LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010


00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
00003  * Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
00004  *
00005  * This file is part of the LTI-Computer Vision Library (LTI-Lib)
00006  *
00007  * The LTI-Lib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
00009  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00010  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * The LTI-Lib is distributed in the hope that it will be
00013  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
00015  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00018  * License along with the LTI-Lib; see the file LICENSE.  If
00019  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
00020  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00021  */
00023 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00024  * project ....: LTI Digitale Bild/Signal Verarbeitungsbibliothek
00025  * file .......: ltiEpsDraw.h
00026  * authors ....: Jochen Wickel
00027  * organization: LTI, RWTH Aachen
00028  * creation ...: 20.7.2002
00029  * revisions ..: $Id: ltiEpsDraw.h,v 1.10 2006/02/08 11:03:24 ltilib Exp $
00030  */
00031 #ifndef _LTI_EPS_DRAW_H
00032 #define _LTI_EPS_DRAW_H
00034 #ifdef _LTI_MSC_6
00035 #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
00036 #endif
00038 #include <vector>
00039 #include <string>
00040 #include <fstream>
00041 #include <list>
00042 #include <map>
00044 #include "ltiDrawBase.h"
00046 #include "ltiTypes.h"
00047 #include "ltiHTypes.h"
00048 #include "ltiCMYKColor.h"
00049 #include "ltiColors.h"
00050 #include "ltiContour.h"
00051 #include "ltiIoHandler.h"
00052 #include "ltiLocation.h"
00053 #include "ltiDataCodec.h"
00056 namespace lti {
00058   /**
00059    * Object for drawing lines and points and geometric objects
00060    * to an (E)PS file.
00061    *
00062    * Example:
00063    *
00064    * if you want to draw some rectanglees, you can create an instance of
00065    * epsDraw-object this way:
00066    *
00067    * \code
00068    * lti::epsDraw<cmykColor> drawer(std::cout);      // dump EPS to stdout
00069    *
00070    * drawer.rectangle(10,10,200,200); // draw a large rectangle
00071    * drawer.rectangle(50,50,100,150); // and a smaller one
00072    * \endcode
00073    * The natural coordinate system uses points (pt, 1pt=1/72 inch) as basic
00074    * unit. All values are specified in pt.
00075    */
00076 template<class T>
00077   class epsDraw : public drawBase<T> {
00078   public:
00081     /**
00082      * This is used for setting the vertical alignment of text.
00083      */
00084     enum vAlignType {
00085       valignBottom,    ///< reference point is the bottom line of the text
00086       valignMiddle,    ///< reference point is the middle of the text
00087       valignTop        ///< reference point is the top of the text
00088     };
00090     /**
00091      * This is used for setting the horizontal alignment of text.
00092      */
00093     enum alignType {
00094       alignLeft,       ///< reference point is at the left
00095       alignCenter,     ///< reference point is at the left
00096       alignRight       ///< reference point is at the left
00097     };
00100     /**
00101      * The encoding used for embedded bitmaps.
00102      */
00103     enum imageCoding {
00104       asciiHex,          ///< uses ASCII Hex digits (simple, but huge)
00105       ascii85,           ///< uses ASCII Hex digits (a little bit more efficient)
00106       runLength,         ///< uses runlength compression
00107 #if HAVE_LIBZ
00108       flate,             ///< uses zLib deflate compression (Postscript Level 3 only)
00109 #endif
00110       jpeg               ///< uses JPEG compression
00111     };
00115     /**
00116      * The width of an ISO A4 sheet in points (1pt = 1/72in)
00117      */
00118     static const int a4Width;
00119     /**
00120      * The height of an ISO A4 sheet in points (1pt = 1/72in)
00121      */
00122     static const int a4Height;
00124     /**
00125      * The default resolution of the PostScript interpreter
00126      */
00127     static const float defaultResolution;
00129     /**
00130      * Constructor. It gets a drawing area, the bounding box.
