LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010

lti::directedPerceptionPTU Class Reference

This class performs handling of the pan-tilt unit PTU-D46-17 from the manufactor DirectedPerception. More...

#include <ltiDirectedPerceptionPTU.h>

Inheritance diagram for lti::directedPerceptionPTU:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lti::directedPerceptionPTU:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  parameters
 The parameters for the class DirectedPerceptionPTU. More...

Public Member Functions

 directedPerceptionPTU ()
 directedPerceptionPTU (const parameters &par)
 directedPerceptionPTU (const directedPerceptionPTU &other)
virtual ~directedPerceptionPTU ()
virtual const char * getTypeName () const
directedPerceptionPTUcopy (const directedPerceptionPTU &other)
directedPerceptionPTUoperator= (const directedPerceptionPTU &other)
virtual functorclone () const
const parametersgetParameters () const
bool initialize ()
bool setAngleFormat (parameters::eAngleFormatType anAngleFormat)
bool setExecMode (parameters::eExecModes anExecMode)
bool setPosMode (parameters::ePosModes anPosMode)
bool reset ()
bool stopPanTilt ()
bool stopPan ()
bool setPanTilt (float pan, float tilt)
bool setPan (float pan)
bool setTilt (float tilt)
bool getPanTilt (float &pan, float &tilt) const
float getPan () const
float getTilt () const
bool getCurrentPanTilt (float &pan, float &tilt)
float getCurrentPan ()
float getCurrentTilt ()
bool setAutoscan (float panPos1, float panPos2)
bool setAutoscan (float panPos1, float panPos2, float tiltPos1, float tiltPos2)
bool setAutoscan ()
bool stopAutoscan ()
bool setPanSpeed (float panSpeed)
bool setTiltSpeed (float tiltSpeed)
float getMaxPanSpeed ()
float getMinPanSpeed ()
float getMaxTiltSpeed ()
float getMinTiltSpeed ()
bool setPanAcceleration (float panAcc)
bool setTiltAcceleration (float tiltAcc)
float getMaxPanAcceleration ()
float getMinPanAcceleration ()
float getMaxTiltAcceleration ()
float getMinTiltAcceleration ()
bool isPTUidle ()
bool awaitPosCommandCompletion ()
bool updatePanTilt ()

Protected Member Functions

parametersgetWritableParameters ()
int convertValueToPTUnits (float position)
void emptySerialBuffer ()

Detailed Description

This class performs handling of the pan-tilt unit PTU-D46-17 from the manufactor DirectedPerception.

Base data (taken from the specifications)

Pan range

-159 degrees

+159 degrees

Tilt Range

-47 degrees

+31 degrees

Max unloaded speed

300 degrees/second


3.086' = 0.051428 degrees/position

Before you start sending any commands, the pan-tilt unit (PTU) has to be initialized. This happens by using directedPerceptionPTU::initialize(). If this method has not been successfully executed, all methods working on the PTU will not do and return a false with an adequate report in the status string. The routine tests the communication between the serial port and the PTU, sets pan/tilt position to 0,0, acceleration and speed to default values. They should deal with the most mounted loads.

Execution modes
As you can see from the corresponding methods, the pan-tilt unit provides two execution functions: slaved and immidiate. The standard mode is immidiate. In immidiate mode, position commands are excuted at once, when they have been sent to the unit. In slaved mode, position commands are not executed before an await command was send. That means in fact not before directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion() is applied. This realizes that pan and tilt movement act more or less synchronously. An adequate example in angle format degrees might be:

 lti::directedPerceptionPTU ptu;

If you give more than one pan and tilt combination only the last one will be applied, because the earlier ones are overwritten immediately.

