LTI-Lib latest version v1.9 - last update 10 Apr 2010


00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
00003  * Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
00004  *
00005  * This file is part of the LTI-Computer Vision Library (LTI-Lib)
00006  *
00007  * The LTI-Lib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
00009  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00010  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * The LTI-Lib is distributed in the hope that it will be
00013  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
00015  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  *
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00018  * License along with the LTI-Lib; see the file LICENSE.  If
00019  * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
00020  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00021  */
00024 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
00025  * project ....: LTI-Lib: Image Processing and Computer Vision Library
00026  * file .......: ltiDrawBase.h
00027  * authors ....: Jens Paustenbach
00028  * organization: LTI, RWTH Aachen
00029  * creation ...: 19.11.2002
00030  * revisions ..: $Id: ltiDrawBase.h,v 1.9 2006/02/07 18:47:41 ltilib Exp $
00031  */
00033 #ifndef _LTI_DRAW_BASE_H_
00034 #define _LTI_DRAW_BASE_H_
00036 #include "ltiObject.h"
00037 #include "ltiStatus.h"
00038 #include "ltiTypes.h"
00039 #include "ltiHTypes.h"
00040 #include "ltiImage.h"
00041 #include "ltiContour.h"
00042 #include "ltiIoHandler.h"
00043 #include "ltiLocation.h"
00044 #include "ltiLinearKernels.h"
00045 #include "ltiGraphicsPattern.h"
00048 namespace lti {
00050   /**
00051    *  Abstract parent class for draw and epsDraw.
00052    *  This class provides all methods that are implemented in ltiDraw and
00053    *  ltiEpsDraw. It makes a base class availabel with all generall drawing
00054    *  methods. Some special methods, are not implemented in this base class.
00055    *  The class is aiming at providing a base class, so that, according to
00056    *  the given parameter, a picture is drawn or an eps file written. <br>
00057    */
00058 template<class T>
00059   class drawBase : public object, public status {
00060   public:
00062     /**
00063      * Specifies different types of marker which can be defined for
00064      * the marker-method.
00065      *
00066      * @see setMarkerType, setStyle
00067      */
00068     enum eMarkerType {
00069       Pixel = 0,     /**< Pixel          ('.') */
00070       Circle,        /**< Circle         ('o') */
00071       Xmark,         /**< Xmark          ('x') */
00072       Plus,          /**< Plus           ('+') */
00073       Star,          /**< Star           ('*') */
00074       Square,        /**< Square         ('s') */
00075       Diamond,       /**< Diamond        ('d') */
00076       TriangleUp,    /**< Triangle up    ('^') */
00077       TriangleDown,  /**< Triangle down  ('v') */
00078       TriangleLeft,  /**< Triangle left  ('<') */
00079       TriangleRight, /**< Triangle right ('>') */
00080       Dot,           /**< Dot            ('#') */
00081       LtiLogo        /**< LTI-Logo*/
00082     };
00084     /**
00085      * default constructor
00086      */
00087     drawBase();
00090     /**
00091      * copy constructor
00092      * @param other the object to be copied
00093      */
00094     drawBase(const drawBase& other);
00096     /**
00097      * destructor
00098      */
00099     virtual ~drawBase();
00101     /**
00102      * copy data of "other" functor.
00103      * @param other the functor to be copied
00104      * @return a reference to this functor object
00105      */
00106     drawBase& copy(const drawBase& other);
00109     /**
00110      * returns the name of this type ("drawBase")
00111      */
00112     virtual const char* getTypeName() const;
00115     /**
00116      * Specifies grayscale level to be used (range from 0 to 1) for
00117      * the next graphics objects.
00118      */
00119     virtual void setGray(const float k)=0;
00122     /**
00123      * Specifies the size for the next markers.
00124      * Default is 5 in draw and 2 in epsDraw
00125      */
00126     virtual void setMarkerSize(const int size);
00128     /**
00129      * Specifies color to be used.
00130      */
00131     virtual void setColor(const char* color)=0;
00133     /**
00134      * Specifies color to be used.