00131      * The stuff that is drawn is scaled to that area if
00132      * scale is true. Otherwise, it is simply clipped.
00133      */
00134     epsDraw(std::ostream &os, const point& drawingArea,
00135             bool scale=true, bool eps=true);
00137     /**
00138      * Constructor. It determines the size of the bounding box
00139      * from the stuff that is being drawn.
00140      */
00141     epsDraw(std::ostream &os, bool scale=true, bool eps=true);
00143     /**
00144      * destructor
00145      */
00146     ~epsDraw();
00148     /**
00149      * Set the title of this drawing.
00150      */
00151     void setTitle(const std::string &t) {
00152       title=t;
00153     }
00155     /**
00156      * Set the font size that is used for text. At present, only
00157      * a single font size is allowed in each EPS document.
00158      */
00159     void setFontSize(int t) {
00160       fontSize=t;
00161     }
00163     /**
00164      * get name of this type.
00165      */
00166     const char* getTypeName() const;
00168     /**
00169      * Specifies the line width. Default is 0, which is the thinnest
00170      * line an output device can generate.
00171      */
00172     void setLineWidth(float f);
00174     /**
00175      * Specifies the clipping rectangle and enables clipping.
00176      * If not called, there is no clipping.
00177      */
00178     void setClip(const trectangle<int>& rc);
00180     /**
00181      * Specifies the size of the drawing area in pt. The complete figure
00182      * is scaled and moved such that it fits tightly into a box of this size.
00183      */
00184     void setSize(const point& dim);
00186     /**
00187      * Specifies the resolution of the figure.  By default, each pixel
00188      * is considered an PostScript point (1/72 inch). By setting the,
00189      * resolution, you can enlarge or shrink the entire EPS figure.
00190      * This value can be set independently from the remaining parameters,
00191      * most notably the transform, because it only involves the
00192      * PostScript coordinate to device coordinate conversion, not the
00193      * image coordinate to PostScript coordinate conversion.
00194      */
00195     void setResolution(float r);
00197     /**
00198      * Adds a comment to the (E)PS file.
00199      */
00200     void addComment(const std::string& msg);
00202     /**
00203      * returns the size of the drawing area
00204      */
00205     point getCanvasSize();
00208     /**
00209      * Sets the transform for the coordinates. With this, you
00210      * override the default transform.
00211      */
00212     void setTransform(const tpoint<float>& offset=tpoint<float>(0.0f,0.0f),
00213                       const tpoint<float>& scale=tpoint<float>(1.0f,1.0f));
00215     /**
00216      * Specifies color to be used.
00217      */
00218     void setColor(const T& color);
00220     void setColor(const char* color);
00222     /**
00223      * Specifies grayscale level to be used (range from 0 to 1) for
00224      * the next graphics objects. If you want to specify a gray
00225      * value, you should always use this method instead of setColor
00226      * with grey RGB values. The reason for this is a PostScript
00227      * convention: Most color printers mix colors by subtractive
00228      * colors. If you specify RGB, you will get black mixed out of
00229      * the colors of the printer. If you specify the grey value by
00230      * setGray, you will get simple black ink. (An alternative
00231      * is to use setColor with cmyk values, setting cmy to zero and
00232      * k to the gray level.
00233      */
00234     void setGray(const float k);
00237     /**
00238      * Set pixel at x,y.
00239      * @param x x-coordinate of the point
00240      * @param y y-coordinate of the point
00241      */
00242     void set(const int x, const int y);
00244     /**
00245      * Set pixel at p.
00246      */
00247     void set(const point& p) {
00248         set(p.x,p.y);  }
00250     /**
00251      * Set pixels at all positions in c
00252      */
00253     void set(const pointList& c, const point& offset=point(0,0)) {
00254       drawBase<T>::set(c,offset);    }
00256      /**
00257      * Set pixel at p.  If no style is given, the color and symbol
00258      * type set by the respective methods are used, else the style
00259      * given as an argument is used.