Speeds and Accelerations
Note that minimum/maximum pan and tilt speeds/accelerations are more less experimental. So some speed and acceleration combinations could not be legal. As in speed and acceleration setting it is not checked, whether the pan-tilt unit took over the changes correctly, it could happen, that a setting function returns true, although the PTU rejected the given values. If you have the feeling that some settings were not applied, try values, which have a larger distance to the max. or min. borders. In most cases this will not occur, since it is not necessary to set extreme speed and acceleration values for common applications. Also the max/min speeds and accelerations are already limited.
If you like to experiment with the pan-tilt unit to test it, use a terminal programm (e.g. minicom under linux) to set up communication between the pc and the device. Work with 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. The instructions can be taken from the manual which you can find under

Relative positions
As announced in some methods, relative positioning provides the danger of huge divergences between the real and the internal positions. This can occur, if a big amount of relative position commands are set after each other very fast, without a sufficent break between them. Then the internal positions are faster updated, than the the pan-tilt could execute the commands. What happens, is the following: E.g. the PTU gets the command to pan relatively with a few degrees. Before that is finished, the next command arrives and tells to pan again relatively with some degrees. Now the position of the new command does not calculate from where the first would end in a few seconds, but from where it is currently located. Thus, errors accumulate over time. That results in an decreasing driving interval . This could be avoided, if a long enoug sleep command is applied between position setting or working with the await and isIdle methods as shown in the example. If a not wanted difference has been recognized the internal values could be updated with the real ones by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt(). Be aware that the values can only be updated, if directedPerceptionPTU::isPTUidle() returns true. Otherwise the positions can not be read from the unit.

Determining an idle pan-tilt unit
The method directedPerceptionPTU::isPTUidle() provides to check the PTU working condition. Each time, when a method is called, which directly sends commands to the pan-tilt unit, an instruction counter is increased. For every command which is successfully applied the unit sends an asterix '*' and for each failed command a '!'. The method reads out the serial buffer and decreases the instruction counter with the number of '*' and '!' it has read. So, if all commands have been worked out, the instruction counter is back to zero and the method returns true. Otherwise, if the instruction counters value is greater than zero, it returns false.
Note that in immidiate execution mode an asterix is already returned from the pan-tilt unit, if the desired position can be driven, but has not started moving yet. That means, that directedPerceptionPTU::isPTUidle() returns also true, if the last position command is still being executed. You can avoid this by subsequently calling directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion(). Then the idle method only returns true, when the pan-tilt unit has finished its move.

Here is a short example code for using the pan-tilt unit.

 #include "ltiDirectedPerceptionPTU.h"
 #include <iostream>
 int main(void) {
   lti::directedPerceptionPTU ptu;
   ptu.initialize();                                      // Test the connection and make first settings
   ptu.setAngleFormat(lti::panTiltUnit::parameters::Degrees); // Set angle format to degrees
   ptu.setPan(90.f);                                          // Set Pan to 90
   ptu.awaitPosCommandCompletion();                           // Do not accept commands till ptu is in position  
   while ( !ptu.isPTuIdle() ) {                               // Wait until position is reached
     // do nothing
   cout << "Internal position: " << ptu.getPan() << endl;
   cout << "Real     position: " << ptu.getCurrentPan() << endl;
   // Now this will cause a huge difference between real and internal position
   // Try to drive back to zero position in 5 degrees steps and relative positioning.
   for ( int i=0; i<90; i=i+5 ) {

   ptu.awaitPosCommandCompletion();         // Do not accept commands till ptu is in position  
   while ( !ptu.isPTuIdle() ) {             // Wait until position is reached
     // do nothing
   // Print positions
   cout << "Internal position: " << ptu.getPan() << endl;
   cout << "Real     position: " << ptu.getCurrentPan() << endl;
   cout << "Difference       : " << ptu.getCurrentPan()-ptu.getPan() << " " << endl;
   ptu.updatePanTilt();                                  // Update internal parameters
   cout << "Updated parameters:" << endl;
   cout << "Internal position: " << ptu.getPan() << endl;
   cout << "Real     position: " << ptu.getCurrentPan() << endl;
   cout << "Difference       : " << ptu.getCurrentPan()-ptu.getPan() << " " << endl;
   // Drive to starting position

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lti::directedPerceptionPTU::directedPerceptionPTU (  ) 

Default constructor.

lti::directedPerceptionPTU::directedPerceptionPTU ( const parameters par  ) 

Construct a functor using the given parameters.

lti::directedPerceptionPTU::directedPerceptionPTU ( const directedPerceptionPTU other  ) 

Copy constructor.

other the object to be copied
virtual lti::directedPerceptionPTU::~directedPerceptionPTU (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion (  ) 

Await the last position command to be completed.

