00791       /**
00792        * State used for lens zoom control.
00793        *
00794        * - FeatureOff: zoom control will have fixed values.
00795        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls zoom automatically.
00796        * - FeatureManual: zoom will be manually controlled through
00797        *                  the value parameters::zoom.
00798        * - FeatureOnePush: zoom is set once automatically and then
00799        *                   the state returns to manual.
00800        *
00801        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00802        */
00803       eFeatureState zoomState;
00805       /**
00806        * Value used for manual lens zoom control.
00807        *
00808        * Default: 0
00809        */
00810       float zoom;
00812       /**
00813        * State used for lens pan control.
00814        *
00815        * - FeatureOff: pan control will have fixed values.
00816        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls pan automatically.
00817        * - FeatureManual: pan will be manually controlled through
00818        *                  the value parameters::pan.
00819        * - FeatureOnePush: pan is set once automatically and then
00820        *                   the state returns to manual.
00821        *
00822        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00823        */
00824       eFeatureState panState;
00826       /**
00827        * Value used for manual lens pan control.
00828        *
00829        * Default: 0
00830        */
00831       float pan;
00833       /**
00834        * State used for lens tilt control.
00835        *
00836        * - FeatureOff: tilt control will have fixed values.
00837        * - FeatureAuto: camera controls tilt automatically.
00838        * - FeatureManual: tilt will be manually controlled through
00839        *                  the value parameters::tilt.
00840        * - FeatureOnePush: tilt is set once automatically and then
00841        *                   the state returns to manual.
00842        *
00843        * Default value: FeatureAuto
00844        */
00845       eFeatureState tiltState;
00847       /**
00848        * Value used for manual lens tilt control.
00849        *
00850        * Default: 0
00851        */
00852       float tilt;
00853       //@}
00855       /**
00856        * @name One-Push related parameters.
00857        *
00858        * When you set a feature state in "FeatureOnePush", then the camera is
00859        * told to switch into a "one-push" state.  You can indicate with the
00860        * following attributes, first, if you want to wait for the camera to
00861        * automatically return to the manual control state; second, if you do
00862        * want to wait, then how often you want to check if the camera returned
00863        * from the "one-push" state, and for how long.
00864        */
00865       //@{
00866       /**
00867        * Wait for one-push state ready
00868        *
00869        * This indicates if you want to way for a one-push capable feature
00870        * to finish the automatic configuration.
00871        *
00872        * Default value: false;
00873        */
00874       bool waitOnePush;
00876       /**
00877        * Frequency (in Herz) of tests if the one-push features are ready.
00878        * 
00879        * Default value: 2 (twice a second)
00880        */
00881       float onePushUpdateRate;
00883       /**
00884        * Time-out for the one-push checks (in seconds)
00885        *
00886        * Default value: 10 (seconds)
00887        */
00888       float onePushTimeout;
00890       //@}
00893       /**
00894        * Whether one shot mode should be used.
00895        *
00896        * In oneShot mode the computer advises the camera to shot
00897        * one picture and transfer it to the computer. 
00898        * If oneShot is false, the camera will transfer pictures
00899        *
00900        * all the time, thus using a lot of fireWire bandwith.
00901        * The latter mode should be faster and recommended if high
00902        * framerates are desired.
00903        *
00904        * If the camera does not support the one shot mode, then
00905        * it will be assumed as if this value were set to false.
00906        *
00907        * Default: true
00908        */
00909       bool oneShot;
00911       /**
00912        * DMA buffer size in frames.
00913        *
00914        * For DMA access provided by the video1394 library, a buffer ring of the
00915        * given number of images is used.  This means, the higher this number,
00916        * the higher the latency of the read images (i.e. the time-shift between
00917        * the image provided by the apply method and the actual time in which
00918        * that image was taken is much higher), as it will be the given number
00919        * of frames in the past.
00920        * 
00921        * Default: 2
00922        */
00923       int dmaBufferSize;
00925       /**
00926        * Whether frames will be dropped to keep down latency.
00927        *
00928        * This indicates what to do if the ring buffer is full: should the
00929        * last image there be kept until read (false), or should the buffer
00930        * be overwritten with the incomming images.
00931        *
00932        * Default: true
00933        */
00934       bool dropFrames;
00936       /**
00937        * Device file for video capture.
00938        *
00939        * Default: "/dev/video1394/0"
00940        */
00941       std::string deviceFile;
00943       /**
00944        * Parameters for the Bayer pattern demosaicing method.
00945        *
00946        * Default values: NearestNeighbor and RGGB
00947        */      
00948       bayerDemosaicing::parameters bayerParameters;
00950       /**
00951        * Camera names file.
00952        *
00953        * To provide an easy way to identify your cameras, this functor manages
00954        * a very simple table of camera names associated with a 64bit number.
00955        * The table is stored in the file with the name given here.  You can
00956        * provide an absolute path with the file if you want a system-wide
00957        * name convention for your cameras.
00958        *
00959        * If a new camera has been detected, and the \c cameraName is not
00960        * in the current table, then a new line will be added with that name.
00961        * If the file is in use, then a name "Camera-x" will be added with "x" a
00962        * sequence number.
00963        *
00964        * The first camera in the file will always be the default one used.
00965        *
00966        * Please note that this is a class attribute (a static attribute), which
00967        * means that all instances share the same file, since it makes sense
00968        * that all cameras can be addressed using the same names.
00969        *
00970        * Default value: "cameras.txt"
00971        */
00972       static std::string cameraNamesFile;
00974       /**
00975        * Camera name.
00976        *
00977        * The camera with the given name in the cameraNamesFile will be used.
00978        * If the name has not yet been registered in the cameraNamesFiles, then
00979        * the first available camera will be taken and asigned this \c
00980        * cameraName, which can be later modified by hand in the corresponding
00981        * names file.
00982        *
00983        * Default value: "Default"
00984        */
00985       std::string cameraName;
00987     protected:
00988       /**
00989        * Write the name of the encoding method into a string
00990        */
00991       const char* encodingName(const eColorMode& code) const;
00992       /**
00993        * Convert the name of an encoding type to the corresponding
00994        * enum value.