00135      */
00136     virtual void setColor(const T& color)=0;
00138     /**
00139      * Sets the style used for drawing points. This includes the color and
00140      * the symbols for the %point
00141      * @see point(const int, const int, const char*)
00142      *
00143      * The string characterizing consists of two parts: the first
00144      * definining color and the second defining the symbol. These are
00145      * as close to the MATLAB(TM) attributes as possible. If one of the
00146      * parts is missing, the corresponding value remains unchanged.
00147      *
00148      * <table>
00149      * <tr>
00150      * <th>Colors</th> <th width="10%" > <br></th> <th>Symbols</th>
00151      * </tr>
00152      * <tr> <td>
00153      * <table>
00154      * <tr><td>y</td><td>yellow</td></tr>
00155      * <tr><td>m</td><td>magenta</td></tr>
00156      * <tr><td>c</td><td>cyan</td></tr>
00157      * <tr><td>r</td><td>red</td></tr>
00158      * <tr><td>g</td><td>green</td></tr>
00159      * <tr><td>b</td><td>blue</td></tr>
00160      * <tr><td>w</td><td>white</td></tr>
00161      * <tr><td>k</td><td>black</td></tr>
00162      * </table>
00163      * </td> <td> <br> </td>
00164      * <td>
00165      * <table>
00166      * <tr><td>.</td><td>point/pixel</td></tr>
00167      * <tr><td>o</td><td>circle</td></tr>
00168      * <tr><td>x</td><td>x-mark</td></tr>
00169      * <tr><td>+</td><td>plus</td></tr>
00170      * <tr><td>*</td><td>star</td></tr>
00171      * <tr><td>s</td><td>square</td></tr>
00172      * <tr><td>d</td><td>diamond</td></tr>
00173      * <tr><td>^</td><td>triangle (up)</td></tr>
00174      * <tr><td>v</td><td>triangle (down)</td></tr>
00175      * <tr><td><</td><td>triangle (left)</td></tr>
00176      * <tr><td>></td><td>triangle (right)</td></tr>
00177      * <tr><td>#</td><td>dot</td></tr>
00178      * </table>
00179      * </td></tr>
00180      * </table>
00181      *
00182      * In addition all colors except for black can be darkened by a
00183      * number between 0 and 9 following the color letter. The default
00184      * is 0. The higher the number, the darker the color. Also the
00185      * closed symbols are available in a filled version. This is
00186      * activated by an 'f' following the symbol specifier.
00187      *
00188      * Colors only work properly if the canvas used is of type image,
00189      * ie using rgbPixel as template type. Otherwise, gray-levels are
00190      * used instead of the colors. Here, 'c', 'm', and 'y' result in
00191      * the same gray-level as do 'r', 'g' and 'b'. For better
00192      * predictability use white with different factors for getting
00193      * gray-levels.
00194      *
00195      * A change of the color using setColor(const char*) or
00196      * setColor(const T&) does not affect the type of symbol being
00197      * used.
00198      */
00199     virtual void setStyle(const char* style);
00201     /**
00202      * Specifies the marker type to be used for points
00203      */
00204     virtual void setMarkerType(const eMarkerType m);
00207     /**
00208      * Sets the pattern for drawing lines. All subsequent lines
00209      * will be drawn in the given pattern. The default is the
00210      * continuous line.
00211      * @param pat pattern for drawing lines.
00212      */
00213     virtual void setLinePattern(const linePattern& pat);
00215     /**
00216      * Sets the pattern for filling areas. All subsequenly filled
00217      * areas will be filled with the given pattern. The default
00218      * pattern is a homogenouos fill.
00219      * @param pat pattern for filling areas.
00220      */
00221     virtual void setFillPattern(const fillPattern& pat);
00223     /**
00224      * returns the size of the drawing area.
00225      */
00226     virtual point getCanvasSize()=0;
00228     /**
00229      * sets a single pixel at point (x,y)
00230      * In epsDraw this pixel is a small square.
00231      */
00232     virtual void set(const int x,const int y)=0;
00234     /**
00235      * sets a single pixel at p
00236      */
00237     virtual void set(const point& p) {
00238         set(p.x,p.y);
00239     };
00241     /**
00242      * sets a single pixel at p
00243      */
00244     template<class U>
00245     void set(const hPoint2D<U>& p)
00246     {set(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h);};
00248     /**
00249      * sets pixels at all points in c, moved by the given offset
00250      */
00251     virtual void set(const pointList& c, const point& offset=point(0,0));
00253     /**
00254      * draw a location.