The pan-tilt unit is instructed to wait executing further commands until the last position command is completed. This means till the given pan and tilt positions are physically reached.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
virtual functor* lti::directedPerceptionPTU::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

int lti::directedPerceptionPTU::convertValueToPTUnits ( float  position  )  [protected]

Converts a given pan or tilt position into the internal PTU-format depending on the position mode.

the given position in the internal format as integer.
directedPerceptionPTU& lti::directedPerceptionPTU::copy ( const directedPerceptionPTU other  ) 

Copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::panTiltUnit.

void lti::directedPerceptionPTU::emptySerialBuffer (  )  [protected]

Useful method, which simply reads out the serial buffer until it is empty to ensure, that nothing is in it before starting work on the buffer.

float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getCurrentPan (  ) 

Reads out physically occuring pan axis position from the pan-tilt unit and store it in the given reference parameter.

Depending on the current angle format the value contains the absolute position in degrees or radiants. It is always in absolute position, independent from position mode. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt(). This method uses the directedPerceptionPTU::isIdlePTU() to determine, if the unit is still performig commands. If so, the positions can not be read out.

true if the position could be read correctly from the pan-tilt unit. False, if read command could not be send, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or if the pan-tilt unit is not idle cause it's still peforming more than one position command. This is reported inthe statusString.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getCurrentPanTilt ( float &  pan,
float &  tilt 

Reads out physically occuring pan and tilt axis positions from the pan-tilt unit and stores them in the given reference parameters.

Depending on the current angle format the values contain the absolute positions in degrees or radiants. They are always in absolute positions, independent from position mode. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt(). This method uses the directedPerceptionPTU::isIdlePTU() to determine, if the unit is still performing commands. If so, the positions can not be read out.

true if positions could be read correctly from the pan-tilt unit. False, if read command could not be send, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or if the pan-tilt unit is not idle cause it's still peforming more than one position command.
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getCurrentTilt (  ) 

Reads out physically occuring tilt axis position from the pan-tilt unit and store it in the given reference parameter.

Depending on the current angle format the value contains the absolute position in degrees or radiants. It is always in absolute position, independent from position mode. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt(). This method uses the directedPerceptionPTU::isIdlePTU() to determine, if the unit is still performig commands. If so, the positions can not be read out.

true if the position could be read correctly from the pan-tilt unit. False, if read command could not be send, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or if the pan-tilt unit is not idle cause it's still peforming more than one position command. This is reported in the status string.
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMaxPanAcceleration (  ) 

Gets maximum pan acceleration in the desired angle format.

the maximum pan speed in radiants or degrees per second^2
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMaxPanSpeed (  ) 

Gets maximum pan speed in the desired angle format.

the maximum pan speed in radiants or degrees per second
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMaxTiltAcceleration (  ) 

Gets maximum tilt acceleration in the desired angle format.

the maximum tilt acceleration speed in radiants or degrees per second^2
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMaxTiltSpeed (  ) 

Gets maximum tilt speed in the desired angle format.

the maximum tilt speed in radiants or degrees per second
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMinPanAcceleration (  ) 

Gets minimum pan acceleration in the desired angle format.

the minimum pan acceleration speed in radiants or degrees per second^2
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMinPanSpeed (  ) 

Gets minimum pan speed in the desired angle format.

the minimum pan speed in radiants or degrees per second
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMinTiltAcceleration (  ) 

Gets minimum tilt acceleration in the desired angle format.

the minimum tilt acceleration speed in radiants or degrees per second^2
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getMinTiltSpeed (  ) 

Gets minimum tilt speed in the desired angle format.

the minimum tilt speed in radiants or degrees per second
float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getPan (  )  const [virtual]

Get internal pan position.

Depending on the current angle format the value is returned in radiants or degrees. They are always in absolute positions, independent from position mode. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt().

true in every case

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getPanTilt ( float &  pan,
float &  tilt 
) const [virtual]

Get internal pan and tilt positions.

Depending on the current angle format the values are stored in the given reference parameters in radiants or degrees. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt().

true in every case

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

const parameters& lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getParameters (  )  const

Returns used parameters.

Reimplemented from lti::panTiltUnit.

float lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getTilt (  )  const [virtual]

Get internal tilt position.