00995        */
00996       const eColorMode getEncoding(const std::string& name) const;
00998       /**
00999        * Get a string for the fix mode
01000        */
01001       const char* fixModeName(const eFixMode& mode) const;
01003       /**
01004        * For the given string, return a valid fix mode 
01005        */
01006       const eFixMode getFixMode(const std::string& name) const;
01008     };
01010     /**
01011      * Default constructor
01012      *
01013      * You usually avoid using this constructor.  Using fireWireDCAM(const
01014      * parameters&) you can provide directly for which camera the constructed
01015      * instance should work.
01016      */
01017     fireWireDCAM();
01019     /**
01020      * Construct with the given parameters instance.
01021      *
01022      * You can give directly in the parameters object for which camera
01023      * the instance should be created, therefore this is the most used
01024      * constructor of this functor.
01025      */
01026     fireWireDCAM(const parameters& par);
01029     /**
01030      * Copy constructor
01031      * @param other the object to be copied
01032      */
01033     fireWireDCAM(const fireWireDCAM& other);
01035     /**
01036      * Destructor
01037      */
01038     virtual ~fireWireDCAM();
01040     /**
01041      * Returns the name of this type ("fireWireDCAM")
01042      */
01043     virtual const char* getTypeName() const;
01045     /**
01046      * Gets one frame from camera.
01047      * @param dest image the result will be left here.
01048      * @return true if apply successful or false otherwise. 
01049      */
01050     bool apply(image& dest);
01052     /**
01053      * Gets one frame from camera.
01054      * @param dest channel8 the result be left here.
01055      * @return true if apply successful or false otherwise.
01056      */
01057     bool apply(channel8& dest);
01060     /**
01061      * Grabs a raw frame from camera.
01062      * @param dest channle8 where the result will be left.
01063      * @return true if apply successful or false otherwise.
01064      */
01065     bool grabRaw(matrix<ubyte>& dest);
01067     /**
01068      * write parameters in camera
01069      */
01070     bool updateParameters();
01072     /**
01073      * @name Direct access to camera features.
01074      *
01075      * These methods access the camera registers directly, and they try to
01076      * update the internal parameters.  However, since the cameras may adjust
01077      * themselves, you may find the method fireWireDCAM::dumpParameters()
01078      * useful, which asks the camera for all parameters in use at once.
01079      *
01080      * If a feature supports the "one-push state", then the automatic
01081      * configuration will begin as soon as you call the corresponding method
01082      * with the value \c FeatureOnePush as state (for example
01083      * setWhiteBalance(FeatureOnePush) ).
01084      *
01085      * If you set the state of one or more features to one-push, then you may
01086      * want to wait for them to be ready with the method onePushWait().  Of
01087      * course, this will work if and only if the camera supports this feature
01088      * state.
01089      *
01090      * The methods to query information from the camera do indeed ask the
01091      * camera for the corresponding value (if and only if this is possible).
01092      * There are cameras which do not support the readout capability for the
01093      * registers holding the feature values.  In that case, the get* methods
01094      * will return \c false.
01095      */
01096     //@{
01098     /**
01099      * Set brightness control state and register in camera directly.
01100      *
01101      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01102      * @param brightness If state is manual, the value to be used.
01103      *
01104      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01105      */
01106     bool setBrightness(const eFeatureState state,
01107                        const float brightness=0);
01109     /**
01110      * Get brightness state and value directly out of camera.
01111      *
01112      * @param state Variable where the current brightness state is to be 
01113      *              written.
01114      * @param brightness Variable where the brightness value is to be written.
01115      *
01116      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01117      */ 
01118     bool getBrightness(eFeatureState& state,
01119                        float& brightness) const;
01121     /**
01122      * Set exposure control state and register in camera directly.
01123      *
01124      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01125      * @param exposure If state is manual, the value to be used.
01126      *
01127      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01128      */
01129     bool setExposure(const eFeatureState state,
01130                      const float exposure=0);
01132     /**
01133      * Get exposure state and value directly out of camera.
01134      *
01135      * @param state Variable where the current exposure state is to be 
01136      *              written.
01137      * @param exposure Variable where the exposure value is to be written.
01138      *
01139      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01140      */ 
01141     bool getExposure(eFeatureState& state,
01142                      float& exposure) const;
01144     /**
01145      * Set sharpness control state and register in camera directly.
01146      *
01147      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01148      * @param sharpness If state is manual, the value to be used.
01149      *
01150      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01151      */
01152     bool setSharpness(const eFeatureState state,
01153                       const float sharpness=0);
01155     /**
01156      * Get sharpness state and value directly out of camera.
01157      *
01158      * @param state Variable where the current sharpness state is to be 
01159      *              written.
01160      * @param sharpness Variable where the sharpness value is to be written.
01161      *
01162      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01163      */ 
01164     bool getSharpness(eFeatureState& state,
01165                       float& sharpness) const;
01167     /**
01168      * Set whiteBalance control state and register in camera directly.
01169      *
01170      * Depending on the color space used by the camera (RGB or YUV), the
01171      * color gains are applied to UV or to BR.
01172      *
01173      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01174      * @param ubGain gain for the blue channel (or U channel)
01175      * @param vrGain gain for the red channel (or V channel)
01176      *
01177      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01178      */
01179     bool setWhiteBalance(const eFeatureState state,
01180                          const float ubGain=0,
01181                          const float vrGain=0);
01183     /**
01184      * Get whiteBalance state and value directly out of camera.
01185      *
01186      * @param state Variable where the current whiteBalance state is to be 
01187      *              written.
01188      * @param ubGain gain for the blue channel (or U channel)
01189      * @param vrGain gain for the red channel (or V channel)
01190      *
01191      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01192      */ 
01193     bool getWhiteBalance(eFeatureState& state,
01194                          float& ubGain,
01195                          float& vrGain);
01197     /**
01198      * Set hue control state and register in camera directly.
01199      *
01200      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01201      * @param hue If state is manual, the value to be used.