00255      *
00256      * @param loc location with position, angle and radius
00257      * @param showAngleLine if true, a line from the middle point of the
00258      *        location (given by loc.position) with the angle given by
00259      *        loc.angle will be drawn.
00260      */
00261     virtual void set(const location& loc,const bool showAngleLine = false);
00263     /**
00264      * draw a rectLocation
00265      *
00266      * @param loc location with position, angle and radius
00267      * @param showAngleLine if true, a line from the middle point of the
00268      *        location (given by loc.position) with the angle given by
00269      *        loc.angle will be drawn.
00270      */
00271     virtual void set(const rectLocation& loc,const bool showAngleLine = false);
00273     /**
00274      * draws a list of locations
00275      */
00276     virtual void set(const std::list<location>& locs,
00277              const bool showAngleLine = false);
00280     /**
00281      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00282      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00283      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00284      * @param x the x coordinate
00285      * @param y the y coordinate
00286      */
00287    virtual void marker(const int x,const int y) {
00288         marker(x,y,actSize,actSymbol);    };
00290     /**
00291      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00292      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00293      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00294      * @param x the x coordinate
00295      * @param y the y coordinate
00296      * @param width the size of the marker symbol
00297      */
00298     virtual void marker(const int x,const int y,const int width) {
00299         marker(x, y, width, actSymbol);    };
00301     /**
00302      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00303      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00304      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00305      * @param x the x coordinate
00306      * @param y the y coordinate
00307      * @param style the style of the marker symbol.
00308      */
00309     virtual void marker(const int x,const int y,const char* style) {
00310         marker(x,y,actSize,style);    };
00312     /**
00313      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00314      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00315      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00316      * @param x the x coordinate
00317      * @param y the y coordinate
00318      * @param t the type of the marker
00319      */
00320     virtual void marker(const int x,const int y,const eMarkerType t) {
00321         marker(x,y,actSize,t);    };
00323     /**
00324      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00325      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00326      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00327      * @param x the x coordinate
00328      * @param y the y coordinate
00329      * @param w the size of the marker symbol
00330      * @param style the style of the marker symbol.
00331      */
00332     virtual void marker(const int x,const int y,const int w,const char* style){
00333         drawSymbol(x,y,w,style);  };
00335     /**
00336      * Set marker at point (x,y).
00337      * If there is no style, markerType or width is given, the value
00338      * set by the setStyle or setWidth is used.
00339      * @param x the x coordinate
00340      * @param y the y coordinate
00341      * @param w the size of the marker symbol
00342      * @param t the type of the marker
00343      */
00344     virtual void marker(const int x,const int y,const int w, eMarkerType t)
00345        {drawSymbol(x,y,w,t);};
00347     /**
00348      * Set marker at p.
00349      * @see marker(int,int)
00350      */
00351     virtual void marker(const point& p) {
00352         marker(p.x,p.y,actSize,actSymbol);    };
00354     /**
00355      * Set marker at p with given width.
00356      * @see marker(int,int)
00357      */
00358     virtual void marker(const point& p,const int width) {
00359         marker(p.x, p.y, width, actSymbol);    };
00361     /**
00362      * Set marker at p with given style
00363      * @see marker(int,int)
00364      */
00365     virtual void marker(const point& p, char* style) {
00366         marker(p.x,p.y,actSize,style);    };
00368     /**
00369      * Set given marker type at p.
00370      * @see marker(int,int)
00371      */
00372     virtual void marker(const point& p, eMarkerType t) {
00373         marker(p.x,p.y,actSize,t);    };
00375     /**
00376      * Set given marker type at p with given width.
00377      * @see marker(int,int)
00378      */
00379     virtual void marker(const point& p, int width, eMarkerType t) {
00380         marker(p.x,p.y,width,t);    };
00382     /**
00383      * Set marker at p with given width and style.
00384      * @see marker(int,int)
00385      */
00386     virtual void marker(const point& p, int width, char* style) {
00387         marker(p.x,p.y,width,style);    };
00389     /**
00390      * Set marker at p.
00391      * @param p coordinates of the pixel to be set
00392      * @see marker(int,int)
00393      */
00394     template <class U>
00395     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p) {
00396       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,actSize,actSymbol);    };
00398     /**
00399      * Set marker at p width given width.