00260      * @param p coordinates of the pixel to be set
00261      */
00262     template<class U>
00263     void set(const hPoint2D<U>& p)
00264     {set(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h);};
00266     /**
00267      * Draw a location.
00268      *
00269      * @param loc location with position, angle and radius
00270      * @param showAngleLine if true, a line from the middle point of the
00271      *        location (given by loc.position) with the angle given by
00272      *        loc.angle will be drawn.
00273      */
00274     void set(const location& loc,const bool showAngleLine = false) {
00275           drawBase<T>::set(loc,showAngleLine);
00276     }
00278     /**
00279      * Draws a rectLocation
00280      *
00281      * @param loc location with position, angle and radius
00282      * @param showAngleLine if true, a line from the middle point of the
00283      *        location (given by loc.position) with the angle given by
00284      *        loc.angle will be drawn.
00285      */
00286     void set(const rectLocation& loc,const bool showAngleLine = false) {
00287         drawBase<T>::set(loc,showAngleLine);
00288     }
00290     /**
00291      * Draws a list of locations
00292      */
00293     void set(const std::list<location>& locs,
00294              const bool showAngleLine = false) {
00295         drawBase<T>::set(locs,showAngleLine);
00296     }
00298     /**
00299      * Draw the contents of the vector using the whole image
00300      * @param vct the vector to be shown
00301      * @param forceAxis0 if true, both axis will be shown, i.e. the value 0 for
00302      *                  the vector will be always shown.  If false, only the
00303      *                  required value-range will be shown
00304      */
00305     void set(const vector<int>& vct,
00306              const bool& forceAxis0 = true);
00308     /**
00309      * Draws an image, using RGB color pixels. The image is drawn
00310      * in the coordinate space from (offset.x,offset.y) to
00311      * (offset.x+img.columns,offset.y+img.rows)
00312      */
00313     void drawImage(const image& img,
00314                    const imageCoding code=ascii85,
00315                    const point& offset=point(0,0));
00317     /**
00318      * Draws an image, using grayscale pixels. The image is drawn
00319      * in the coordinate space from (offset.x,offset.y) to
00320      * (offset.x+img.columns,offset.y+img.rows)
00321      * If blackWhite is set to true, the resulting image will be
00322      * pure black-and-white. Which pixel is black is defined by t,
00323      * all values < t whill appear white, all values > t will appear black.
00324      */
00325     inline void drawImage(const channel& img,
00326                           const imageCoding code=ascii85,
00327                           const point& offset=point(0,0),
00328                           bool blackWhite=false,
00329                           const float t=0.5) {
00330       channel8 tmp;
00331       tmp.castFrom(img);
00332       drawImage(tmp,code,offset,blackWhite,int(t*256+0.5));
00333     }
00335     /**
00336      * Draws an image, using grayscale pixels. The image is drawn
00337      * in the coordinate space from (offset.x,offset.y) to
00338      * (offset.x+img.columns,offset.y+img.rows)
00339      * If blackWhite is set to true, the resulting image will be
00340      * pure black-and-white. Which pixel is black is defined by t,
00341      * all values < t whill appear white, all values > t will appear black.
00342      */
00343     void drawImage(const channel8& img,
00344                    const imageCoding code=ascii85,
00345                    const point& offset=point(0,0),
00346                    bool blackWhite=false,
00347                    const int t=128);
00349     /**
00350      * Draws a polygon.
00351      */
00352     void polygon(const point plist[], int n, bool closed=true, bool filled=false);
00354     /**
00355      * Draw a line from the point (fx,fy) to point (tx,ty).
00356      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "line" or
00357      * "lineTo" method.
00358      */
00359     void line(const int fx, const int fy,
00360               const int tx, const int ty);
00362     /**
00363      * Draw a line from the point p to point p2.
00364      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "line" or
00365      * "lineTo" method.
00366      */
00367     void line(const point& p1,const point& p2) {
00368       line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
00369     };
00371     /**
00372      * Draw a line from the last point to (x,y).