01202      *
01203      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01204      */
01205     bool setHue(const eFeatureState state,
01206                 const float hue=0);
01208     /**
01209      * Get hue state and value directly out of camera.
01210      *
01211      * @param state Variable where the current hue state is to be 
01212      *              written.
01213      * @param hue Variable where the hue value is to be written.
01214      *
01215      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01216      */ 
01217     bool getHue(eFeatureState& state,
01218                 float& hue) const;
01220     /**
01221      * Set saturation control state and register in camera directly.
01222      *
01223      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01224      * @param saturation If state is manual, the value to be used.
01225      *
01226      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01227      */
01228     bool setSaturation(const eFeatureState state,
01229                        const float saturation=0);
01231     /**
01232      * Get saturation state and value directly out of camera.
01233      *
01234      * @param state Variable where the current saturation state is to be 
01235      *              written.
01236      * @param saturation Variable where the saturation value is to be written.
01237      *
01238      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01239      */ 
01240     bool getSaturation(eFeatureState& state,
01241                        float& saturation) const;
01243     /**
01244      * Set gamma control state and register in camera directly.
01245      *
01246      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01247      * @param gamma If state is manual, the value to be used.
01248      *
01249      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01250      */
01251     bool setGamma(const eFeatureState state,
01252                   const float gamma=0);
01254     /**
01255      * Get gamma state and value directly out of camera.
01256      *
01257      * @param state Variable where the current gamma state is to be 
01258      *              written.
01259      * @param gamma Variable where the gamma value is to be written.
01260      *
01261      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01262      */ 
01263     bool getGamma(eFeatureState& state,
01264                   float& gamma) const;
01266     /**
01267      * Set shutter control state and register in camera directly.
01268      *
01269      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01270      * @param shutter If state is manual, the value to be used.
01271      *
01272      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01273      */
01274     bool setShutter(const eFeatureState state,
01275                     const float shutter=0);
01277     /**
01278      * Get shutter state and value directly out of camera.
01279      *
01280      * @param state Variable where the current shutter state is to be 
01281      *              written.
01282      * @param shutter Variable where the shutter value is to be written.
01283      *
01284      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01285      */ 
01286     bool getShutter(eFeatureState& state,
01287                     float& shutter) const;
01289     /**
01290      * Set gain control state and register in camera directly.
01291      *
01292      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01293      * @param gain If state is manual, the value to be used.
01294      *
01295      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01296      */
01297     bool setGain(const eFeatureState state,
01298                  const float gain=0);
01300     /**
01301      * Get gain state and value directly out of camera.
01302      *
01303      * @param state Variable where the current gain state is to be 
01304      *              written.
01305      * @param gain Variable where the gain value is to be written.
01306      *
01307      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01308      */ 
01309     bool getGain(eFeatureState& state,
01310                  float& gain) const;
01312     /**
01313      * Set iris control state and register in camera directly.
01314      *
01315      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01316      * @param iris If state is manual, the value to be used.
01317      *
01318      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01319      */
01320     bool setIris(const eFeatureState state,
01321                  const float iris=0);
01323     /**
01324      * Get iris state and value directly out of camera.
01325      *
01326      * @param state Variable where the current iris state is to be 
01327      *              written.
01328      * @param iris Variable where the iris value is to be written.
01329      *
01330      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01331      */ 
01332     bool getIris(eFeatureState& state,
01333                  float& iris) const;
01335     /**
01336      * Set focus control state and register in camera directly.
01337      *
01338      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01339      * @param focus If state is manual, the value to be used.
01340      *
01341      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01342      */
01343     bool setFocus(const eFeatureState state,
01344                   const float focus=0);
01346     /**
01347      * Get focus state and value directly out of camera.
01348      *
01349      * @param state Variable where the current focus state is to be 
01350      *              written.
01351      * @param focus Variable where the focus value is to be written.
01352      *
01353      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01354      */ 
01355     bool getFocus(eFeatureState& state,
01356                   float& focus) const;
01358     /**
01359      * Set zoom control state and register in camera directly.
01360      *
01361      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01362      * @param zoom If state is manual, the value to be used.
01363      *
01364      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01365      */
01366     bool setZoom(const eFeatureState state,
01367                  const float zoom=0);
01369     /**
01370      * Get zoom state and value directly out of camera.
01371      *
01372      * @param state Variable where the current zoom state is to be 
01373      *              written.
01374      * @param zoom Variable where the zoom value is to be written.
01375      *
01376      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01377      */ 
01378     bool getZoom(eFeatureState& state,
01379                  float& zoom) const;
01381     /**
01382      * Set pan control state and register in camera directly.
01383      *
01384      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01385      * @param pan If state is manual, the value to be used.
01386      *
01387      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01388      */
01389     bool setPan(const eFeatureState state,
01390                 const float pan=0);
01392     /**
01393      * Get pan state and value directly out of camera.
01394      *
01395      * @param state Variable where the current pan state is to be 
01396      *              written.
01397      * @param pan Variable where the pan value is to be written.
01398      *
01399      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01400      */ 
01401     bool getPan(eFeatureState& state,
01402                 float& pan) const;
01404     /**
01405      * Set tilt control state and register in camera directly.
01406      *
01407      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01408      * @param tilt If state is manual, the value to be used.
01409      *
01410      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01411      */
01412     bool setTilt(const eFeatureState state,
01413                  const float tilt=0);
01415     /**
01416      * Get tilt state and value directly out of camera.
01417      *
01418      * @param state Variable where the current tilt state is to be 
01419      *              written.
01420      * @param tilt Variable where the tilt value is to be written.
01421      *
01422      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01423      */ 
01424     bool getTilt(eFeatureState& state,
01425                  float& tilt) const;
01427     //@}
01429     /**
01430      * Get current video mode directly out of camera.
01431      *
01432      * The IIDC enum value read from the camera is decoded into a
01433      * resolution and a pixel encoding value.
01434      *
01435      * \param resolution ipoint with the image resolution.
01436      * \param encoding encoding type of each pixel (YUV422, RGB, etc.)
01437      *
01438      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01439      */ 
01440     bool getVideoMode(ipoint& resolution,eColorMode& encoding) const;
01442     /**
01443      * Get current frame rate directly out of camera.