00400      * @see marker(int,int)
00401      */
00402     template <class U>
00403     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p, const int width) {
00404       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,width,actSymbol);    };
00406     /**
00407      * Set given marker type at p.
00408      * @see marker(int,int)
00409      */
00410     template <class U>
00411     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p, const eMarkerType t) {
00412       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,actSize,t);    };
00414     /**
00415      * Set marker at p width given style.
00416      * @see marker(int,int,char*)
00417      */
00418     template <class U>
00419     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p, const char* style) {
00420       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,actSize,style);    };
00422     /**
00423      * Set given marker type at p with given width.
00424      * @see marker(int,int)
00425      */
00426     template <class U>
00427     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p, const int width, const eMarkerType t) {
00428       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,width,t);    };
00430     /**
00431      * Set marker at p with given width and style.
00432      * @see marker(int,int)
00433      */
00434     template <class U>
00435     void marker(const hPoint2D<U>& p, const int width, const char* style) {
00436       marker(p.x/p.h,p.y/p.h,width,style);    };
00439     /**
00440      * Sets markers at all positions in c,moved by offset.
00441      * @see marker(int,int)
00442      */
00444     virtual void marker(const pointList& c,const point& offset=point(0,0)) {
00445         marker(c,actSize,actSymbol,offset); };
00447     /**
00448      * Sets markers at all positions in c,moved by offset, with given width.
00449      * @see marker(int,int)
00450      */
00451     virtual void marker(const pointList& c, int width,
00452                         const point& offset=point(0,0)) {
00453         marker(c,width,actSymbol,offset);    };
00455     /**
00456      * Sets markers at all positions in c,moved by offset, with given style.
00457      * @see marker(int,int)
00458      */
00459     virtual void marker(const pointList& c, char* style,
00460                         const point& offset=point(0,0)) {
00461         marker(c,actSize,style,offset);    };
00463     /**
00464      * Sets given marker types at all positions in c,moved by offset.
00465      * @see marker(int,int)
00466      */
00467     virtual void marker(const pointList& c, eMarkerType t,
00468                         const point& offset=point(0,0)) {
00469         marker(c,actSize,t,offset);    };
00471     /**
00472      * Sets markers at all positions in the c, moved by offset, with given
00473      * width and style.
00474      * @see marker(int,int)
00475      */
00476     virtual void marker(const pointList& c, int width, char* style,
00477                         const point& offset=point(0,0));
00479     /**
00480      * Sets given marker types at all positions in the c, moved by offset,
00481      * with given width.
00482      * @see marker(int,int)
00483      */
00484     virtual void marker(const pointList& c, int width, eMarkerType t,
00485                         const point& offset=point(0,0));
00487     /**
00488      * Draws a line from the point (fx,fy) to point (tx,ty).
00489      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "line" or
00490      * "lineTo" method.
00491      */
00492     virtual void line(const int fx, const int fy,
00493                       const int tx, const int ty)=0;
00496     /**
00497      * Draws a line from the point p to point p2.
00498      * @see line(int,int,int,int)
00499      */
00500     virtual void line(const point& p1,const point& p2) {
00501       line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
00502     }
00504     /**
00505      * Draws a line from the last point to point (x,y).
00506      * The "last point" will be defined with the last "set", "point", "line" or
00507      * "lineTo" method.
00508      */
00509     virtual void lineTo(const int x,const int y)=0;
00511     /**
00512      * Draw a line from the last point to point p.
00513      * @see lineTo(int,int)
00514      */
00515     virtual void lineTo(const point& p) {
00516       lineTo(p.x,p.y);
00517     }
00519     /**
00520      * Draws a vertical line from (x,y1) to (x,y2).
00521      */
00522     virtual void verticalLine(const int x, const int y1, const int y2)=0;
00524     /**
00525      * Draws a horizontal line from (x1,y) to (x2,y).
00526      */
00527     virtual void horizontalLine(const int x1, const int x2, const int y)=0;
00529     /**
00530      * Draws a vertical line from (p1.x,p1.y) to (p1.x,p2.y).