00373      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "line" or
00374      * "lineTo" method.
00375      */
00376     void lineTo(const int x, const int y);
00378     /**
00379      * Draw a line from the last point to point p.
00380      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "line" or
00381      * "lineTo" method.
00382      */
00383     void lineTo(const point& p) {lineTo(p.x,p.y);};
00385     /**
00386      * Draws a grid in the image.
00387      * The interpretation of delta depends on the value of interval.
00388      * if interval is true, the values are taken as number of pixels
00389      * between two grid lines in x and y direction. Otherwise, it
00390      * is used as number of grid lines. For drawing, the alternate
00391      * color is used.
00392      */
00393     void grid(const point& delta, const bool interval=true);
00395     /**
00396      * Draws a vertical line from (x,y1) to (x,y2).
00397      */
00398     void verticalLine(const int x, const int y1, const int y2);
00400     void verticalLine(const point& p1, const point& p2) {
00401       verticalLine(p1.x,p1.y,p2.y);
00402     }
00404     /**
00405      * Draws a horizontal line from (x1,y) to (x2,y)
00406      */
00407     void horizontalLine(const int x1, const int x2, const int y);
00409     void horizontalLine(const point& p1, const point& p2) {
00410       horizontalLine(p1.x,p2.x,p1.y);
00411     }
00414     /**
00415      * draw a box
00416      *
00417      * \deprecated use rectangle(int, int, int, int, const bool&) instead!
00418      *
00419      */
00420     void box(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2,
00421              const bool& filled=false) {
00422       rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,filled);
00423     }
00425     /**
00426      * draw a box
00427      *
00428      * \deprecated use rectangle(rectangle&, const bool&) instead!
00429      * 
00430      * @see box(int,int,int,int,const bool&)
00431      */
00432     void box(const trectangle<int>& r, const bool& filled=false)
00433     {box(r.ul.x,r.ul.y,,,filled);}
00435     /**
00436      * draw a box
00437      *
00438      * \deprecated use rectangle(point&, point&, const bool&) instead!
00439      * 
00440      * @see box(int,int,int,int,const bool&)
00441      */
00442     void box(const point& upperLeft, const point& bottomRight,
00443              const bool& filled=false)
00444     {box(upperLeft.x,upperLeft.y,bottomRight.x,bottomRight.y,filled);}
00446     /**
00447      * draw a rectangle
00448      *
00449      * @param x1 left x-coordinate.
00450      * @param y1 upper y-coordinate.
00451      * @param x2 right x-coordinate.
00452      * @param y2 bottom y-coordinate.
00453      * @param filled if true box is filled
00454      */
00455     void rectangle(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2,
00456              const bool& filled=false);
00458     /**
00459      * draw a rectangle.
00460      * the rectangle must contain the upper left and the bottom right point
00461      * @param r rectangle to be drawn
00462      * @param filled if true rectangle is filled
00463      */
00464     void rectangle(const trectangle<int>& r, const bool& filled=false)
00465     {rectangle(r.ul.x,r.ul.y,,,filled);}
00467     /**
00468      * draw a rectangle
00469      * @param upperLeft upper left corner of the rectangle
00470      * @param bottomRight bottom right corner of the rectangle
00471      * @param filled if true rectangle is filled
00472      */
00473     void rectangle(const point& upperLeft, const point& bottomRight,
00474              const bool& filled=false)
00475     {rectangle(upperLeft.x,upperLeft.y,bottomRight.x,bottomRight.y,filled);}
00477     /**
00478      * draw a circle with circle center 'p1' and radius 'r'
00479      */
00480     void circle(const point& p1,const int r, const bool& filled=false);
00482     /**
00483      * draw a circle with circle center '(x,y)' and radius 'r'
00484      */
00485     void circle(const int x,const int y,const int r, const bool& filled=false){
00486         circle(point(x,y),r,filled);    };
00488     /**
00489      * draw an ellipse with center 'p1' and main axes 'aX' and 'aY'
00490      */
00491     void ellipse(const point& p1,const int aX, const int aY,
00492                  const bool& filled=false);
00494     /**
00495      * draw an ellipse with center 'p1' and main axes 'aX' and 'aY'
00496      * @see ellipse()
00497      * @param p1 center of the ellipse
00498      * @param aX length of the main axis
00499      * @param aY length of the secondary axis
00500      * @param angle between the main axis and the horizontal axis
00501      * @param filled indicates if the ellipse should be draw filled or not
00502      */
00503     void ellipse(const point& p1,const int aX, const int aY,
00504                  const float& angle, const bool& filled=false);
00506     /**
00507      * draw an arc from 'pA' to 'pB', clockwise around center 'p1'.