01444      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01445      */
01446     bool getFramerate(float& framerate) const;
01448     /**
01449      * Initializes the IEEE Bus and checks for available cameras.
01450      *
01451      * This method will be called automatically, when necessary.  Hence,
01452      * you do not need to worry about it.
01453      *
01454      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01455      */
01456     bool init();
01458     /**
01459      * Member function that prints informations about camera features on
01460      * stdout.
01461      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01462      */
01463     bool printFeatures() const;
01465     /**
01466      * Read the actual hardware settings of the \b active camera and leave them
01467      * into the given parameter instance.
01468      *
01469      * @param par the parameters instance on which the gained information
01470      * will be stored.
01471      *
01472      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise (for
01473      * instance, if there is no active camera to be read)
01474      */
01475     bool dumpParameters(parameters &par);
01477     /**
01478      * Copy data of "other" functor.
01479      * @param other the functor to be copied
01480      * @return a reference to this functor object
01481      */
01482     fireWireDCAM& copy(const fireWireDCAM& other);
01484     /**
01485      * Alias for copy member
01486      * @param other the functor to be copied
01487      * @return a reference to this functor object
01488      */
01489     fireWireDCAM& operator=(const fireWireDCAM& other);
01491     /**
01492      * Returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.
01493      */
01494     virtual functor* clone() const;
01496     /**
01497      * Returns used parameters
01498      */
01499     const parameters& getParameters() const;
01501     /**
01502      * \name Access to internal data structures
01503      *
01504      * The following methods can be found useful by GUI programmers who want
01505      * to ask for availability of several features in order to set-up properly
01506      * GUI elements.
01507      */
01508     //@{
01509     /**
01510      * Check if a camera has been activated for this functor.
01511      *
01512      * @return true if a camera has been successfully activated, or false
01513      * otherwise.
01514      */
01515     bool isCameraActive() const;
01517     /**
01518      * Check if the active camera supports format 7
01519      */
01520     bool hasCameraFormat7() const;
01522     /**
01523      * Check if a particular feature is available in the current active
01524      * camera.
01525      *
01526      * You have to ensure that a camera is already active (see
01527      * isCameraActive()).
01528      *
01529      * \param featureId The identification of the feature expects one of the
01530      *                  following values, defined in the libdc1394:
01531      *                  - FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS
01532      *                  - FEATURE_EXPOSURE
01533      *                  - FEATURE_SHARPNESS
01534      *                  - FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE
01535      *                  - FEATURE_HUE
01536      *                  - FEATURE_SATURATION
01537      *                  - FEATURE_GAMMA
01538      *                  - FEATURE_SHUTTER
01539      *                  - FEATURE_GAIN
01540      *                  - FEATURE_IRIS
01541      *                  - FEATURE_FOCUS
01542      *                  - FEATURE_TEMPERATURE
01543      *                  - FEATURE_TRIGGER
01544      *                  - FEATURE_TRIGGER_DELAY
01545      *                  - FEATURE_WHITE_SHADING
01546      *                  - FEATURE_FRAME_RATE
01547      *                  - FEATURE_ZOOM
01548      *                  - FEATURE_PAN
01549      *                  - FEATURE_TILT
01550      *                  - FEATURE_OPTICAL_FILTER
01551      *                  - FEATURE_CAPTURE_SIZE
01552      *                  - FEATURE_CAPTURE_QUALITY
01553      */
01554     bool isFeatureAvailable(const unsigned int featureId) const;
01556     /**
01557      * Check if a feature is available and is read-out capable.
01558      *
01559      * \param featureId identification for the feature to be queried.
01560      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01561      *                   valid values)
01562      * \return \c true if feature is read-out capable or \c false if it is not
01563      *         available at all, or if it is not readable.
01564      */
01565     bool isFeatureReadable(const unsigned int featureId) const;
01567     /**
01568      * Check for availability of feature states
01569      *
01570      * Following the IIDC 1.3x standard, a given feature (see the list of
01571      * valid identifiers in lti::fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() ) can
01572      * have one of four states:
01573      * - Off state: the feature is deactivated (some features cannot be
01574      *              deactivated).
01575      * - Auto state: the feature is automatically adjusted
01576      * - Manual state: the user controls the values a feature can get
01577      * - One-Push state: the feature is automatically adjusted but only once.
01578      *
01579      * This method asks the active camera which states are supported and
01580      * returns a bitwise combination of fireWireDCAM::eFeatureState constants.
01581      *
01582      * You have to ensure that a camera is active (see
01583      * fireWireDCAM::isCameraActive()).
01584      *
01585      * \param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01586      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01587      *                   valid values)
01588      *
01589      */
01590     unsigned int checkFeatureStates(const unsigned int featureId) const;
01592     /**
01593      * Get feature state of the camera
01594      *
01595      * @return \c true if feature state could be successfully read, or \c false
01596      *         if this was not possible (maybe the camera does not support
01597      *         the given feature at all).
01598      */
01599     bool getFeatureState(const unsigned int featureId,
01600                          eFeatureState& state) const;
01602     /**
01603      * Set feature state of the camera
01604      *
01605      * @return \c true if feature state could be successfully set, or \c false
01606      *         if this was not possible (maybe the camera does not support
01607      *         the given state for the feature.
01608      */
01609     bool setFeatureState(const unsigned int featureId,
01610                          const eFeatureState state);
01612     /**
01613      * Set control state and value of a particular feature.
01614      *
01615      * This method does not support those features that require two values,
01616      * like white balance.
01617      *
01618      * This private method does not modify the internal parameters.
01619      *
01620      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01621      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01622      *                   valid values)
01623      * @param state Camera desired state (@see eFeatureState)
01624      * @param value If state is manual, the value to be used.
01625      *
01626      * @return true if operation was successfull, false otherwise
01627      */
01628     inline bool setFeatureValue(const unsigned int featureId,
01629                                 const eFeatureState state,
01630                                 const float value=0);
01632     /**
01633      * Get control state and value of a particular feature.