Depending on the current angle format the value is returned in radiants or degrees. It is always in absolute position, independent from position mode. Note that the internal pan and tilt positions could differ very much from the physical ones, if you apply a large amount of relative position commands shortly after each other. You can update the internal values by using directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt().

true in every case

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

virtual const char* lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getTypeName (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the name of this type ("DirectedPerceptionPTU").

Reimplemented from lti::panTiltUnit.

parameters& lti::directedPerceptionPTU::getWritableParameters (  )  [protected]
a not-constant reference on a parameter object, which can be used to manipulate the parameter variable. This is necessary as the functor concept can not be strictly kept in. Cause this would restrict the functionality of the class very much.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::initialize (  ) 

Tests connection to pan-tilt unit and sets initial speeds, acceleration and position.

true if a communication could be established. False, if serial port could not be accessed or timeout occured.

Reimplemented from lti::object.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::isPTUidle (  ) 

Determine whether the pan-tilt unit is still performing commands.

That means, that at the moment at maximum one command is executed, which is not a position command followed by an await instruction.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured, the PTU was unproperly initialized, or the unit is not idle. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
directedPerceptionPTU& lti::directedPerceptionPTU::operator= ( const directedPerceptionPTU other  ) 

Alias for copy member.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

Reimplemented from lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::reset (  )  [virtual]

Reset the pan-tilt unit.

Forces the pan-tilt unit to drive through its pan and tilt axis to determine min/max positions. After that pan-tilt position 0,0 is applied.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setAngleFormat ( parameters::eAngleFormatType  anAngleFormat  ) 

Sets angle format to degrees or radiants.

false, if an error occured, otherwise true. Standard angle format is in radiants.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setAutoscan (  ) 

Enables autoscan with the last applied autoscan parameters .

In autoscan or monitor mode the pan-tilt unit keeps moving between the given pan and/or tilt positions until another position command or directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan() is applied. Through this method the unit is instructed to move between pan and tilt positions given, when executing autoscan the last time. If it was not enabled before the pan-tilt unit starts moving between max and min pan positions in current pan speed and acceleration. Autoscan is only available in absolute positions. Please, make sure you stop autoscan with directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan(). This is saver than by applying further position commands. If the given values are not within maximum and minimum pan/tilt range, max/min positions are applied.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or the pan/tilt positions were given in relative values. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setAutoscan ( float  panPos1,
float  panPos2,
float  tiltPos1,
float  tiltPos2 

Enables autoscan in pan and tilt direction.

In autoscan or monitor mode the pan-tilt unit keeps moving between the given pan and/or tilt positions until another position command or directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan() is applied. Through this method the unit is instructed to move between panPos1 and panPos2 and between tiltPos1 and tilt Pos2 with current pan/tilt speeds/accelerations. Autoscan is only available in absolute positions. Please, make sure you stop autoscan with directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan(). This is saver than by applying further position commands. If the given values are not within maximum and minimum pan/tilt range, max/min positions are applied.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or the pan/tilt positions were given in relative values. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setAutoscan ( float  panPos1,
float  panPos2 

Enables autoscan in pan direction.

In autoscan or monitor mode the pan-tilt unit keeps moving between the given pan and/or tilt positions until another position command or directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan() is applied. Through this method the unit is instructed to move between panPos1 and panPos2 with the current pan speed and pan acceleration. Autoscan is only available in absolute positions. Please, make sure you stop autoscan with directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan(). This is saver than by applying further position commands. If the given values are not within maximum and minimum pan range, max/min positions are applied.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured, unproper initialization of the PTU or the pan positions were given in relative values. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setExecMode ( parameters::eExecModes  anExecMode  ) 

Sets command execution mode to immidiate or slaved.

false, if an error occured, otherwise true. In immidiate mode pan-tilt unit is instructed to execute positional commands at once. In slaved mode position commands are only executed, when method directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion() is applied. Standard format is immidiate
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setPan ( float  pan  )  [virtual]

Set desired pan position.