00508      */
00509     void arc(const point& p1, const point& pA, const point& pB);
00511     /**
00512      * draw an integer <code>num</code> at position 'p1'. The alignment
00513      * is left/bottom.
00514      * @see text()
00515      * @param num the number to be written
00516      * @param p1 the position where the number will be drawn
00517      */
00518     void number(const int num,
00519                 const point& p1 = point(0,0));
00521     /**
00522      * draw an integer <code>num</code> at position 'x'/'y'.
00523      * @see text()
00524      */
00525     void number(const int num,
00526                 const int x,
00527                 const int y);
00529     /**
00530      * Draw the given text at the position <code>upperleft</code>.
00531      * @param txt the output text
00532      * @param pos the position where the text will be written
00533      * @param a the alignType of the horizonal alignment.
00534      * @param b the vAlignType of the vertical alignment.
00535      */
00536     void text(const std::string txt,
00537               const point& pos = point(0,0),
00538               const alignType a=alignLeft,
00539               const vAlignType b=valignTop) {
00540       text(txt,pos.x,pos.y,a,b);
00541     }
00543     /**
00544      * Draw the given text at the position <code>upperleft</code>.
00545      * @param txt the output text
00546      * @param x the x coordinate in the image where the text will be
00547      *                written
00548      * @param y the y coordinate in the image where the text will be
00549      *                written
00550      * @param a the alignType of the horizonal alignment.
00551      * @param b the vAlignType of the vertical alignment.
00552      */
00553     void text(const std::string txt,
00554               const int x, const int y,
00555               const alignType a,
00556               const vAlignType b);
00559     /**
00560      * Draw the given text at the position <code>upperleft</code>.
00561      * @param txt the output text
00562      * @param x the x coordinate in the image where the text will be
00563      *                written
00564      * @param y the y coordinate in the image where the text will be
00565      *                written
00566      */
00567     void text(const std::string txt,
00568               const int x, const int y) {
00569         text(txt,x,y,alignLeft,valignTop);
00570     }
00572     /**
00573      * draw an arrow. arrow tip will be at (tx,ty).
00574      * If size<1.0 then tipsize will be the relative portion of arrow length.
00575      * If size>1.0 then tipsize will be (int)size, independent of arrow length.
00576      */
00577     void arrow(const int fx, const int fy,
00578                const int tx, const int ty,
00579                const float& size=0.2f);
00582     void arrow(const point& p1,const point& p2,const float& size=0.2f){
00583       arrow(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y,size);
00584     };
00586     /**
00587      * Closes this object. At this time, all Postscript objects are
00588      * written to the output stream.
00589      */
00590     void close();
00592     /**
00593      * Sets the pattern for drawing lines. All subsequent lines
00594      * will be drawn in the given pattern. The default is the
00595      * continuous line.
00596      * @param pat pattern for drawing lines.
00597      */
00598     virtual void setLinePattern(const linePattern& pat);
00600     /**
00601      * Sets the pattern for filling areas. All subsequenly filled
00602      * areas will be filled with the given pattern. The default
00603      * pattern is a homogenouos fill.
00604      * @param pat pattern for filling areas.
00605      */
00606     virtual void setFillPattern(const fillPattern& pat);
00609   protected:
00610     /**
00611      * Returns the name of the given line pattern.