01634      *
01635      * This method does not support those features that require two values,
01636      * like white balance.
01637      *
01638      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be queried.
01639      * @param state State in which the feature is being used
01640      * @param value if state is manual, the value to be used.
01641      *
01642      * @return \c true if operation was successfull, \c false otherwise (for
01643      *         example, if the feature is not supported by the camera).
01644      */
01645     inline bool getFeatureValue(const unsigned int featureId,
01646                                 eFeatureState& state,
01647                                 float& value) const;
01649     /**
01650      * Check the valid value range for a specified feature.
01651      *
01652      * You have to ensure that there is an active camera before calling this
01653      * method. (see fireWireDCAM::isCameraActive() )
01654      *
01655      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01656      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01657      *                   valid values)
01658      * @param minValue minimum value accepted for the specified feature.
01659      * @param maxValue maximum value accepted for the specified feature.
01660      *
01661      * @return \c true if successful or \c false otherwise.
01662      */
01663     bool checkFeatureValueRange(const unsigned int featureId,
01664                                 int& minValue,
01665                                 int& maxValue) const;
01666     //@}
01668   protected:
01669     /**
01670      * Returns modifieable parameters
01671      */
01672     parameters& getRWParameters();
01674     /**
01675      * For a bitwise combination of available states and a desired state,
01676      * return a valid supported state.
01677      */
01678     eFeatureState fixState(const unsigned int states,
01679                            const eFeatureState desired) const;
01681     void fixFeature(const unsigned int featureId,
01682                     float& value,
01683                     eFeatureState& state) const;
01684       /**
01685      * Analyse the given parameters instance and change its attributes to
01686      * contain values supported by the active camera.
01687      *
01688      * This method will work only if the camera of the given parameters is
01689      * connected and found.  Otherwise there will be no way to determine
01690      * which values are appropriate for the camera.
01691      */
01692     bool fixParameters(parameters& par) const;
01694     /**
01695      * Get the closest framerate of the libdc1394 set of enums to the
01696      * given framerate value coded in a float of fps.
01697      *
01698      * This method does not consider the camera supported framerates, but
01699      * the simple convertion.
01700      */
01701     unsigned int convertFramerate(const float fps) const;
01703     /**
01704      * Get the float value in fps equivalent to the framerate enum value
01705      * of the libdc1394
01706      */ 
01707     float convertFramerate(const unsigned int eFR) const;
01709     /**
01710      * Get "nearest" IIDC mode value from the given resolution and encoding.
01711      * 
01712      * As "nearest" it will be taken the resolution with the
01713      * most similar number of pixels and within that resolution, the "nearest"
01714      * encoding will be chosen (RGBs are in a group, Mono in another and YUV
01715      * in another.
01716      * 
01717      */
01718     unsigned int convertMode(const ipoint& resolution,
01719                              const eColorMode& encoding) const;
01721     /**
01722      * From the given value for format/mode after IIDC encoding, get
01723      * the equivalent resolution and pixel encoding.
01724      */
01725     void convertMode(const unsigned int value,
01726                      ipoint& resolution,
01727                      eColorMode& encoding) const;
01729     /**
01730      * For a mode of the formats 0, 1 or 2, indicate if it is a color
01731      * mode.
01732      * 
01733      * @return \c true if the mode is a color mode (RGB or YUV), or \c false
01734      *         if the mode is monochrome.
01735      */
01736     bool isModeColor(const unsigned int mode) const;
01738     /**
01739      * Compute the closest supported mode to a given IIDC valid mode.
01740      *
01741      * the approximation is done with the following priorities:
01742      *  
01743      * -# keep the mono or color attribute (unless your camera is
01744      *    monochrome, of course)
01745      * -# select the closest resolution.
01746      */
01747     unsigned int computeClosestMode(const unsigned int mode) const;
01749     /**
01750      * Compute the closest supported framerate for a given mode
01751      */
01752     float computeClosestFrameRate(const unsigned int mode,
01753                                   const float fr) const;
01755     /**
01756      * From the given value for format7/mode after IIDC encoding, get
01757      * the equivalent resolution and pixel encoding.
01758      *
01759      * This method ask only for format 7 resolutions and encodings.  For this
01760      * task it has to ask the camera for that information.
01761      *
01762      * The resolution returned will be the largest the camera supports.
01763      */
01764     void convertMode7(const unsigned int value,
01765                      ipoint& resolution,
01766                      eColorMode& encoding) const;
01768     /**
01769      * Get a functor valid code for a color space given in the libdc1394
01770      * enumeration for a Format7 color code.
01771      */
01772     eColorMode getColorCode7(const unsigned int code) const;
01774     /**
01775      * Get the corresponding format for the given resolution
01776      */
01777     unsigned int getFormat(const ipoint& resolution) const;
01780     /**
01781      * converts YUV411 to RGB
01782      */
01783     void yuv411toRGB(image& srcdest) const;
01785     /**
01786      * converts YUV422 to RGB
01787      */
01788     void yuv422toRGB(image& srcdest) const;
01790     /**
01791      * Check if a specific feature is set to "auto"
01792      *
01793      * See lti::fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of the valid
01794      * \c featureId and their meanings.
01795      *
01796      * \param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01797      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01798      *                   valid values)
01799      *
01800      * @return \c true if the feature is set to "auto" or false otherwise.
01801      */
01802     bool isFeatureAuto(const unsigned int featureId) const;
01804     /**
01805      * Set a feature to "auto"
01806      *
01807      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01808      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01809      *                   valid values)
01810      * @param on (default true) if \c true, the auto state is activated.
01811      *              If \c false, the auto state is turned off.
01812      */
01813     bool setFeatureAuto(const unsigned int featureId, 
01814                         const bool on=true) const;
01816     /**
01817      * Turn a feature on or off.
01818      *
01819      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01820      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01821      *                   valid values)
01822      * @param on if \c true the feature is turned on, if \c false then it is
01823      *           turned off
01824      *
01825      * @return \c true if feature state could be modified, of false otherwise.