00531      */
00532     virtual void verticalLine(const point& p1, const point& p2) {
00533         verticalLine(p1.x,p1.y,p2.y);
00534     }
00536     /**
00537      * Draws a horizontal line from (p1.x,p1.y) to (p2.x,p1.y).
00538      */
00539     virtual void horizontalLine(const point& p1, const point& p2) {
00540         horizontalLine(p1.x,p2.x,p1.y);
00541     }
00543     /**
00544      * Draw a line from the point p with the length "length" and the
00545      * angle "angle".  The angles should be a value between -2Pi and
00546      * 2Pi in radian.  */
00547     virtual void polarLine(const point& p,const float& length,
00548                            const float& angle);
00550     /**
00551      * Draws a grid in the image.
00552      * The interpretation of delta depends on the value of interval.
00553      * if interval is true, the values are taken as number of pixels
00554      * between two grid lines in x and y direction. Otherwise, it
00555      * is used as number of grid lines.
00556      * This method is actually not implemented in epsDraw !!!
00557      */
00558     virtual void grid(const point& delta, const bool interval)=0;
00560     /**
00561      * draw a box.
00562      *
00563      * \deprecated use rectangle(int, int, int, int, const bool) instead!
00564      *
00565      * @param x1 left x-coordinate.
00566      * @param y1 upper y-coordinate.
00567      * @param x2 right x-coordinate.
00568      * @param y2 bottom y-coordinate.
00569      * @param filled if true box is filled
00570      */
00571     virtual void box(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2,
00572                      const bool& filled=false) {
00573       rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,filled);
00574     }
00576     /**
00577      * draws a box.
00578      *
00579      * \deprecated use rectangle(point&, point&, const bool) instead!
00580      * 
00581      * @see box(int,int,int,int,const bool)
00582      */
00583     virtual void box(const point& upperLeft, const point& bottomRight,
00584                      const bool& filled=false) {
00585      box(upperLeft.x,upperLeft.y,bottomRight.x,bottomRight.y,filled);
00586    }
00588     /**
00589      * draw a box.
00590      * the rectangle must contain the upper left and the bottom right point
00591      *
00592      * \deprecated use rectangle(rectangle&, const bool) instead!
00593      * 
00594      * @see box(int,int,int,int,const bool)
00595      */
00596     virtual void box(const trectangle<int>& r, const bool& filled=false) {
00597       box(r.ul.x,r.ul.y,,,filled);
00598     }
00600     /**
00601      * draw a rectangle.
00602      * @param x1 left x-coordinate.
00603      * @param y1 upper y-coordinate.
00604      * @param x2 right x-coordinate.
00605      * @param y2 bottom y-coordinate.
00606      * @param filled if true rectangle is filled
00607      */
00608     virtual void rectangle(const int x1, const int y1, 
00609                            const int x2, const int y2,
00610                            const bool& filled=false)=0;
00612     /**
00613      * draws a rectangle.
00614      * @param upperLeft upper left corner of the rectangle
00615      * @param bottomRight bottom right corner of the rectangle
00616      * @param filled if true rectangle is filled
00617      */
00618     virtual void rectangle(const point& upperLeft, const point& bottomRight,
00619                      const bool& filled=false) {
00620       rectangle(upperLeft.x,upperLeft.y,bottomRight.x,bottomRight.y,filled);
00621    }
00623     /**
00624      * draw a rectangle.
00625      * the rectangle must contain the upper left and the bottom right point
00626      * @param r rectangle to be drawn
00627      * @param filled if true rectangle is filled
00628      */
00629     virtual void rectangle(const trectangle<int>& r, 
00630                            const bool& filled=false) {
00631       rectangle(r.ul.x,r.ul.y,,,filled);
00632     }
00634     /**
00635      * draw a circle with circle center 'p1' and radius 'r'
00636      * @param p1 center of the circle
00637      * @param r radius of the circle
00638      * @param filled if true circle is filled
00639      */
00640     virtual void circle(const point& p1,const int r, 
00641                         const bool& filled=false)=0;
00644     /**
00645      * draw an ellipse with center 'p1' and main axes 'aX' and 'aY'
00646      */
00647     virtual void ellipse(const point& p1,const int aX, const int aY,
00648                  const bool& filled=false)=0;
00650     /**
00651      * Draw an ellipse with center 'p1' and main axes 'aX' and 'aY'.