00612      * This name can be used as
00613      * PostScript command to switch to the given pattern. The method
00614      * will ensure that the PS header contains the required command
00615      * definition.
00616      */
00617     const std::string& getLinePatName(const linePattern& c);
00619     /**
00620      * Returns the name of the given fill pattern.
00621      * This name can be used as
00622      * PostScript command to switch to the given pattern. The method
00623      * will ensure that the PS header contains the required command
00624      * definition.
00625      */
00626     const std::string& getFillPatName(const fillPattern& c);
00628     /**
00629      * Returns the name of the color c. This name can be used as
00630      * PostScript command to switch to the given color. The method
00631      * will ensure that the PS header contains the required command
00632      * definition.
00633      */
00634     const std::string& getColorName(const rgbColor& c);
00637     /**
00638      * Returns the name of the color c. This name can be used as
00639      * PostScript command to switch to the given color. The method
00640      * will ensure that the PS header contains the required command
00641      * definition.
00642      */
00643     const std::string& getColorName(const cmykColor& c);
00646     /**
00647      * draws the actual symbol at the actual position actX,actY
00648      */
00649     void drawSymbol(const int x,const int y);
00651     void drawSymbol(const int x, const int y,const int width,
00652                     const typename drawBase<T>::eMarkerType t);
00654     void drawSymbol(const int x, const int y,const int width,const char* pT);
00656   protected:
00658     /**
00659      * this is a list of strings that contain the postscript command
00660      * sequence for a graphical object
00661      */
00662     std::list<std::string> objects;
00664     /**
00665      * this is a map from colors to the corresponding postscript command.
00666      */
00667     std::map<rgbColor,std::string> rgbColorNames;
00669     /**
00670      * this is a map from colors to the corresponding postscript command.
00671      */
00672     std::map<cmykColor,std::string> cmykColorNames;
00674     /**
00675      * A map for storing line pattern definitions.
00676      */
00677     std::map<linePattern, std::string, graphicsPattern::less> linePatternNames;
00679     /**
00680      * A map for storing fill pattern definitions.
00681      */
00682     std::map<fillPattern, std::string, graphicsPattern::less> fillPatternNames;
00684     // the number of colors
00685     int colorCount;
00687     // the number of fill patterns
00688     int fillpatCount;
00690     // the number of line patterns
00691     int linepatCount;
00693     // two temporary buffers that are used in the methods
00694     std::string tmp;
00695     char numBuffer[256];
00697     // the number of graphical objects
00698     int objCount;
00700     // the clipping rectangle, which is used only if doClip==true
00701     trectangle<int> clipRect;
00702     bool doClip;
00704     // this is not the EPS bounding box, but the
00705     // bounding box of the stuff that has been drawn.
00706     // the EPS bounding box is always set to that which has been
00707     // set to the drawing area
00708     trectangle<int> bbox;
00710     // the size of the drawing area in pt
00711     point dimension;
00713     // the coordinate transform from user coordinates to pt
00714     float xScale,yScale, xOffset, yOffset;
00715     bool autoScale;
00717     // flag denoting if we want an EPS file or a printable page.