01826      */
01827     bool setFeatureOn(const unsigned int featureId,
01828                       const bool on=true);
01830     /**
01831      * Turn a feature absolute state on or off
01832      *
01833      * @param featureId identification for the feature to be modified
01834      *                  (see fireWireDCAM::isFeatureAvailable() for a list of
01835      *                   valid values)
01836      * @param on if \c true the absolute mode is turned on, if \c false then 
01837      *           it is turned off
01838      *
01839      * @return \c true if feature state could be modified, of false otherwise.
01840      */
01841     bool setFeatureAbsoluteState(const unsigned int featureId,
01842                                  const bool on=true);
01844     /**
01845      * Just capture a frame through libdc1394
01846      */
01847     bool captureFrame();
01849     /**
01850      * @name Initialization methods and attributes for the library libdc1394
01851      *
01852      * The following methods are used in the initialization of the IEEE1394 bus
01853      * and cameras.  They are inspired on the code of "coriander"
01854      * (
01855      */
01856     //@{
01858     /**
01859      * IEEE 1394 Bus Information Class
01860      */
01861     class busInfo {
01862     public:
01863       /** 
01864        * Default constructor
01865        *
01866        * Initializes everything with NULL o zero
01867        */
01868       busInfo();
01870       /**
01871        * Destructor
01872        *
01873        * Takes care of deallocation
01874        */
01875       ~busInfo();
01877       /**
01878        * Array of bus handles (type declared in file libraw1394/raw1394.h).
01879        *
01880        * The number of elements in the array is given by portNum.
01881        */
01882       raw1394handle_t *handles;
01884       /**
01885        * Nodes
01886        *
01887        * Array of pointers to nodeid_t structures.  This array will
01888        * have portNum number of elements.
01889        */
01890       nodeid_t **cameraNodes;
01892       /**
01893        * Total camera number (should be the sum of all elements in the
01894        * portCameraNum array.
01895        */
01896       int cameraNum;
01898       /**
01899        * Array with the number of cameras for each port.
01900        *
01901        * The number of elements of this array is given by portNum.
01902        */
01903       int *portCameraNum;
01905       /**
01906        * Port number
01907        *
01908        * Number of ports available.  The portCameraNum and cameraNodes
01909        * attributes are arrays with this number of elements.
01910        */
01911       int portNum;
01913       /**
01914        * Flag to indicate if a camera was found.
01915        */
01916       bool cardFound;
01918       /**
01919        * Fill the structure with information about the bus, nodes and cameras
01920        */
01921       bool get();
01923       /**
01924        * Get camera nodes.
01925        *
01926        * Returns false if no card could be found (which also sets the
01927        * attribute cardFound to false
01928        */
01929       bool getNodes();
01931     protected:
01932       /**
01933        * Delete the camera nodes.
01934        *
01935        * \returns false if nothing was deleted or true otherwise.
01936        */
01937       bool deleteCameraNodes();
01939       /**
01940        * Bus reset handler
01941        *
01942        * TODO: we have to decide what is to be done when the cameras are
01943        * life plugged/unplugged!
01944        */
01945       static int busResetHandler(raw1394handle_t handle,
01946                                  unsigned int generation);
01947     };
01949     /**
01950      * Structure to hold format 7 mode information
01951      *
01952      * This structure will be replicated in an array, of which each
01953      * component will hold information about one particular format7 mode
01954      * (there are at this time only 8 available).
01955      */
01956     struct format7ModeInfo {
01957       /**
01958        * Corresponding format7 mode is available
01959        */
01960       bool present;
01962       /**
01963        * Current image size in use.
01964        */
01965       uipoint size;
01967       /**
01968        * Maximum image size.
01969        */
01970       uipoint maxSize;
01972       /**
01973        * Position of subimage in the total CCD image size.
01974        */
01975       uipoint pos;
01977       /**
01978        * Unit size
01979        */
01980       uipoint unitSize;
01982       /**
01983        * Unit position
01984        */
01985       uipoint unitPos;
01987       /**
01988        * ID number of the color coding
01989        */
01990       unsigned int colorCodingId;
01992       /**
01993        * Bitwise combination of color coding modes supported.
01994        */
01995       quadlet_t colorCoding;
01997       /**
01998        * Number of pixels
01999        */
02000       unsigned int pixnum;
02002       /**
02003        * Number of bytes per packet
02004        */
02005       unsigned int bpp; // bpp is byte_per_packet
02007       /**
02008        * Minimum number of bytes per packet
02009        */
02010       unsigned int minBpp;
02012       /**
02013        * Maximum number of bytes per packet.
02014        */
02015       unsigned int maxBpp;
02017       /**
02018        * Total number of bytes
02019        */
02020       uint64 totalBytes;
02021     };
02023     /**
02024      * Structure to hold format 7 information
02025      */
02026     struct format7Info {
02027       /**
02028        * Flag to indicate if the format7 is available at all.
02029        */
02030       bool available;
02032       /**
02033        * Array of structures representing each of the format7 modes.
02034        */
02035       format7ModeInfo mode[NUM_MODE_FORMAT7];
02036     };
02038     /**
02039      * The camera information class
02040      *
02041      * For each camera detected in the bus a set of information is extracted
02042      * which is encapsulated in objects of this type.
02043      */
02044     class cameraInfo {
02045     public:
02046       /**
02047        * Default constructor
02048        */
02049       cameraInfo();
02051       /**
02052        * Destructor
02053        */
02054       ~cameraInfo();
02056       /**
02057        * Information about the camera
02058        */
02059       dc1394_camerainfo info;
02061       /**
02062        * Set of features of the current camera
02063        */
02064       dc1394_feature_set featureSet;
02066       /**
02067        * Other information
02068        */
02069       dc1394_miscinfo miscInfo;
02071       /**
02072        * Information about format 7
02073        */
02074       format7Info format7;
02076       /**
02077        * Basic functionality of the camera
02078        *
02079        * This includes most importantly three features:
02080        * - Bit 16: camera process power ON/OFF capability
02081        * - Bit 19: one shot transmission capability
02082        * - Bit 20: multishot transmission capability
02083        */
02084       quadlet_t basics;
02086       /**
02087        * Flag to indicate if this camera is already being used by an instance
02088        */
02089       bool inUse;
02091       /**
02092        * Error string
02093        */
02094       std::string errorStr;
02096       /**
02097        * Store the modes supported.