00652      * The ellipse is turned by the given angle.
00653      * @param p1 center of ellipse
00654      * @param aX radius of ellipse in the first main direction
00655      * @param aY radius of ellipse in the second main direction
00656      * @param angle angle between first main direction and x axis. Must be
00657      *         given in radians (rad=deg/180*Pi).
00658      * @param filled if true, the ellipse is filled
00659      */
00660     virtual void ellipse(const point& p1,const int aX, const int aY,
00661                  const float& angle, const bool& filled=false)=0;
00663     /**
00664      * draw an arc from 'pA' to 'pB', clockwise around center 'p1'.
00665      */
00666     virtual void arc(const point& p1, const point& pA, const point& pB)=0;
00669     /**
00670      * draw an arrow. arrow tip will be at (tx,ty).
00671      * If size<1.0 then tipsize will be the relative portion of arrow length.
00672      * If size>1.0 then tipsize will be (int)size, independent of arrow length.
00673      */
00674     virtual void arrow(const int fx, const int fy,
00675                const int tx, const int ty,
00676                const float& size=0.2f)=0;
00678     /**
00679      * draw an arrow. arrow tip will be at p2.
00680      * If size<1.0 then tipsize will be the relative portion of arrow length.
00681      * If size>1.0 then tipsize will be (int)size, independent of arrow length.
00682      */
00683     virtual void arrow(const point& p1,const point& p2,const float& size=0.2f){
00684       arrow(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y,size);
00685     };
00687     /**
00688      * Draw the given text at the position x,y.
00689      * According to the typ of the subclass the position and the lenght of
00690      * the drawn text could differ
00691      * @param txt the output text
00692      * @param x the x coordinate in the image where the text will be
00693      *                written
00694      * @param y the y coordinate in the image where the text will be
00695      *                written
00696      */
00697     virtual void text(const std::string txt,const int x, const int y)=0;
00699     /**
00700      * Draw the given text at the position p=(x,y).
00701      * @see test(std::string,int,int)
00702      */
00703     virtual void text(const std::string txt,const point& p) {
00704         text(txt,p.x,p.y);};
00706     /**
00707      * draw an integer <code>num</code> at position 'x'/'y'.
00708      * According to the typ of the subclass the position and the lenght of
00709      * the drawn text could differ
00710      * @param num the number to be written
00711      * @param x the column where the number will be drawn
00712      * @param y the row where the number will be drawn
00713      */
00714     virtual void number(const int num, const int x, const int y)=0;
00716     /**
00717      * draw an integer <code>num</code> at position p='x'/'y'.
00718      * @see number(int,int,int)
00719      */
00720     virtual void number(const int num,const point& p) {
00721         number(num,p.x,p.y);};
00724   protected:
00726     /**
00727      * actual (last used) position X
00728      */
00729     int actX;
00731     /**
00732      * actual (last used) position Y
00733      */
00734     int actY;
00736     /**
00737      * the actual symbol that is used for markers
00738      */
00739     eMarkerType actSymbol;
00741     /**
00742      * the actual size that is used for markers
00743      * for epsDraw the default is 1 and for draw the default is 5
00744      * because the elements are much smaller and with a size smaller than 5
00745      * they are indistinguishable.
00746      */
00747     int actSize;
00749     /**
00750      * If true symbols are filled where possible.
00751      */
00752     bool filled;
00754     /**
00755      * The pattern for drawing lines.
00756      */
00757     linePattern linepat;
00759     /**
00760      * The pattern for filling areas.
00761      */
00762     fillPattern fillpat;
00764     /**
00765      * Flag telling the drawing methods to use the pattern.
00766      */
00767     bool useLinePattern;
00769     /**
00770      * Flag telling the drawing methods to use the pattern.
00771      */
00772     bool useFillPattern;
00774   private:
00775     /**
00776      * Abstract drawing methods for markers. This methods are needed by the
00777      * marker methods
00778      */
00779     virtual void drawSymbol(const int x,const int y,const int w,const char* style)=0;
00780     /**
00781      * Abstract drawing methods for markers. This methods are needed by the
00782      * marker methods
00783      */
00784     virtual void drawSymbol(const int x,const int y,const int w,const eMarkerType t)=0;
00787   };
00789 }
00791 #endif

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