00718     bool isEps;
00719     // the output stream
00720     std::ostream& out;
00721     // the currently active color
00722     std::string currentColor;
00724     // the currently active line pattern
00725     std::string currentlpat;
00727     // the currently active fill pattern
00728     std::string currentfpat;
00730     // the title of the figure
00731     std::string title;
00732     // the global font size
00733     int fontSize;
00735     // the resolution in dots per point (dots per 1/72 inch)
00736     // this value is used at two points: 1. the computation of the
00737     // bounding box and 2. for computing the final scale variables
00738     float resolution;
00740     // contains the names of the postscript command
00741     static const char* alignCmd[3][3];
00743     // internal stuff
00745     // expands the bounding box to include the given point, if necessary
00746     void adjustBoundingBox(int x, int y);
00748     // expands the bounding box to include the given point, if necessary
00749     inline void adjustBoundingBox(const point& p) {
00750       adjustBoundingBox(p.x,p.y);
00751     }
00753     // expands the bounding box to include the given points, if necessary
00754     inline void adjustBoundingBox(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
00755       adjustBoundingBox(x1,y1);
00756       adjustBoundingBox(x2,y2);
00757     }
00759     // expands the bounding box to include the given points, if necessary
00760     inline void adjustBoundingBox(const point& p1, const point& p2) {
00761       adjustBoundingBox(p1);
00762       adjustBoundingBox(p2);
00763     }
00765     // sets a new active point, initializes the given string
00766     void moveTo(std::string& tmp, int x, int y, bool init=true);
00767     // appends a line segment to the path in tmp
00768     void lineTo(std::string& tmp, int x, int y);
00769     // appends a line segment to the path in tmp
00770     void rlineTo(std::string& tmp, int x, int y);
00771     // sets a new active point, initializes the given string
00772     void moveTo(std::string& tmp, float x, float y, bool init=true);
00773     // appends a line segment to the path in tmp
00774     void lineTo(std::string& tmp, float x, float y);
00775     // appends a line segment to the path in tmp
00776     void rlineTo(std::string& tmp, float x, float y);
00777     // closes the path in tmp
00778     void closePath(std::string& tmp);
00780     // adds a command
00781     inline void addCmd(const std::string& x) {
00782       objects.push_back(x);
00783     }
00785     // strokes the path in x
00786     inline void stroke(const std::string& x) {
00787       objects.push_back(x+" s");
00788     }
00790     // fills the path in x
00791     inline void fill(const std::string& x) {
00792       objects.push_back(x+" f");
00793     }
00795     // returns the bounding box in a format as in the PS header
00796     std::string getBoundingBox();
00798     // dumps the PS header
00799     void writeHeader();
00801     // dumps the prolog
00802     void writeProlog();
00804     // dumps the color definitions
00805     void writeColorDefinitions();
00807     // dumps the color definitions
00808     void writePatternDefinitions();
00810     // computes the transform from user coordinates to pt
00811     void makeTransform();
00813     // writes the EPS setup
00814     void writeSetup();
00816     // writes the EPS trailer
00817     void writeTrailer();
00819     // writes the graphical objects
00820     void writeObjects();
00822     // issues a PS comment
00823     inline void cmt(const std::string& x) {
00824       out << "% " << x << std::endl;
00825     }
00827     // issues a PS command
00828     inline void cmd(const std::string& x) {
00829       out << x << std::endl;
00830     }
00832     // issues a PS command with a gsave/grestore wrapper
00833     inline void unsafecmd(const std::string& x) {
00834       out << "gsave\n" << x << std::endl << "grestore\n";
00835     }
00837     // inserts a dsc comment
00838     inline void dsc(const std::string& x) {
00839       out << "%%" << x << std::endl;
00840     }
00842     // inserts a dsc comment with argument
00843     inline void dsc(const std::string& x, const std::string& arg) {
00844       out << "%%" << x << ": " << arg << std::endl;
00845     }
00847     // binds and defines a command
00848     inline void bdef(const std::string& name, const std::string& def) {
00849       cmd("/"+name+" { "+def+" } bd");
00850     }
00852     // loads and defines a command
00853     inline void ldef(const std::string& name, const std::string& def) {
00854       cmd("/"+name+" /"+def+" ld");
00855     }
00857     // makes a definition
00858     inline void def(const std::string& name, const std::string& def) {
00859       cmd("/"+name+" "+def+" def");
00860     }
00862     bool addImageCommand(bool color, int width, int height,
00863                          imageCoding comp, const point& offset,
00864                          const dataCodec::buffer& src,
00865                          const bool blackWhite=false);
00867   };
00868 }
00870 //#include "ltiEpsDraw_template.h"
00872 #endif

Generated on Sat Apr 10 15:25:25 2010 for LTI-Lib by Doxygen 1.6.1