02098        *
02099        * This information is generated when get() is called.
02100        */
02101       std::set<uint32> supportedModes;
02103       /**
02104        * Store the framerates supported for each supported mode.
02105        *
02106        * The map key is a given mode, using the IIDC value for them, and the
02107        * value for that key is a set containing the framerates supported.
02108        *
02109        * This information is generated when get() is called.
02110        */
02111       std::map<uint32,std::set<float> > supportedFramerates;
02113       /**
02114        * Get camera information from the given port and node.
02115        *
02116        * \return true if successful or false if an error occurred,
02117        *          in which case the errorStr will contain an appropriate
02118        *          message.
02119        */
02120       bool get(const int port,const nodeid_t& node);
02122     protected:
02123       /**
02124        * Get information about the format 7 capabilities
02125        */
02126       bool getFormat7Capabilities();
02128       /**
02129        * Get information on a specific format7 mode
02130        *
02131        * @param format Format code, which should lie between MODE_FORMAT7_MIN
02132        *               and MODE_FORMAT7_MAX (usually from MODE_FORMAT7_0 to
02133        *               MODE_FORMAT7_7).
02134        */
02135       bool getFormat7ModeInfo(const unsigned int format);
02137       /**
02138        * Get information on the supported modes.
02139        *
02140        * \return true if successful or false otherwise
02141        */
02142       bool getSupportedModesAndFramerates(const nodeid_t& node);
02143     };
02145     /**
02146      * Set of cameras
02147      * 
02148      * This class represents the set of all available cameras
02149      */
02150     class cameraSet {
02151     public:
02152       /**
02153        * Default constructor
02154        */
02155       cameraSet();
02157       /**
02158        * Default destructor
02159        */
02160       ~cameraSet();
02162       /**
02163        * Get the information block of the camera identified with the given
02164        * index.
02165        */
02166       const cameraInfo& operator[](const int idx) const;
02168       /**
02169        * Get the information block of the camera identified with the given
02170        * index.
02171        */
02172       cameraInfo& operator[](const int idx);
02174       /**
02175        * Return the total number of cameras found
02176        */
02177       unsigned int size() const;
02179       /**
02180        * Evaluate the given bus and create all the necessary objects to
02181        * obtain and retain the information of all available cameras.
02182        */
02183       bool get(busInfo& bus);
02185       /**
02186        * Try to find a camera within the set with the given identification.
02187        * 
02188        * @param euID64 is the identification number used by the libdc1394 
02189        * @param camIdx if the id is found, this will contain the index to
02190        *               access the camera with the given id, otherwise it
02191        *               will be set to -1.
02192        *
02193        * \returns \c true if the camera is found, or false if not.
02194        */
02195       bool findCamera(const u_int64_t& euID64,
02196                       int& camIdx) const;
02198       /**
02199        * This method finds the first available camera.
02200        */
02201       bool findFreeCamera(int& camIdx) const;
02203       /**
02204        * Mark the camera with the given index as being in use.
02205        *
02206        * Only one instance of this functor can use a particular camera at
02207        * a time.
02208        */
02209       bool reserveIndex(const int idx);
02211       /**
02212        * Mark the camera with the given index as free to be used by other
02213        * instances.
02214        *
02215        */
02216       bool releaseIndex(const int idx);
02218       /**
02219        * Error string
02220        */
02221       std::string errorStr;
02223     protected:
02224       /**
02225        * Camera array
02226        */
02227       std::vector<cameraInfo> cams_;
02229       /**
02230        * Protect the camera array
02231        */
02232       mutable mutex lock_;
02234     };
02235     //@}
02237     /**
02238      * Camera database
02239      *
02240      * Just one instance of this class is used to manage the names of
02241      * the available cameras.
02242      */
02243     class nameDB {
02244     public:
02245       /**
02246        * Default constructor 
02247        *
02248        * Does nothing
02249        */
02250       nameDB();
02252       /**
02253        * Default destructor
02254        *
02255        * Saves all new data acquired in the file indicated by the use() method.
02256        */
02257       ~nameDB();
02259       /**
02260        * Use the given file to serialize the data
02261        *
02262        * \returns \c true if the file can be successfully open and read, or
02263        * if it does not exist, if it can be successfully created.
02264        */
02265       bool use(const std::string& filename);
02267       /**
02268        * Query a camera id through a camera name.
02269        *
02270        * \returns \c true if the name could be found, in which case id will 
02271        *          contain the proper data.  \c false if the name could not
02272        *          be found.
02273        */
02274       bool query(const std::string& name,u_int64_t& id) const;
02276       /**
02277        * Add a name,id pair.
02278        *
02279        * \returns \c true if the pair could be successfully added or \c false
02280        * if there was a problem (usually, the name already existed!
02281        */
02282       bool add(const std::string& name,u_int64_t& id);
02284       /**
02285        * Delete an entry with the given name as key
02286        *
02287        * \returns \c true if the entry was removed or \c false if some problem
02288        * occured, for instance, the entry didn't exist.
02289        */
02290       bool del(const std::string& name);
02292     protected:
02293       /**
02294        * Map names to the identification numbers of cameras
02295        */
02296       std::map<std::string,u_int64_t> data_;
02298       /**
02299        * Filename in use (given by use() method)
02300        */
02301       std::string filename_;
02303       /**
02304        * Protect data
02305        */
02306       mutable mutex lock_;
02308       /**
02309        * Dump the data_ into the file with the name filename_.
02310        *
02311        * This does not lock!  Do it outside the method.
02312        *
02313        * \returns \c true if the file could be dumped or \c false if an error
02314        * occurred (like no use() called before)
02315        */
02316       bool dump();
02318       /**
02319        * Read the data_ from the file with the name \c filename.
02320        *
02321        * This does not lock!  Do it outside the method.
