LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters Class Reference

the parameters for the class sonyEviD100P More...

#include <ltiSonyEviD100P.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ePollerType
enum  eWhiteBalanceType
enum  eIrisType
enum  ePictureEffectType
enum  eDigitalEffectType

Public Member Functions

 parameters ()
 parameters (const parameters &other)
 ~parameters ()
const char * getTypeName () const
parameterscopy (const parameters &other)
parametersoperator= (const parameters &other)
virtual functor::parametersclone () const
virtual bool write (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true) const
virtual bool read (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true)

Public Attributes

ePollerType poller
bool pollLens
bool pollPanTilt
int waitForInit
float panSpeed
float tiltSpeed
eWhiteBalanceType whiteBalanceMode
bool autoIris
eIrisType iris
bool enableBrightness
int brightness
int exposureCompensation
bool enableBackLightCompensation
int aperture
ePictureEffectType pictureEffect
eDigitalEffectType digitalEffect
int digitalEffectLevel
bool highAutoFocusSensitivity
float focusNearLimit
int focusSpeed
bool digitalZoom
int zoomSpeed

Static Public Attributes

static const float minPanSpeed
static const float maxPanSpeed
static const float minTiltSpeed
static const float maxTiltSpeed
static const int maxBrightness
static const int minExposureCompensation
static const int maxExposureCompensation
static const int maxAperture
static const int maxStillLevel
static const int maxFlashLevel
static const int maxLumiLevel
static const int maxTrailLevel
static const int minFocusSpeed
static const int maxFocusSpeed
static const float maxOpticalZoom
static const float minZoomSpeed
static const float maxZoomSpeed

Detailed Description

the parameters for the class sonyEviD100P

CAVEAUTS: Continuous movement to the newest pan tilt position only works in absolute mode. When moving in relative coordinates it is hard to figure out, where the camera is moving too, i.e. which command is executed. This restriction only applies if a new pan-tilt-command is issued before the old pan-tilt-command is completed.

Member Enumeration Documentation

The sony allows some digital effects, which are executed via the field memory.

Still: moving image on still image, Flash: Continuous still image, Lumi: Moving images on a binaried still image, Trail: Afterimage lag of moving subject, None: no digital effect.

the possible iris openings.

The sony allows several picture effects: Pastel (gradient in the first band and UV in the second and third), NegArt (negative/positive reversal), Sepia, Monochrome, Solarize (simple mean shift algorithm), Mosaic (coarse resolution), Slim (vertical stretch), Stretch (horizontal stretch), and Color.

The possible poll-modes: Manual (the user is responsible for polling the device).

Further modes could be added, e.g. asynchronous polling, where the class splits off a seperate poll-thread which updates its internal buffers a regular basis, or a synchronous behavior, where each command blocks till its success.

the white balance modes supported by the sony Evi D100: auto tracing (3000 - 7500K), extended auto tracing (2000 - 10000 K), indoor (3200 K), outdor (5800 K), triggering one push and manual.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::parameters (  ) 

default constructor

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::parameters ( const parameters other  ) 

copy constructor

other the parameters object to be copied

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::~parameters (  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

Member Function Documentation

virtual functor::parameters* lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

parameters& lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::copy ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

const char* lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

returns name of this type

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

parameters& lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::operator= ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

virtual bool lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::read ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) [virtual]

read the parameters from the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

virtual bool lti::sonyEviD100P::parameters::write ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) const [virtual]

write the parameters in the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from lti::camera::parameters.

Member Data Documentation

Aperture controll is a function which adjusts the enhancement of edges of objects in the picture.

Ranges from 0 (no enhancement) to 15. Default: 5.

If true the iris will be set automatically, otherwise manual controll is enabled.

Default: true.

The brightness level ranging from 0 to 23.

Default: 6

the digital effect, see above.

Default: None.

Digital effect level: 0 to 24 (flash, trail) and 0 t0 32 (still, lumi).

Default: 0.

Enable or disable the digital zoom.

If the background is too bright or too dark when shooting in automatic exposure mode, backlight compensation will make the subject appear clearer.

If true backlight compensation is enabled.

If true, both gain and iris are adjusted using an internal algorithm, according to a brighness level set by the user.

The brightness mode is considered a special combined automatic iris and white balance mode. Thus the parameters autoWhiteBalance and autoIris must be true. Otherwise this flag has no effect. Default: false.

Value of the exposure compensation.

Exposure compensation is a function which offsets the internal reference brightness level by steps of 1.5 dB. Default: 0

the focus near limit in meter.

Default: 0.

the focus speed.

Default: max. speed

If true the auto focus has a high sensitiviy, otherwise the sensitivity is low.

Default: 0.

the desired iris setting if in manual mode.

Default: F11.

the maximum aperture enhancement, i.e.


the maximum brightness level, i.e.


the maximum exposure compensation, i.e.


The maximum level of the flash effect;.

the maximum focus speed, i.e.


The maximum level of the lumi effect;.

the maximum optical zoom, i.e.


the maximum pan speed, i.e.

300 degrees/s

The maximum level of the still effect;.

the maximum tilt speed, i.e.

125 degrees/s

The maximum level of the trail effect;.

the maximum zoom speed, i.e.


the minimum exposure compensation, i.e.


the mininum focus speed, i.e.


the minimum pan speed, i.e.

2 degrees/s

the minimum tilt speed, i.e.

2 degrees/s

the minimum zoom speed, i.e.


The pan speed with which the pan Tilt unit shall move in degrees/s.

Default: max. speed.

the picture effect, see above.

Default: Color.

the type of requested polling behavior.

Turn on/off polling for lens values.

This slows down the pan/tilt position rate. If true lens system inquiries will be send. Default: false.

Poll for pan tilt positions.

Whether this slows down the lens system is not tested yet. If true pan tilt inquiries will be send. Default: true.

The tilt speed with which the pan tilt unit shall move in degrees/s.

Default: max. speed.

the time in ms which the constructor waits for feedback from the device.

If this time intervall is too short, the feedback will be received later by the method processMessages(). Commands sent to the camera might return an error, though, due to missing initialization information. Default: 200 ms.

a specialisation of auto or manual white balance.

Thereby Auto, ExtendedAuto, Indoor and Outdoor are considered as automatic modes, i.e the autoWhiteBalance parameter is true. Whereas OnePush and Manual require the autoWhiteBalance to be false. On conflicts between the two parameters the boolean autoWhiteBalance has higher priority, and the whiteBalanceMode will be changed to Auto or Manual respectively. Default: Auto.

the speed of the zoom.

Default: max. speed

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