If the given pan position, which could be set in radiants or degrees, is within minimum/maximum range the pan-tilt unit will drive there. If the value is out of range, max or min position is applied. This will be commented in the status string. Depending on posMode the position can be set in absolute or relative angle parameters. Notise, that pan-tilt position commands in the slaved execution mode are only applied, when the directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion() method is called after setting pan-tilt. If you give more than one pan-tilt combination in slaved mode before calling await method, only the last will be executed.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setPanAcceleration ( float  panAcc  ) 

Sets the pan acceleration to the desired value panAcc, which can be given in radiants or degrees.

It is always interpreted as absolute setting, independent from position mode. If it is between allowed minimum and maximum pan acceleration, the change is dircetly taken over. If the value is out of range max respectively min pan acceleration is applied. This case is indicated by setting the status string.

false , if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setPanSpeed ( float  panSpeed  ) 

Sets the pan speed to the desired value panSpeed, which can be given in radiants or degrees.

It is always interpreted as absolute setting, independent from position mode. If it is between allowed minimum and maximum speed, the change is dircetly taken over. If the value is out of range max respectively min speed is applied. This case is indicated by setting the status string.

false , if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setPanTilt ( float  pan,
float  tilt 
) [virtual]

Set desired pan-tilt position.

If the given pan and tilt positions, which could be set in radiants or degrees, are within minimum/maximum range the pan-tilt unit will drive there. If the values are out of range, max or min positions are applied. This will be commented in the status string. Depending on posMode the position can be set in absolute or relative angle parameters. Notise, that pan-tilt position commands in the slaved execution mode are only applied, when the directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion() method is called after setting pan-tilt. If you give more than one pan-tilt combination in slaved mode before calling await method, only the last will be executed.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setPosMode ( parameters::ePosModes  anPosMode  ) 

Sets position mode to absolute or relative.

false, if an error occured, otherwise true. In absolute mode the pan-tilt-unit drives directly to the desired positions. In relative mode position commands are executed concerning the actual axis position. The offset is then an angle distance between current and desired position. Standard position mode is absolute.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setTilt ( float  tilt  )  [virtual]

Set desired tilt position If the given tilt position, which could be set in radiants or degrees, is within minimum/maximum range the pan-tilt unit will drive there.

If the value is out of range, max or min position is applied. This will be commented in the status string. Depending on posMode the position can be set in absolute or relative angle parameters. Notise, that pan-tilt position commands in the slaved execution mode are only applied, when the directedPerceptionPTU::awaitPosCommandCompletion() method is called after setting pan-tilt. If you give more than one pan-tilt combination in slaved mode before calling await method, only the last will be executed.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setTiltAcceleration ( float  tiltAcc  ) 

Sets the tilt acceleration to the desired value panAcc, which can be given in radiants or degrees.

It is always interpreted as absolute setting, independent from position mode. If it is between allowed minimum and maximum acceleration, the change is dircetly taken over. If the value is out of range max respectively min tilt acceleration is applied. This case is indicated by setting the status string.

false , if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::setTiltSpeed ( float  tiltSpeed  ) 

Sets the tilt speed to the desired value panSpeed, which can be given in radiants or degrees.

It is always interpreted as absolute setting, independent from position mode. If it is between allowed minimum and maximum speed, the change is dircetly taken over. If the value is out of range max respectively min tilt speed is applied. This case is indicated by setting the status string.

false , if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::stopAutoscan (  ) 

Stops autoscan and forces the pan-tilt unit to drive to starting position ( Pan, Tilt ) = ( 0, 0 ).

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the PTU was unproperly initialized. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::stopPan (  ) 

Stop pan movement.

The pan-tilt unit freezes at its current pan position.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.
bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::stopPanTilt (  )  [virtual]

Stop all movement of the pan-tilt unit.

The pan-tilt unit freezes at its current pan and tilt position.

false if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured or the pan-tilt unit was not initialized properly. Otherwise true.

Implements lti::panTiltUnit.

bool lti::directedPerceptionPTU::updatePanTilt (  ) 

Reads out the current pan and tilt positions from the PTU and overrides the internal values.

The method uses directedPTU::getCurrentPanTilt() to get the physically positions.
Note that the update can only be performed, if the pan-tilt unit is idle. That means, that at the moment at maximum one command is executed, which is not a position command followed by an await instruction.

false, if serial port could not be accessed, timeout occured, the PTU was unproperly initialized, or the unit is not idle. This is reported in status string. Otherwise the method returns true.

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