02322        *
02323        * \returns \c true if the file could be read or \c false if an error
02324        * occurred (like no use() called before)
02325        */
02326       bool read(const std::string& filename);
02328       /**
02329        * Convert a 64 integer into a hex chain
02330        *
02331        * Since not all compilers behave the same with 64 bit chains, we
02332        * better take charge ourselves of converting them into a chain of 16
02333        * nibbles preceded by 0x.
02334        */
02335       void hexToString(const u_int64_t& data,
02336                        std::string& str) const;
02338       /**
02339        * Convert a 16 nibble string into a u_int64_t value
02340        *
02341        * The string has to begin with "0x" and continue with a number
02342        * of less or exactly 16 hex digits
02343        */
02344       bool stringToHex(const std::string& str,
02345                        u_int64_t& data) const;
02347       /**
02348        * The file has to be read just once!
02349        *
02350        * This flag stores if it was read or not
02351        */
02352       bool init_;
02354       /**
02355        * Flag to indicate if the database has been modified since the last
02356        * read.
02357        */
02358       bool modified_;
02360     };
02363     /**
02364      * @name Hardware singletons
02365      *
02366      * The following attributes represent the IEEE 1394 bus and all
02367      * available cameras.
02368      */
02369     //@{
02370     /**
02371      * Flag set to true if the bus and camera set were already initialized or
02372      * false otherwise.
02373      */
02374     static bool hwCreated_;
02376     /**
02377      * The one and only instance for the IEEE1394 bus.
02378      */
02379     static busInfo bus_;
02381     /**
02382      * The camera set attached to the IEEE1394 bus found.
02383      */
02384     static cameraSet cams_;
02386     /**
02387      * The camera names database
02388      */
02389     static nameDB cameraNames_;
02391     /**
02392      * Initialize the hardware
02393      */
02394     bool initHardware();
02396     /**
02397      * Initialize the current camera
02398      */
02399     bool initCamera(const parameters& par);
02400     //@}
02402     /**
02403      * Store the index for cams_ of the camera represented by this instance
02404      *
02405      * If activeCamera_ is less than zero then it indicates that this functor
02406      * has not initialized its camera yet.
02407      */
02408     int activeCamera_;
02410     /**
02411      * Active camera name
02412      *
02413      * The index in activeCamera_ corresponds to the a camera with 
02414      * the name activeCameraName_, which is used to decide if setParameters
02415      * is telling this functor to change the camera being used.
02416      */
02417     std::string activeCameraName_;
02419     /**
02420      * Release the active camera.
02421      *
02422      * This allow that another instance can take control of this camera.
02423      */
02424     bool releaseCamera();
02426     /**
02427      * @name Shadow and pointers for active camera attributes
02428      *
02429      * This shadows are set in updateParameters()
02430      */
02431     //@{
02433     /**
02434      * Shadow value of current in use camera to indicate that it is capable of
02435      * oneShot capture.
02436      *
02437      * This is a shadow of cams_[activeCamera_].miscInfo.one_shot_capable;
02438      */
02439     bool oneShotCapable_;
02441     /**
02442      * FireWire handle for low level communication
02443      *
02444      * This is a pointer to cams_[activeCamera_].info.handle
02445      */
02446     const raw1394handle_t* handle_;
02448     /**
02449      * Saves what features are available.
02450      *
02451      * This is a pointer to cams_[activeCamera_].featureSet
02452      */
02453     const dc1394_feature_set* features_;
02455     /**
02456      * Shadow of the node id.
02457      *
02458      * This is a pointer to cams_[activeCamera_]
02459      */
02460     const nodeid_t* node_;
02462     /**
02463      * FireWire channel used for the camera
02464      */
02465     unsigned int busChannel_;
02467     /**
02468      * FireWire bus speed used
02469      */
02470     unsigned int busSpeed_;
02472     /**
02473      * Flag to indicate if the ISO transmision has been started
02474      */
02475     bool isoTransStarted_;
02477     //@}
02479     /**
02480      * Colormode used for conversion to rgb image 
02481      */
02482     eColorMode colorMode_;
02484     /**
02485      * Just a buffer channel8
02486      */
02487     channel8 ch8_;
02489     /**
02490      * Capture handle with the camera node, buffer etc.
02491      */
02492     dc1394_cameracapture camera_;
02494     /**
02495      * If a setup capture succeeded
02496      */
02497     bool setupCapture_;
02499     /**
02500      * merger for YUV to RGB conversion
02501      */
02502     mergeYCbCrToImage merger_;
02504     /**
02505      * demosaicing functor for Mono to RGB conversion
02506      */
02507     bayerDemosaicing bayer_;
02509     /**
02510      * @name One-Push Wait Scheduler
02511      *
02512      * The following methods provide a very basic scheduler for
02513      * check of the successful automatic adjustment of features in the
02514      * one push mode
02515      */
02516     //@{
02518     /**
02519      * Feature list in waiting process
02520      */
02521     std::set<unsigned int> waitingFeatures_;
02523     /**
02524      * Protect the queue from multiple access.
02525      */
02526     mutex onePushLock_;
02528     /**
02529      * Insert the given feature into the waiting queue.
02530      * @param featureId identification of the feature that want to wait for
02531      *                  leaving the one-push state.
02532      * @return \c true if feature could be inserted or \c false if it was
02533      *         something wrong (not supported, or a real error).
02534      */
02535     bool onePushQueueInsert(const unsigned int featureId);
02537   public:
02538     /**
02539      * Wait until all features in the waiting queue have left the queue.
02540      *
02541      * @return \c true if all features left the one-push state on a time
02542      *         less than the time-out, or false otherwise.
02543      */
02544     bool onePushWait();
02546     //@}
02547   };
02549   /**
02550    * Read function for fireWireDCAM::eFeatureState type
02551    *
02552    * @ingroup gStorable
02553    */
02554   bool read(ioHandler& handler, fireWireDCAM::eFeatureState& data);
02556   /**
02557    * Write function for fireWireDCAM::eFeatureState type
02558    *
02559    * @ingroup gStorable
02560    */
02561   bool write(ioHandler& handler, const fireWireDCAM::eFeatureState& data);
02563 }
02565 #endif
02567 #endif

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